My Ex Is Angry And Bitter - Do THIS

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If you find that your ex is angry and bitter toward you, then there are certain things that we're going to have to clear up before you can move forward...

...And NO, you're probably not going to need to use No Contact as your strategy for this... At least not as your first resort.

In fact, clearing away the emotions is probably going to be the most effective thing you can do. Let's get into that in this video.
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My ex husband used to still holding a grudge against me, for what HE did to me.
It’s the strangest thing


My ex claimed she needed space just to justify her actions and jump into a relationship with someone else


No contact is often what they asked for and in that situation it is the mature thing to do.


Yea I apologized to my ex and her reply was I have nothing to say to you


I messed up after no contact. The first conversation was good... the second one I made the mistake of bringing up past issues and he is still pissed about them. I think I blew it.


If your ex was an FA and broke up with you, anger is what drives them. Disarming their anger and apologizing is the only way to have them consider you as a respectable person later.


I wish I could’ve came across this sooner. Smh. The no contact “cult” uses it as a manipulative method and almost a “guarantee”. Yes like you said some cases it helps emotionally disarm the situation. But in my case she told me she wish I would’ve contacted her days after not 3-4 weeks after. But I don’t regret the things I learned in no contact about myself as far as being an avoidant and learning that my childhood trauma has affected me in my relationships.


When you are getting on fantastic with your DA ex, and she dumps you out of the blue, a week after her telling you she loves you and sadly her oldest friend passing away... (I didn't know she was DA until she dumped text...and I started to do some homework on relationship attachment styles).
Telling me to leave her be and not to contact her, and that she was in a bad place. You don't have any choice but to go no contact.


We also broke up and we had a small blitzkrieg but half a year later we decided to act normal to each other. After several months she agreed to let our son live with me and he lives withme for 10 years already. My ex and i also went on holidays together and we call each other on a not regular base. She sent €100 to me to buy a present for our son, who has his birthday tomorrow. In 2 weeks she will visit us. People can hardly believe how we are normal friends now. But yeah, it is possible and the best way to do. Regards from the 🇳🇱


Get rid of her and don't take her back. If U take her back U will be ruined. All her friends & family she trashed talked U to will be looking differently at U. U don't need this type of friendship. U will feel better in a few months. Plenty other fish in the sea.


lol i did all the things you said to do in the video, she wouldnt hear me until i left her alone for 30 days lol


What if you don't know what you've done but your ex keeps calling you psycho?


How about paying back all of the money she had to give him because his assets disappeared and he was $45, 000 in credit card debt, took $47, 000 cash settlement, and bought a brand new car, then declared bankruptcy.


I went no contact..and I want to stay no contact until my dieing day..😂..these people never change...they can be such beautiful people..kind and lovely to be around..but when it changes and the negative thinking takes a hold..your doomed..I was sad to let her go..but after 5 times of leaving it was time to say goodbye..I told her...its true i love you very much....its also true...sometimes we have to let go of the people we love the most.


What if you apologized and tried to explain and they still don’t want to listen to you?


you're wrong, no contact is good, especially if the other person aaks for the space.


You are misunderstanding no concact and belittling it's benefits


You are spot on Clay ! No contact is no good in this situation if your the one who is the wrong, and youve upset them...


I think that would help me with my current situation (in my case I have those emotions and perceptions towards my former partner)

The problem is that she has not done that and is trying to act like nothing happened between us. I'm sure she sees it as mature but that's simply avoidant and cruel in my opinion.

I'm wondering how does one move past that without the person actually apologizing or even recognizing what they did. Because I cannot depend on their actions to heal but I'm finding it pretty difficult to deal with.


She broke up with me she said i took her for granted she was right cause a past relationship so i didnt beg i gave her space and fix myself in 4 months i text twice a accountability letter and called her but she still bitter and doesnt wanna talk or go for a coffee...i did explain in the letter i did say sorry i did work on myself im happy i do sports see familly and friends...i really think we had something good its my fault and i fix the problem what to do next ! Please i need help...thx
