How to WAKE UP EARLIER (Without Feeling MISERABLE!!) | Morning Routine Tips

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Want to wake up earlier without feeling tired or miserable? Here are 10 tips for waking up early that changed my life! I tried waking up at 5 am for 30 days as part of a morning routine challenge with my friend Ariel from @ThatAwkwardMom , but I've actually been a morning person for much, much longer. However, I recently got into a slump with my morning routine; let me show you how I reset my life and started waking up early in the morning again!








👟 Shoeboxes - free :)
🥛 Empty glass jars - free :)



Along my journey to let go of 30 years of clutter, I accidentally became a minimalist and it was life-changing.

Before, I was an emotional hoarder with nothing but the clutter from lost loved ones — and $25,000 of debt — to my name. Now I have a beautiful home in Europe, a happy family, live debt-free, and — best of all — wake up to a life that I’m EXCITED to live every day.


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I got up early all my life and hated it every single day until I developed a depression, left office work for freelance and just decided to go to bed and get up when my body wanted it. now I get up between 10 and 11am and man have I ever been happier :) my husband works noon to midnight so he has a similar regime. we know doctors advise otherwise, but it's so comfortable for us both!


I saw Ariel’s video on That Awkward Mom, where she said you and she did a 30-day wake up at 5am and how great she felt. Very inspiring.


I’m convinced I’m not wired to get up early. I tried a 30 day challenge and I was tired, crabby and miserable. I get up at 8 or 9, and I still do the morning routine - meditation and exercise - just not at 6 am.


Early risers eat better, earn more money, and are happier than people who sleep in late because the world is built for early birds. If businesses and services didn't open until noon and stayed open until midnight, those results would be reversed. As I commented on Ariel's channel, I'm happy this works for you. I honestly cannot handle waking up early it makes me physically ill, to the point of hospitalization. My body hates it, no matter how early I go to sleep. All of the benefits you listed are things that are also easily done late at night after everyone else goes to bed, so that's the magic hour for me.


🔴I use an alarm for bedtime NOT to wake up. Sleep is THE most important thing you can give your body for health, work, hobbies, and relationships. So... if my body needs sleep, I'm not going to restrict what is needed.
🔴What about work? What about deadlines?
- I have a "BACKUP" alarm set in case I oversleep. But it's a "backup." It's not set to wake me up on a regular basis. If I'm being awakened by my alarm, then that means I'm not getting the sleep I NEED. So.... I set my bedtime alarm to go off earlier.
I keep adjusting my bedtime until I can awaken naturally in the morning. Only when you're awakening naturally are you getting all the sleep your body needs. You don't have to guess at how many hours you "should" get.
Besides, what we need changes. A stressful day, a little illness, sunlight, time of the month, all these things change what we need day to day.
Going to bed at the same time AND waking up at the same time is like feeding your body the same amount of food everyday without taking into account extra physical activity. It doesn't make sense.
Also, I let myself enjoy an activity (in bed) to make waking up a joy: listen to music, listen to a podcast or YouTube creator, mentally list what I'm grateful for, lay there and watch the sunrise. It's "ME" time.
THEN I'll start my workout or whatever.
-Trust me. It's worth trying.❤


Came here after watching Ariel, That Awkward Mom. Love both of your conclusions following your collaboration! This has challenged me to start getting up earlier with intention. Retired and widowed, so there hasn't been anyone here to keep me accountable for my day. You and Ariel have helped to change my outlook, thanks!


You gave my husband and I a good laugh when we saw you in your big warm gray snuggy or whatever it’s called. The reason being is because he bought one for each of us during the winter when he wanted to save energy and turned the heat down. We laugh at each other when we are sitting in our living room all bundled up. They sure are cozy and warm!


28-plus of 33 years at the Plant, worked 7-Day Rotating Shifts.

Seven 8x4’s (two days off) Seven 4x12’s (two days off) Seven 12x8’s (three days off)

Absolutely no way to get into a routine other than work (never mind working days off, double shifts, staying over or coming in early before your Shift)

Going to Straight Days the last 2-1/2 years (different job, Dad was dying of cancer) made no difference; getting up early I felt horrible. Put on weight (not walking around as much as on Shifts) and slumped over the wheel going into work. I even got up at 5 to have an hour-plus of peace (during COVID-19 in 2020, we were allowed to come in earlier and leave earlier, if one wished to) before my day began.

Rotating Shifts are inhumane. All mornings, days or nights, much better health-wise. Preparing for the next day before going to bed makes a difference, but for me even retirement didn’t work for 3 years-plus (still felt horrible, ate badly, spent unwisely, no motivation) until finally I could go to bed early and arise early…NO ALARM CLOCK staring at me during insomnia periods, just waking up at sunrise as nature intended, going for walks, working out, *then* saying alright what needs doing, requires my attention?

