Learned Helplessness

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Teal Swan is a New Thought Leader, Bestselling Author and Speaker. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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You have been more helpful than every psychologist or psychiatrist I know.


Very tough growing up in a household where you're dependent on people who are completely emotionally and spiritually unaware.


Because I was raised like this, I caught myself indeed with being ok with things that aren’t ok. Now I notice when suffering happens, I directly think should I stay or can I go. Even the thought that I can change it is already new for me. I do not always have to stay in the suffering. I am allowed to leave painful situations and places. I’m proud of this step already. Thanks teal.


The more I learn about attending my own needs, the clearer I see how my dad never attended his own. And the feel of abandondment I had all my life that I blame my dad for, turn into love for myself.


It took me so long to even START "moving to another seat, " which is actually something I've literally had to work up the courage to do. I still have to actively make sure I listen to myself and act accordingly, but I'm so grateful and so proud of myself for how far I've come!


I so resented in hindsight how therapists always made my struggle with learned helplessness as some spoiled entitled thing or codependent. It is such a reflex to just endure. And if it is unendurable the other flavor is avoid. It just does not compute there are other options. This eyeopening lightbulb only went off in my late fourties.


Wow, so being stoic or putting up with discomfort is not the adult way to live after all! Instead, get comfortable, you're ALLOWED to. That's a revelation for me, & probably many people who were neglected in childhood.


Omg, this is why I try to cope and make things work rather than change the situation. I have never learned that walking away is an option 💡


Oh, I did it recently. I ordered a dessert that was horrible and I asked the waitress to change it, and a commercial gesture as well. I didn't think that this was part of my recovery process. I felt relieved after that. I am beginning to cater for my needs. This is so empowering. Thanks Teal Swan. Be blessed!


Oof! This hits home. Thank you, Teal. I'm scared to support myself, it hasn't been the norm, ever. Cheers to supporting and empowering me!


I love you, God bless you, this explains my whole adult mind


Learned helplessness is all about making the best out of a situation in which you'd feel completely powerless. You simply sit still and let it all just rain on you, hoping, praying it will one day stop raining.
Later on in life when you go for a walk outside and it suddenly starts pouring down, it wouldn't cross your mind to go and look for a place to protect yourself from the rain. Instead, you'd be inclined to stay put and call on some force to help you thread through. 'Cause that's what you've learned, are used to and know best. It's basically the difference between surviving and living. You know the art of surviving through and through.
Now is the time to start learning the art of living. Let this vid by Teal be the starting point for this.


I remember when I first started therapy, every single session my therapist would ask me if I’m comfortable sitting like this? At first I was always like yes yes I am.
It took me a year to be like actually, it’s not. And I sat comfortably. And suddenly I felt how tense my muscles were and how my back actually hurt. It’s been an ongoing process of asking myself if I’m comfortable (not only with how I’m sitting but a lot of other things) and if not, what should change?
Unbelievable results. Highly recommend to everyone in the same boat. It’s tedious at times and it’s hard to catch yourself doing it, and it takes lots of time to adjust, but it’s so worth it. If you don’t believe me, believe Teil. She’s right ❤


Shared only as One whom has not only experienced, but endured, survived and overcome PTSD.


You are a healing light in this world. I'm 59 and what you've said on your videos has helped me heal some really tough dark memories that continue to revisit me. Thank you for sharing your gifts with me and everyone. You are very special 🙏🙌✨💫☀️


LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK, teal you are amazing thank you for saving us


That's so true - I remember talking to my mom about how much of a good person she could be and I was 13 at the time - I said the truth and I also told her that some of the things she said and did was the opposite which made her look bad. She listened as I tried to bolster her feelings about herself but in the very same day all that wonderful interaction I had thought had gotten to her she resorted to screaming, yelling and abusing me anyway. It taught me that people need to want to change but no one can do for them. She never did but it taught me that I could and I have and keep on doing so. It's not all a helpless cause.


So accurate. I’m learning to respond to my discomfort in this way.


This concept was the single most helpful concept to understanding my trauma and why dissociation occurred later on... and then healing through somatic techniques... finding safety internally- rather than seeking it from those who cannot provide it- has made all the difference .


It's true. I've been trying to rewrite my entire self from the bottom ever since I reached some level of enlightening truth on who I am and why I became this way. But one of the main obstacle, is that in the meantime, some people have been depending on me to remain the way I was, and they don't understand that I can't remain a lifeless, emotionlless undead without needs or desires, living only for their needs, for the remainder of my life.
(and no, I don't have children, I'm talking about adults that should be able to be independents.)

I'm trying to take my freedom, but I'm facing suicide threats, and even if the person doesn't do it, I'd like to try and keep them healthy and as a friend.
