The HORRID Pain of Learned Helplessness

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Learned helplessness is literally the doorway into suicidal feelings and I hate this feeling so much


The causes of learned helplessness are, *in my opinion*, traumatic experiences, years of being stuck in a mentally unhealthy environment, being surrounded by people who do not value and/or use you, or situations continuing for really long periods of time that do not let you explore and grow mentally and more healthily.

Basically, environments that do not let you explore what you are as a person.

So when the time comes when you try to ask yourself to give more room to take risks, to grow, to keep going, to maintain more and more discipline, focus, and concentration, the answer to all this simply becomes to give up - it starts to seem like a crazy idea at first, and really stops you from learning anything else.

This spills into other factors of life, and you just never learn to do anything else at all. It's mental conditioning and cognitive dissonance to some degree.


Im 30 now and have been falling deeper and deeper into this for more than half of my life. Its routed to the point of not having motivation for the simplest of responsibilities. I pay rent and thats about it. For those in the same shoes, I want to get better and want to see you all get better. I wouldnt wish this on anybody, and I mean anybody. Its difficult to the point of wondering why im even here, but ive trained myself in smaller areas of cognitive control, so I know its possible. Love you all, good luck, and good livin!


I think I’ve finally figured out what’s wrong with me.

My whole depression centers around my strange belief that while I’m technically capable of doing what I want, that I just know I will unavoidably fail no matter what I do or try.

Now I finally have a term for it.


trust me "helplessness" is way worse than what you described!


When you keep getting repeatedly kicked in the face it’s hard to get back up...😥


learned helplessness is usually a lot more serious and difficult to overcome than someone temporarily giving up singing because they didn't win a song contest and giving themselves a pep talk.


If you grow surrounded by people who put you down and tell you that your dreams are stupid and impossible to achieve, you learn to be helpless.


In the second experiment, the dogs in the 3rd group were shown they could stop the shocks by moving to the other side of the room. Even after experimenters demonstrated this, the dogs continue to stay on the shock side, accepting their fate. Learned helplessness runs deep.


The dogs who learned helplessness actually WERE helpless at one point. This video completely negates that important fact... Learned helplessness stems from trauma


We don´t learn helplessness from nothing. It´s from life events that follow one another.


Every time I am optimistic, I fail miserably. When I am pessimistic, I sometimes succeed. I am not exxagerating, every SINGLE TIME I try to have a poisitive attitude, I lose. And the range is all over the place, from physical activities, to mental ones. I have learned that attempting to feel good is what causes pain. SO I accept that I'm going to have pain no matter what I do. SO why make things harder on myself by being optimistic? It never works out when I try, so why try?

Sick of this.


Learned helplessness is the reason why I never get out of bed anymore and haven't left the house since 2017. I'm deeply broken inside and I just don't have the capacity to handle anymore defeat.


I had learned helplessness partially because my family were constantly telling me my ideas were impossible.


Learned helplessness can be unlearned! Start by focusing on the things you can control first


Oh hey mom and her side of the family I guess you guys did teach me something after all... y’all showed me how to feel helpless 🤪


It literally made me to completely waste my life and become a human trash


Well, what this video confirms to us is that the feeling of helplessness is consciously inflicted by outside forces, over which the helpless person had no control indeed, and therefore to say these individuals are able to control their "belief" is just adding insult to injury. The "belief" of having no control was a reality, and in my book if it is a negative belief following evil actions by others there's actually a word for it: TRAUMA. Enough of blaming victims!


Gradual exposure therapy, that is the hope. Learned helplessness is from too many negative experiences and not enough positive ones. This isn’t reality though and it doesn’t have to be you just need more experiences. Don’t give up.


We have to address the elephant in the room that does not get the attention it life isnt fair. Some environments are simply not conductive to the fruits of perseverance. There are some battles that cannot be won. We have to address the systems of which we find ourselves living within in addition to teaching perseverance. While we cannot simply wait for life to become fair, afterall our clock will continue to tick, we have to accept that until we make progress in that regard, some will not get past the agony of Learned Helplessness.
