7 things that (quickly) cured my procrastination

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Anker MagGo - The World's First Adaptive Magnetic Charging Experience:

Eat the Frog by Brian Tracy (#1):

The Do-Something Principle by Mark Manson (#3):

Andrew Huberman (#6):

This is a video on how to stop procrastinating, stop procrastination, cure it, etc.
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wow these really were some better ideas


I’m so proud of myself for not adding this video to “watch later”. If I don’t watch this now, I never will.


this deserves way more views for the quality. I guess people told themselves they'll watch it later


The frog analogy had me in tears. The dancing, the red visuals of remembering, the sounds. Perfect execution <3


Be honest, who else is procrastinating while watching this video


that Frog Scene was way too Cinematic Mr. Joey. You gave the Frog Humanity. You can not personify things like that you're gonna put me in my feels.


Another good one: when working, if you start to get the thoughts telling you to check your phone or scroll YouTube or any other common distraction, have a sheet of paper out and physically write it down. This acknowledges the distraction without allowing yourself to indulge in it and falling down the rabbit hole of “wait what wdym 8 hours have passed?” when you only meant to take a 5 minute long break. Normally what we do is try to ignore these thoughts because they’re distracting, but all that really does (at least for me and others with ADD/ADHD) is make the thought more distracting. Not only are we counterintuitively putting more conscious thought towards it, we are then perpetuating it by not acknowledging it. This puts us in a mental state more prone to self shaming or hateful self talk, which just compounds everything. If we acknowledge the distractions in a healthy way by writing them down, we basically tell ourselves “oh, that’s a thing. I want to do that thing, which is okay and natural. I still have to do this other thing first so I can reach my goals and not fall behind though. I’ll write it down so I can do it later. Keep going, you got this!” Which is a *much* healthier outlook on it.

Hope this makes sense and helps y’all :)

Oh also - I’m proud of you! You’re doing amazingly! Even if you’re doing something no one knows about, I’m proud of you for doing it! I’m proud of all the progress you’ve made thus far and all the progress waiting to be made in the future! You got this, keep at it! :)


The most effective approach for me has always been to keep a list of procrastinated tasks, and allow myself to freely procrastinate whatever task I don't want to do.... as long as I move to another task on that list instead. It keeps me productive WHILE procrastinating, and the momentum of checking items off the list is usually enough to clear the list.


i should be editing but... I'm procrastinating and watching this instead.


The method I use: Eat the elephant one bite at a time... or for 10 minutes at a time. Just assemble your tools. Clean just this one shelf. Mow for only 10 minutes. I give myself permission at the get-go to stop after taking one bite. Of course, I usually end up doing the whole task because GETTING STARTED is the hardest part!


The do-something principle I "discovered" by myself when I was writing my dissertation. At first, it was like "I have no idea how to structure the whole thing", but after I just start typing what I knew about the subject, ideas started to flow. It was pretty simple: the more I did "something", the more the ideas flow.


I grew up with a lot of countdowns from others and they gave me extreme anxiety. As an adult I still do countdowns for myself, but I always include zero. Knowing that the world will make me go at one, yet intentionally letting myself ignore it makes the countdown feel less like a threat. I choose to let myself take the small victory because of my compassion for myself, and it honestly feels like a hug every time I say zero. It's motivational.

I have always wanted a shirt that says "The zero is self care" because it's one of the few things that I feel like I got right.


You are a godsend, I'm currently procrastinating, as are millions of other people.


I respect the fact that you have scattered you're room just to rearrange it in front of us


it's incredible how hard it was for me to finish this video even though I need it so badly


I use the 3-2-1 rule all the time - particularly when starting unpleasant but necessary conversations (when I have to be the one who has to initiate). Works like a charm. Essentially, the backward counting has this huge psychological effect of getting us in a mindset of an active 'doer' instead of a passive 'planner'. It's like saying to yourself, "Hurry! The time is up! Don't think, ACT!".


1. 0:17 - Eat the frog
2. 1:46 - 3-2-1 rule
3. 2:53 - “Do something “ principle
4. 4:34 - Purge your physical surroundings
5. 5:42 - Purge your digital surroundings
6. 7:38 - Stare at 1 thing for 60 seconds
7. 9:12 - Confront your distractions before working


Newton's First Law Of Motion: An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion
It's so much easier to be productive once we've started, and getting the big thing out of the way first makes the rest of the day feel like your just cruising down hill.


00:15 eat the frog
01:45 3-2-1 rule
02:52 "do something" principle
04:33 purge your physical surroundings
05:40 purge your digital surroundings
07:34 stare at one second for 60 seconds
09:08 confront your distractions before working


<> Cuando lea artículos sobre la libertad financiera, es posible que escuche a las personas hablar una y otra vez sobre cómo no gastan prácticamente nada para poder jubilarse a una edad más temprana, como 30. Por el contrario, es posible que ya hayan logrado la libertad financiera y se jactan de cómo frugales eran para poder jubilarse mucho antes de la edad típica de jubilación.<>