Why Is My Ex Mad? - 5 Things That Make Your Ex Mad

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If your ex is mad at you, there are a lot of things that could be causing them to feel angry, upset, or just plain mad toward you.

Of course, they may feel mad because of something that happened leading up to the breakup. This is pretty normal, and they aren’t going to let go of that hurt and pain until you can get that cleared up. This may involve apologizing and letting them know that you feel sorry for anything that you may have done that hurt their feelings.

Beyond that though, there are things that may make your ex mad that seemingly don’t make any sense, but if you understand your ex’s emotional world, it might come together.

For example, if you put your ex up on a pedestal, your ex may become very angry at you. Why? Well, when you put someone up on a pedestal, you are actually disconnecting yourself from the human side of them that allows the two of you to connect on an emotional level.

Instead, they just become this “perfect” sort of person, and when that happens, you start to lose the ability to relate and bond with them.

Ultimately, your ex wants to form emotional connections with people that they can relate to, and that isn’t going to happen if you lose touch with the humanity of them.

So, take them off the pedestal and start to interact with them like a human being who has their own faults and flaws, the same way that you do.

That’s one example of course. In the video, I’ll share 4 more examples of things that might upset your ex off and make your ex mad.
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don't try get back with your ex, don't act like you own your ex, don't talk to your ex,
don't think about your ex,
don't be jealous of your ex,
your ex doesn't deserve you.


This is very true, my ex did all of these and it just pushed me away. The one that made me the most mad is when he acted like his life was all sunshine and better after our breakup. He was talking about making so much money and being such a success, he would go on about how good his life would be in the future.


1) I just wanted to say you helped me on steps to get sane again. 2) I don't remember ever seeing anything from you about Narcissisim. When I started watching you I so wanted the ex narc back... Before I really saw what she is. Now I don't ever really want to talk to her again, but I have to - with 3 kids. So be real. Tell people about Narcissisim so they can make an informed decision. Way too many empaths or codependents have no idea what they're in to. Sending healing & love to those that need it.


@clay Andrews I really appreciate you not reading a promoter like brad Andrews and other people, you're talking to me not a pre emoted speech. I'm listening to you right now in pain because you are talking to me. Thank you


if yall talking to yall ex yall lucky most people cant even do what yall doing so dont mess up chances they give you


Omg this is exactly what Cody told me!!!! This is how he feels... like my " im sorry" doesn't work for him anymore.


hi clay, my boyfriend broke up with me 2 weeks ago. I was in the friendzone and obviously I didn't want stay there so I kept trying to talk about what went wrong.... making changes... reconsidering...
he sounds like he's had enough. sometimes he said he wants time to think... other times (most of the time) he gives me the impression that there is no way in hell that were getting back....
do I still have hope? I am just one day into the no contact...


I don't understand why my one ex boyfriend Nick is mad at me. He is showing a hot and cold behavior. He is having ADHD and Narcissistic Personality Disorder signs and traits. He is like one minute interested in me like a girlfriend then acts distant sees me as a friend. He is like love/hate/resentment/anger/ mad all at once now. I don't know how to handle him at the moment. He has accused me. He wants to blackmail and slander me on Facebook. He has called me Crazy. Need advice now


the advice u give is good & all, u just draaag it out!! I hope I'm not the only one that skips a bit.


Hi Clay, actually I noticed that the advanced relationship skills work in all areas of your life. What you said about putting somebody on a pedestal and ignoring how he/she is feeling is never a pleasant feeling for this person no matter if it's in the love life or in other areas of your life.


wow.. is Clay a psychic, I just apologized a few days ago


You know the thing about it is, what was once there in that last relationship and you hoping on getting them back to revive that past thing is just not feasible, what was once there is now dead and even if you could bring back the relationship, the love and respect won't be there like it once was, and the relationship is at a chance of ending again, it was weakend in the beginning and it will be even weaker if you try to get back into it, you must accept that, and move on, the thing is what you lost in your past relationship you can find in your new relationship with a new person and it will be good, just move on.. it's much better than looking back.


play I have a question me and my girlfriend broke up in September is there a chance we can still go back together


What do I do if my ex has been manipulated to believe she did nothing wrong and that I'm the bad guy? Were in no contact and she STILL tells everyone I cheated when she did but I didn't and us always bad mouthing me


6.45 That's what my ex is doing even though he was the one who left. it drives me nuts


lol my ex is so pissed at me and now she is making literally everyone at my school hate me. well I can't wait for the next few years of hell at school😁😁😁


I wonder if these things apply when you weren't even in a relationship but more of a situationship


How about apologising for my undignified reaction to the breakup and wishing him well for the future? He answered right away but it was pretty icy. I felt like he was NOT happy at all!


me and my ex have a kid together and broke up five months ago. she's told me she loves me but isn't in love with me and has been going out alot and dating other guys. I just want the fam back is all .. she said she can't do this right now . need advice


Clay luv your videos they have taught me so much and I just wanted you to know that I can no longer keep following your channel. I have come to the determination that I do not want my ex back! He betrayed my trust n has brought the worst pain I have ever experienced. Your videos helped me during a very confusing and emotional break up and I am now happy and moving on. Thank you and keep up the amazing work! 🙏🏼🤗❤️💯
