How To Stop Taking Things Personally | Don't Take It Personally

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We all take things PERSONALLY.
It’s often hard not to especially if it feels like it really IS personal.
And it may be easy to say "don't take it personally" to someone, but often it's a lot more complicated than that.
Here I'm going to teach you why it's so hard to not take things personally, why nothing is actually personal and a process to take yourself through when you do find yourself getting hurt or offended and taking something personally and learn how to not take it personally.


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#dontgetoffended #itsnotpersonal #resilience
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Hi friends - tell me, what was one of your biggest takeaways from this talk?


When I was in my 20s I worried about what everyone thought of me,
When I was in my 40s I didn't care what anyone thought of me,
Now I'm nearly 60 I realise no one was thinking about me in the first place.


this is one of my biggest struggles, I need to learn how not to care about what other people do & think


This is one of my worst habits!! I can feel when a person’s energy is off and it always hurts me even though I know it shouldn’t! Thanks again for a wonderful video! 💗


“It’s not the SITUATION....It’s the mind blowing and relieving at the same time! It feels like the proverbial “light bulb” in my head finally got switched on! THANK YOU


I like the shift in perspective, that the other person is thinking more about themselves & we are adding our own layer of baggage on top. Awareness is key.


Don't worry about what people say or think, their attitude is a reflection of how they feel about themselves and it's most likely not you. Don't forget that we are all human beings!!


A saying I like to tell myself is: Rejection is not a measure of your worthiness as a person. It’s a measure of compatibility with that other person. Whether it’s in general or at that period of time in a persons life.
Now, if there’s blatant disrespect or inconsideration that’s another issue and may be a toxic situation that may need to be addressed.


When I'm triggered by someone's terrible behavior this is not your burden to carry let it go!💕


Excellent topic! The more we live in ego, the more we will take things personally. So work on reducing the root cause : ego fixation. You will be free of petty hurt.


I do take a lot of things personally. Almost everything I hear... I don't know, but somehow I try to make it about me (even when it's about another person) because I've been comparing myself to others for a long time, it took me a while to admit it. It's like not only feeling, but also taking for a fact that everybody is part of something great and I just never will be part of it, as if I didn't deserve it. And it makes me think I'm not allowed to make mistakes or be awkward so I'm able to make real connections with people. It's a lot about my ego.


It is hard not to take things personally when they are meant personally. Looking for a way to handle offenses that are intended to be devasting.


I find myself taking things personally, then I feel rubbish and get angry with myself for taking whatever it was personally. Then feel even worse which becomes a vicious circle. Hopefully now this will change after watching you so many thanks as always.


It’s super difficult to separate people’s reactions to us from what they are just doing for themselves according to their own personality and needs in the moment. I’ve never been very good at that. Love the way you pick apart and unpack these intertwined and fused concepts so we can all see more clearly.


This was really great. I struggle with taking things personally. I think it’s stopping me from being happy and having healthy relationships. I feel like when someone argues with me it’s personal and there out to hurt me and take my happiness away .


I really needed this, I struggle with this daily. Perfect explanation to switch my perspective on this! I have been in therapy for a little over a month and I watch your videos as my "in between" therapist. It's hard fixing yourself and your habits when you are so used to unhealthy coping. Thank you for your videos!


This is very useful as it does happen to me sometimes


You are great. I have shared you with people I love. You came to me during a point when I really needed it. Thank you is not enough.


I'm using this stuff now. I've gone from 1000 to zero in minutes with this concept; refocusing my energy on me and my healing. It should always be more about me than them.
Extremely useful tools. Thank you


This is one of the most powerful lessons I'm working on... When I learned that Everyone projects their own state of being into the world and at me or who ever they are focused on. People don't see the world as at is, they see the world as they are. The healthier I get the more beautiful the world looks to me! We all do it and we can't stop doing it but we can understand that our inner world, our own state of being reflects back to us like a mirror how we feel about ourselfs. This is a powerful lesson. THANKYOU!
