7 Ways To Live a More Balanced Life

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Maintaining balance in life is critical to reducing stress, achieving goals, and ultimately maintaining a healthy and productive lifestyle. As many of you know, Chad and I are expecting in the new year, so we've become extremely mindful of this notion of balance as we juggle work, pregnancy, nursery renovations... the list goes on! In this video, I wanted to step away from cleaning and talk about some of the things that we're doing to try and maintain some balance in our lives.

COMMENT QUESTION: How many hours of sleep do you need, and, what's your bedtime routine?




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POLL: Do you have a TV in your bedroom?


I had a rheumotogist tell me once that it takes a minimum of 7 hours of sleep for your body to recoup from the day of breathing, digesting, just functioning. We used to have a 42" tv in our bedroom. After we hadn't turned it on in about 3 years, we gave it to our daughter and her husband when they got married and were furnishing their apartment. We don't miss it at all. My nighttime routine includes picking out clothing for the next day and looking at my calendar to see what I need to prepare for. I find if I am prepared before I go to bed, I am not rushing around like crazy in the morning even when hitting the snooze button a few times.


We have never had a tv in our bedroom..just don’t believe in it. 7 hours is good for me and I wake up refreshed. You look beautiful here. Keep smiling!


Excellent advice! I am menopausing right now. The "beginning" stages. Sleep deprived! I love Lavender and other essential oils. I make an airfreshener and spray some on my pillow, or I drink chamamile tea. Warm milk seems to do the trick too! Speak of off "balance" hormones! You made my life easier, why? Because that boiling water trick with baking soda for the pots and pans! That's why! I am so happy! I know, you probably think I am weird, but it took only a couple of seconds just to clean these pots and pans! Most of my life I had to scrap the food stuck grim on them! Thank you, Thank you and many more thank yous!


Stopped the video, checked my finances, feel much better now. Knowing for next year is everything planned. Thanks Melissa


No TV in the bedroom but I watch stuff on my phone. I only watch relaxing or enjoyable things before bed. As for sleep rituals and being well rested, it's not going to happen with kids. You learn to sleep when you can and cope when you can't. You're going to learn about reserves of energy you did not know you had and how to run on empty. Feel good and take good care of yourself. I enjoy your channel!


I have never, and will never, have a TV in the bedroom, that is my sanctuary. I need 9-10 hrs sleep per night, fortunately with no kids, I can do this, and reading is my go to wind down. Whether reading in bed, or the living room, it calms my mind, and eases me down a path of sleep.


I do have a tv in my bedroom but rarely turn it on. I enjoy it being there when I'm under the weather or am having a pajama day. Love listening to Audiobooks when I'm going to sleep. So instead of me reading until I'm tired, someone else is reading to me and I can relax my mind and body. I set a timer so it turns off after x minutes in the very likely case I fall asleep.


I find myself much more relaxed and less stressed with a clean n tidy home . I was constantly on to everyone about cleaning now I have a routine n stick to it ...


Hi Melissa! My bedtime routine consists of putting my phone and ipad away about an hour before bedtime. My rule: no electronics in the bedroom, so no phone, no tv etc. I like to make myself a cup of (night time)tea, put on my little night light (not the big ones) and read for 30-60 minutes. That way I can really calm down and relax before I go to sleep. When I come home late or watch tv ‘till it’s bedtime, I don’t sleep that well.


With 6-7 hours I'm golden. I have an hour wind down before bed. Low lights, no screens. I will usually read or journal at this time. It works for me.


My before bed routine at night is folding and putting away the sofa blanket, fluffing the throw pillows, cleaning my eyeglasses and cell phone and replacing the microfiber cloth in the kitchen before I go to the bathroom for the bathroom routine.


I have a TV in my bedroom, partially out of habit and partially because it's more difficult to only have a common TV when living with roommates. Plus, I am an introvert, so when I need to recharge and spend time alone, I sometimes watch TV - but if it's for recharging, it has to be alone. I look forward to having a TV-free bedroom when I live either alone or just with a partner.


I've got a tv in my bedroom, but I like to stick to a schedule weekdays. Once I get up at 7 to go to work, I always turn off my tv at 11:30, go take a shower, brush my teeth and go to sleep. Sleeping for 7 hours gets me recharged for a good day.


I I really like the idea of you giving us help with sleeptime suggestions! I need so much help in that area! I think it would be a good successful vlog!


I usually do some mindful meditation before going to bed that includes things I am grateful for that happened that day. Also, absolutely no TV in the bedroom!


Hi Melissa, I need about 7 hrs to sleep to really function well. My night Time routine is I put my twins to bed around 7:30-8pm than I start cleaning the kitchen while my husband unwind and relax after a hard day of work. He goes to bed around 9pm and at that time I finish cleaning the kitchen and turn off the tv and i start unwind by checking my planner or “watching” you tube videos (is more like listen to videos) lol, when I feel I’m getting sleepy I made my twins a bottle and leave them in their cribs, lower their music and just check everything is ok w them. Just knowing that my girls are ok makes me so relax that I know I can fall asleep easier. I sleep on the next room as the mattress on that room makes my back hurt. By the way we don’t watch tv after 9pm n don’t have tv on my room


Dears mellissa and chad!
since i remember, , , , my mom banned a television service for my room, , in the beginning, and I hated it, of course, , , now that I have a family to joy of, and take care I have been do the same thing again!, , my only son (9 years old) is asking me, why we only a one television (which is the same screen as a computer desk), , one of my answers is because just one tv, make us feel together, is very important avoid distractions in those days, ,
happy delivery!!! beautiful family!


I suffer with episodes of major depression where I lose all motivation to do anything, let alone clean. I isolate myself almost completely and am faced with a disaster area when I’m well enough to notice my surroundings. I’m feeling pretty good right now and am searching for easy access resources to help guide me through difficult times. I’m hopeful that the videos on this channel will: inspire me to leave my sofa, better care for my family, better care for myself and to speed up my recovery time. The copay for the intensive therapy I need is $200 per day. I suspect that “Clean My Space” may save me a great deal of money.


I dont have a tv in my room..if i slp with my phone i never get good sleep and get tired eyes and even headache. Eating a couple of hours before bedtime works best for me..that way i am not going to bed full stomach and i am not going to bed hungry or craving for snacks. Also..after getting fresh and going to bed helps..and fav tip is getting relaxed with a mild scented body cream or lotion. It makes me feel so comfortable and gives good vibes..
