Don't Take Things So Personally

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Self-judgment is one of the biggest dream killers out there today. But Brendon Burchard, the world’s top high performance coach, is here to help you identify and resolve those major sources of negative thoughts. In this episode, you’ll uncover the importance of recognizing personal triggers, managing defensive reactions to stress, and finding calmness In objectivity.

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00:00 Introduction
00:40 Impact of Taking Things Personally
01:30 Social Media's Role in Personalization
03:00 Judgment and Social Media Conditioning
04:20 Recognizing Personal Triggers
05:20 Defensive Reactions and Stress
06:30 Strategies to Reduce Personal Offense
07:40 Lengthening the Timeline of Judgment
08:30 Finding Calmness in Objectivity
09:10 Conclusion

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5. Text me your name and say hi at +1 (503) 212-6125. I love texting back and text cool stuff.


Brendon Burchard is the world’s leading high performance coach, a 3-time New York Times bestselling author, and one of the most-watched, quoted, and followed personal development trainers in history.

SUCCESS Magazine and O, The Oprah Magazine, have both named him one of the most influential leaders in personal growth and achievement. Forbes named him the world’s leading high performance coach and Larry King named him the world’s top motivational trainer.

Brendon’s personal development trainings have more than 500 million views. Over 3,000,000 students have completed his online courses and video series. He’s created 25+ blockbuster online courses in personal and professional development, including the most popular motivation, confidence, habits, leadership, and high performance courses of all time.

A #1 New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and #1 USA Today bestselling author, Brendon’s books include High Performance Habits, The Motivation Manifesto, The Charge, The Millionaire Messenger and Life’s Golden Ticket.

His most recent book, High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way, was a multiple week Wall Street Journal bestseller, and Amazon editors named it one of the “Top 3 Best Business & Leadership Books.”

Brendon is also the executive producer and star of MOTIVATION WITH BRENDON BURCHARD on Apple Podcasts, which debuted at #1 across all categories in its first season and has over 100 million downloads.

#brendonburchard #motivation #growthday
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Excellent! I've been working on myself, trying to lay low and humble myself.
I was very humble when I was a teen then I started working in corporate world. The people around me were arrogant and pretentious so I followed in their footsteps to fit in. The people in my neighborhood are also people that do not talk to other people. Everyone has a dog and they talk through their pets to other people, so weird.
The thing is now I regret becoming this monster that cannot humble himself but will work really hard to do so.
Thank you for the video!


I absolutely agree Brendon! It's crazy how sensitive people have become on the judgements on others. Training ourselves to let go of these defensive coping mechanisms is the path to overwhelming personal liberty. What others think of you and the judgements they place upon you, is none of your business.


*“Don’t let criticism get to your heart and don’t let compliments go to your head.” – Anon*


*”You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” - Marcus Aurelius*


*If you quit right now, you will end up where you began. And when you first began, you were desperate to be where you are right now.*


I've struggled for control over reactivity all of my adult life. Now, after over a year of daily 20-minute meditation, I've finally experienced a breakthrough where I actually had awareness between stimulus and response. How liberating to have reached that lifetime goal after so much [unnecessary? ] suffering.


I forgot how much I love Brendon's energy, way of sharing his wisdom and his overall style


Here are my 10 extra tips to INCREASE your daily manifestations that I’ve learned over the years..👇🏾

1. Practice gratitude every morning. When you wake up, list everything that you are grateful for and feel that gratitude in your core. Feel free to write things down in a journal so it is easy for you to remember.
2. Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. Every time you feel a negative thought coming on, make a positive spin on it right away.
3. Take ownership for things that happen in your life. It's easy to blame others however you will feel much better when you realize that most issues stem from us.
4. ALWAYS believe that good things are about to happen. By being open to new possibilities you are inviting abundance into your life.
5. Remember that like attracts like so you get back whatever you put out, whether it is good or bad. So do good AND received good.
6. Meditate for five minutes a day. During this time focus on how you want your life to be; but place your focus on how you feel AND feel that feeling as if you have already accomplished those goals.
7. Step outside of your comfort zone. Stop playing it safe and make that decision to finally go for your dreams.
8. Focus on activities that make you feel truly happy. When you are truly happy you have the best vibrational frequency to manifest your desires.
9. Avoid the naysayers and surround yourself with people who only lift you higher. Downers will be downers, don't let them drag you into their misery.
10. Don't be afraid to dream and know that you are always supported by the universe.

Hope this helps!

- Your Friendly Neighborhood Coach


"And I don't need to be someone driven by childlike ego tendency's" YESS😭


I've been saying this for a while. We have been trained to form opinions on things we used to be indifferent to and it's now almost seen as bad to be indifferent about something.


"I'm not sure how I feel about that, let me revisit tomorrow" is brilliant


This seems like a really chill dude, and just explaining this seems to light his fire. 🔥
Imagine what it does to us. When we don’t even know it’s happening. Social media is literally a killer. Get off of it and go relax. We need to relax more as a nation. Not fight with each other all the time. But love each other.


This was soooo darn refreshing and Honest! Needed 💯💯


I needed this! I feel like caring about what others think of me robs me away from my happiness.


I'm guilty as charged for taking things to personal, makes me a little angrier than I used to be and less happy. Working on it though


Thank you, Brendon, for reminding me that I have a choice. I tend to take things too seriously, and it affects me physically. I have learned it is ok to walk away and come back to it later. It is a daily exercise.


Does this count as taking something so personally?

I overheard my boss tell a colleague that me and this coworker of mine (CW) would manage this service alone just fine. "CW is very smart, strategic, and a great leader, and very diligent and dedicated." I think what she meant to say was I didn't have any skills, I was just the loyal, hardworking guy. My coworker is a brainy, resourceful leader, and I'm just the hardworking follower. He's got skills, I've got choices--those are the difference between our strengths. So basically, she implied I'm a nothing, aside from my _choices._


Excellent presentation, thank you. Being more easy going, as you suggested, also makes us more attractive. Thank you again!


I’ve been known to say that what you say won’t hurt me ( because what you think about me is all about you) but the fact you want to hurt me that kinda bothers me. Now I realize it’s a sorting process. I can choose to set it aside. Deflect. And keep moving. I have goals. To be free from fetters is one.


*Don't take anything personally, other's judgemental words say more about who they are as a person than who you are.*