All good advice above, but the best I can give is stop working terrible hours. The money ain’t worth it, and you’re not being compensated fairly enough anyway to work crazy hours, weekends, holidays, double-shifts. One life, don’t abuse it. 👍


These tips are helpful, but circadian rhythms are a very real thing. I have seen a sleep doctor for years due to Restless Leg Syndrone, and she has confirmed that there are physical limits to how much you can change your own natural physiology. Within reason, it doesnt matter so much what your schedule is, so long as you keep the same consistent schedule each day. BTW, there are also several studies that show a positive correlation between creativity and a later circadian rhythm. So it's not all bad!


I'm a Night Owl. I worked at a job for 4 years that required me to be there at 5:00 a.m.
I don't have a lot of memories of it! Lol! My perfect sleeping time is from midnight to 7:30-8 a.m. I CAN get up early, but regardless of how much sleep I get, if I have to get up before 7:00 a.m., I feel like crap for the first couple of hours. I tease my early bird friends by telling them they have FOMO and I don't. 😂


Hi Marissa, I’m a 59 years old veteran, suffered a stroke a couple of years back, recovered to about 80 percent, used to be getting up early in the past, your video woke me up, gonna start my old routine again thanks for sharing, love all your videos, keep it up, inspiring stuff


My cronotype is so upset at the Miracle Morning and the lack of understanding that not everyone is designed for mornings. I also literally can't change my sleep schedule. I have teens. I have to pick people up from work anywhere from 10:30 to 12:30. I also need three hours to wake up in the morning and most of them have to be quiet thought and then into journaling and planning. I can't do anything physical in the morning.


I get up early too. After taking care of the pets, I head out to walk a 5k every morning. I get my steps in, but it is also good thinking time, good audiobook time, and sometimes an opportunity to catch up with friends. If for some reason I don’t get my walk in during the morning, I will do it when the sun sets and it cools down. That hour always sets me up for a good day or a restful sleep.


Ich stehe von Montag bis Freitag um 5 Uhr auf, am Wochenende stehe ich um 7 Uhr auf. Wenn ich länger schlafe komme ich nicht in die Gänge. Ich genieße morgens meine Dusche, schminke mich und freue mich dann auf eine Tasse Kaffee die ich genieße bevor die Familie wach wird. Am Samstag gehe ich morgens nach dem Kaffee direkt einkaufen weil ich es nicht leiden kann und einfach nur froh bin, wenn es morgens schon erledigt ist. Danke für das tolle Video.


My husband and I both have alarm clocks nearly identical to the one you showed. The volume on mine recently broke (couldn't turn it down) so I finally broke down and use my phone now. My husband's is still on his nightstand though. Mornings are the best time of the day! Before I start working from home at 9 I've already been up for 4 hours exercising, eating breakfast, spending time with the dog, showering and getting ready. The older I get, the more I love mornings.


Not everyone is wired to function so early in the morning. I have audhd, and have had a delayed circadian rhythm all my life (which is very common for people on the spectrum). My mom has stories of me as a baby, stopping naps at 1 year old and automatically falling into a night owl sleep schedule.

Yes, some people function very well having a morning schedule (my partner is one of those people >v<) But being a night owl is just as valid.

What a lot of people miss about these "early morning" people, is it's not the early morning that matters, as much as the consistent routine and sleep schedule. Night owls are known to thrive just as well when they have a consistent schedule and routine.

My ideal routine is in bed by 3am so I can see my partner off as he heads to work (he leaves at 2:45am), then I'm up around noon. As you can probably imagine, I have no human children and I work from home, so I have the freedom to function this way.


I always loved the 5 am swim practices. Now our son wakes at 4, so we have a nice quiet breakfast and get ready for the day.


I have always been a morning person. Being born in the winter I have never had an issue with getting up when it's dark outside but the summer can sometimes have the opposite effect. I do set an alarm for 4:30 a.m. but always wake up at least fifteen minutes before it goes off. On the weekends my body naturally wants to wake up around 3:45 a.m. I love an early start. I have warm lemon water, meditate, do affirmations, workout, take care of my plants, have a healthy meal, go for a walk and maybe even do some housework/laundry. Most importantly, I'm always in a positive mood and feel good throughout the day.


I started reading the Miracle Morning and have worked to implement it in my day. My struggle is that I have 2 young boys, 2 and 5, and several times as soon as I get out of bed (at 5:30) they also decide that they need to get up. This has made waking up early less enjoyable because my routine is getting constantly interrupted. I am going to keep trying though!


I am retired, and a morning person. I wake up naturally around 6:30. I don’t miss the 5am early mornings of my working years, however I do need to smarten up my morning routine. Good tips in your video Marissa. Plus I also follow Ariel, she is hilarious.
