5 Things God Will Do When He’s Highlighting a Woman He Wants You to Date

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Is God highlighting a woman that he wants you to be with one day? Here are 5 things that often happen in your life when God is highlighting a woman he wants you to date.




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In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
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For those of you who are still in the waiting period (just as I am) would you rather satisfy your need of companionship with the wrong person or wait years for the one who is right for you? In fact many of you are not spiritually or mentally mature enough. Think about it you are wanting to take the big step that is marriage asap? A student who enters into an exam without studying is doomed to fail. You must fill yourself up with God and be content with no one before you seek out a companion.


30 years old now but God has never highlighted any girl to me 😂


The waiting period is often misunderstood, for me, it's an opportunity to work with God, to heal and renew all areas of my life that need healing. Yes, I do think about marriage at times, but my focus is on doing what the Lord has already called me to do. We are all tempted to either live in the past and play the victim, or to become worried & anxious about the future, this keeps us from living in the present moment, the here & now. The word present, if I may use a play on words...the present, the now, is a gift from the Lord, a "present" to bring his "presence" into our lives, to help prepare us for the future God has for us. So use the gift/opportunity of the present moment wisely, as this will help you to receive all that the Lord has for you! Cheers!


In reference to item #1: I think about 20-some years ago God did indeed allow my paths to cross with this certain woman at church, but I exercised my free will not to pursue her because I thought she could do a lot better than a loser like me. To this day, I have never been in a serious relationship with any woman.


It has to be mutual for it to be biblical. Very good point! Besides that one, God has highlighted many girls for me. He has highlighted me to some others that I did not feel drawn to for a variety of reasons, as well. Mutual interest has been a rare thing in my life!


I am a Christian woman and I approve this video. ✅ Also, become friends first.


Some people just never had a chance in the first place to get with anyone. More and more I’m beginning to think I may be one of them.


This is exactly what's been happening between me and this girl. God also convicted me to pray for her salvation many times. We keep crossing paths and God keeps highlighting her to me. Thank you for this video! It really did shed some light on this important matter, please play for me 🙏🏻


The Lady I was with, I thought God was in on it. However, she wants a better upgrade, money, younger, and better looking, than me. So I guess that's a NO from God. Wish He would have told me sooner...🤧


Good points overall, we still need to pray and seek the Lord for his will to be done in our lives, and one of my favorite scriptures for finding the will of God is : "Do not be conformed to this world, but continuously be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you may be able to determine what God’s will is—what is proper, pleasing, and perfect." Romans 12:2 ISV


#5 should have been #1 respectfully #straightwisdom


I get often angry at God for not offering me a long term serious relationship with a lady. Lot times I gets thoughts of “why is God preventing me from getting a girlfriend” because I always get rejected. Sure I get dates(not often) but always get blocked. I’m 29 and never been in a serious relationship before, it sucks. At least I had dates, holding hands, and kisses.


One woman 10 years ago now during college when I was 18 I had all 5 of these things. No one else since despite going to Mass and putting myself out there. We both wanted each other but got split up when she transferred. I know we have to move on but it’s saying a lot that women want nothing to do with me even though I approach and make an effort and still go to Mass to see exclusively married women. I guess God wants me single despite the desire for marriage and to be a father even though I am 28 and am still focusing only on getting myself together and plans to go through life alone.


I’m 35, and once I was just watching one church service like a year ago and saw a girl singing and suddenly felt in love, even do I’m not pursuing her yet. But God allowed me to see her once in Bible college, not much happened since. I’ve seen her in dreams like at least 20 times since. Not sure what to do yet, but I think we’re not ready for each other yet, because God was showing in simple dreams that I wasn’t ready and she’s also.
Sometimes the waiting seems unbearable, and that’s when Gods peace and joy and nearness feels like it’s all I need, feels like heaven. I think in this past year through WATING God thought me so much in trusting Him only, patience, faith etc…


2 more yrs bro me too But Have Faith in The Living God.


That’s how I meet my wife of 20 years that you Jesus


And people wonder why there's 65percent divorce rate?!😮


Good study well done and I have apostleistic anointing .one more thing how can two walk together unless they be agreed .Paul .😮😊😊😊❤


So in other words, it's ultimately how the woman feels that makes it or breaks it. Why am I not surprised? lol. Ironic how the RP keeps getting it right while Christians keep getting it wrong.


Why does God insist on us only finding him through pain? Would b nice if he used blessings and great things happening to make us come to him and find him. Makes more sense to me to come to him through good things happening....not bad things. My first inclination that I think of is God doesn't like me or love me or approve of me when bad things happen to me. That's why I say it sure would help me think God gives a crap about me if more good things happen. But no....mostly bad things or status quo. Face it....we'll never really understand what he's doing till maybe someday he explains it to us face to face.Just random curious events till we die.
