7 Ways to Stop Living in Autopilot and Focus

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Really good. I was completely healed of fear and worry after quoting scriptures about fear for about 9 months. Also, when I get up, if I start dreading the day because of tasks ahead, I say aloud this is the day the Lord has made and I WILL rejoice and be glad in it!!


Thank you Mark ! I have been living in autopilot my whole life . No wonder I have been fighting depression fear and dread and double mindedness . I know it will take time o replace all the negative thoughts . But today is a new beginning . God Bless you my friend !


So grateful to have found you! My word this year is Transformation. I’m typically not one to make resolutions and I’ve never chosen a word before but this year I did. I’m being transformed by His Word. So grateful for these very practical steps, I look forward to implementing them as I tend to be one to pray and wait on God to do all the work or give me direction. I didn’t realize I need to do more than just wait and listen, I need to take action so He can guide my steps. I get stuck because I don’t know what to do or where to go and I’m fearful of making the wrong decision. I guess that’s how we learn and grow though and God will help me get there if it is His will. God bless you and thank you so much for your biblically based teachings.


This is awesome! Thank you much.I blamed God a long time for not helping me😁! As a contribution, I have also found being present in everything I do very helpful. A catch phrase is " how u do one thing is how u do everything" by Tom Hardy. So I have found keeping the same level of focus when I am studying/ conducting experiment in lab as well as when I am making bed or dishes or conversing with someone or driving. It has helped build my focus and also helped to" Guard my heart with ALL diligence"and minimize intrusive thoughts 😊. Shalom🙏
