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It’s bound to happen; someone will disrespect you at some point. They will say something that is hurtful or rude and you might be so filled with so much anger that you explode.

This is what we don’t want. Often the rudeness will come from someone who you know.

How do you handle it when it is something like that happens… and repeatedly? How do you deal with the anger you feel by what this person did or said?

I will say learning how to parent yourself is the healthiest thing you will ever learn to do for yourself. It will give you the basics of how to start taking responsibility for your own self and not trying to make other people responsible for soothing you or making you feel better.

It will also help you get rid of the notion that they are going to stop. Should they? Absolutely! Will they, probably not.

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Disrespectful people don't care how you feel. They are nuts.


Some people really don't give a damn what they did and how you felt.


A lot of anger and fustration comes from trying to explain how you feel to someone who doesnt care.


The problem with trying to teach a narcissist "how you would like to be treated" is that they just take that information and use it against you instead of actually changing the way they are to you. They will continue to do things that you said you don't like because you gave them info on what makes you upset or what you don't like. Narcissist will just use that information to further trigger you. This is what I've learned at least, you can't talk to a narcissist about these things cause its just used against you later.


If the person is really toxic, they won't allow you to set boundaries.


When someone is showing you disrespect and pushing those buttons that trigger you, stay calm. Stay calm, slow your words down, reply to the point. Practise, practise, practise. This is the art of assertiveness and of effective communication.


I'm tired to heard that when someone disrespect you it's not about you it's about them and their own personal issues. Everybody has issues, me too, but I don't throw them unto other people, I'm carefull and conscious that it's not their fault . And I will like the same tolerance and understanding towards me, from others who have issues too. But many people are selfish and expect you to give them all your best, while they give you their crumbs, and I'm tired of that, beside it, if somebody doesn't treat me well over and over, and I'm always forgiving them and being understanding, what happens is that I'm reinforcing their behavior. We have to be honest, confront toxic people, and dont allow anybody to disrespect us. It's important to set boundaries, specially with those who cross them constantly.


We would love to have a video about the different types of disrespect!!Thank you!!


I just recently started hanging out with a lady who I had a lot of common interests with, however, there was a few red 🚩 flags, but I kept them in mind to see if the red flags would turn into “hurricanes.”

Needless to say disrespect came up, I confronted her about the disrespect and told her in a calm, cool, and collected manner, “I don’t appreciate this one behaviour.” She didn’t apologize and gave poor excuses.

I told her the behaviour was a friendship deal breaker, I wished her well, blocked her from all social media and couldn’t be happier.

The relationship was new, and as they say, believe what people are showing you.

My time is precious and I don’t allow rude, disrespectful people in my circle ⭕️. 😊


When you explain yourself you are building a relationship. Some people are not worth that effort.


The ONLY way to handle disrespect is Silence. They don't CARE how you feel.


I recently fell out with a work colleague. I returned to work and didn't engage in her conversations. I remained in my own energy and felt better not interacting. She likes interacting and talking a lot and she m has anxiety issues. I learnt a lot as I'm compassionate and empathetic that I need to protect myself and not be a punching bag for someone else's problem's.


Disrespect is a huge trigger for me! I’m trying to control my reaction to it, especially with strangers.


The Response I use which always works is "Are you having a Bad Day?"
And the answer is "NO WHY WOULD YOU ASK THAT?"
Dont Ever take it personally they usually have a Problem with everyone


Most of the time I ignore ignorance! I know how to say goodbye without saying a word. I've learned not to miss ignorant ppl who enjoy trying to hurt me or take offense to my words. If they come to me with an apology I'll accept it, but if they continue to be a butt I'll kick them completely out of my life!!!


Careful the disrespect isn't some form of manipulation.

Getting so upset that you fall right into a trap is something many passive aggressives are actually after.

The first person who acts out in anger is the first person that has run out of ideas.

Never let them see that.


Reasonable, mature and intelligent people like you should not have to explain herself to another. Rampant narcissism is getting worse in society. Really tired of people blaming themselves or thinking that make a difference with people nowadays. Again, what you say works for Reasonable, mature, and intelligent people like you and a some there. Most people do not care at all if they hurt someone.


Diving into what HURTS you, is what heals you


Yes please, a video on the different types of disrespect :) Love your channel! It's been so helpful to me.


I'm so bad at doing the part of talking with them about it, I'm so conflict avoidant! I often don't say anything, but find myself shutting off from them inside. I've noticed that the words that upset me most often trigger off my own deep insecurities about myself, and then I go down a road of attacking myself. So what I'm doing to myself is probably worse than what the other person said to start with.
