5 Things God Will Do When He’s Giving You a Word

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How can you know if "a word" is really from God? What does the Bible say about getting "a word from God"? Is God giving you a word? Here are 5 things that will often happen when God is really sending you a word from him.




Please note: Sadly, due to the large amount of emails I receive, I am unable to respond to everyone. I’m so sorry about that! I truly wish I could! The shorter your email is to me, the more likely I will be able to respond. Thank you so much for understanding!
In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
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"if it doesn't happen it wasn't from God". Thank you! Amen.


It's so exciting when you realize this is the essence of a personal walk with God--and your're doing it in the moment. And you just know you are! You get a sense of interacting with a far superior, benevolent entity.


I also think that if we get confused, it wasn't necessarily a case where God didn't say anything to us, but we choose to feel confused because the answer is not one we expected. For example, God clearly told you to cut ties with someone, and because we don't want to, we refuse to believe that He said that and we find reasons why cutting ties with the person would not be the right way and thus confuse ourselves, but blame it on God for confusing us.


On 22/9/2021 I actually heard God speak to me because I asked him with all my heart to answer my questions. It was a male voice opposite of my bed (even tho I have no neighbours and live alone). He said Job. For a second I was confused as my question has nothing to do with job but then I understood he means I need to read the book of Job and so I did. And it gave me peace


I was close to marriage a long time ago and it did not happen, I was in love with this woman, and it just didnt work out, ...since that time I have always looked at a woman with the same traits as the woman I loved..i asked Jesus into my life 1983, and he cleaned me up of being a chronic alcoholic, and other things.
I have asked God to help me in finding the right woman for myself, and it has not happened yet, i have a few woman friends, but they are just friends, and I think being single has helped me to be closer to Jesus, if he wants a woman for me..he will put her in my path


I would be careful about telling ppl if it does not happen it's not from God..we have to remember some promises God tells us on a personal level..may not happen right away.. Joseph's dream did not happen until years later... Abraham waited years for Issac though he was told years before he would have a son..king David was told and anointed to be the king of Israel as a young person but it did not happen for several more years..


1. A word from God often comes to us at the exact right moment and relates to a very specific issue we are having. Not talking about the word of God the Bible alone is interrant
One way you can tell is if the timing matches up with your need and the wisdom offered in that word relates specifically to the issue you are currently dealing with
When the timing is perfect and the word is relevant this is a good sign it’s actually a word from God to you
2. A word from God will sometimes be what you want to hear and it will sometimes be what you don’t want to hear
If a desire is biblical that desire is from God this God want us to pursue that desire because He gave it to us
A word from God will guide you and not confuse you
In Marks opinion and view of scripture:If God actually said something to you it’s unlikely you will need someone else to tell you what it means God knows how to communicate His truth to us in a way we understand
If you think you got a word from God but you don’t know what that word means then you probably didn’t get a word from God 1 Corinthians 14:33
Philippians 3:15-16
Psalm 119:105
A word from God will bring more light not darkness
4. A word is really from God when things outside of your control happen that need to happen if this word was really from God
Jeremiah 32:6-8
God will never speak something and then not accomplish it if what you heard did not happen God did not say it Hebrews 6:17-18 Numbers 23:19
5. A word is really from God when it is consistent with the word of God


A brother sent a message thru messenger to pray for his wife. The next day a voice said to me that she is healed. I visited them seeing her wife was healed. Of course, you know that the voice is from God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God will speak to you because you have His Written Word, the Holy Bible in your heart about healing. Praise God! Amen.


0:15 Don't know what you do know about perfect timing, but like 90% your videos come exactly when I need them.


Thank you Mark, you are a great teacher. May God bless you and your family. Amen.


I'm needing a word of confirmation, because I believe the Lord has opened up an opportunity to work with Wycliffe, but because of how long it's taking to get going I've been feeling a bit anxious.


I've quickly gone through the 5 points and they're really encouraging. Thanks, Mark; this video is as a lighthouse warning against sharp rocks. May all who set sail follow the dove (Holy Spirit) to new life like Noah. I'll have to come back and rewatch so God can minister to me.

Thank you and praise God!


This is ironically a confirmation of God giving me a word in itself, because just the other night I felt like reading in Psalms and came upon Psalm 34, and read it through a few times. It is very timely.


I asked for confirmation if someone is meant to stay in my life since I lost hope because she began seeing someone.
God sent me the word Hope through work, also through a song that I loved singing for her that I heard playing while riding on an uber a few minutes when my friend(wingman lol) told me the news.

I trust my God.


I had one of you video's confirm that an individual (a guy) wasn't "available" to pursue me. Even though this guy was giving me every indication that not only was he interested but wild horses couldn't keep him away. I had already put out a fleese. But, there was a three week period before the fleece was to be answered. Lord have mercy...the way it was answered was so profound!
Thank for doing these video's cuz the one I referred to above really prepared my heart for what was getting ready to happen. It wasn't what I wanted to hear but no doubt for the beat.
If anyone wants to know more about the fleece and what happened just ask in the comments. It was truly amazing.


I'm very grateful for this channel and its content. One point I'm one the fence with and am not sure if my understanding is implied is, I do think you can get a word from God and at 1st it may be confusing. I don't think that necessarily means it's not from God but I do think that's an invitation to draw even closer to God and that which was confusing can and will become less so because there was more to learn. I say this based off of personal experience in that I felt I was receiving a word from God by way of direction and guidance but because at the time it absolutely didn't make any sense, it just seemed incredibly frustrating and cruel if I'm going to be completely transparent. What happened over the course of a few years was, that I began to see how things were aligning in my life; thoughts, practices, decisions and the guidance I'd been given as a directive years ago was coming to fruition. But that could only happen with surrendering and also understand it won't necessarily look the way I thought it would, but it still aligned with how I was being guided. I hope this makes sense and thank you for this channel 🙏🏽 😊


This is so good. The other day I took some time with a mentor from church to talk Sunday School among other things that came up. He asked me again if I had found a young lady again, knowing that "I'm still single!" Again, I told him I wasn't dating anyone, but why this got to me was because he prayed over me this last Sunday on some of my hurts and weaknesses. My wheels are turning on this as to what God may be working on in the background, yet at the same time, I'm finding that my focus on God is greater now than it's ever been before.


As always, thank you for such a well thought out descriptive video! One thing I noticed you didn’t mention were dreams and visions. God definitely speaks to His children this way as well! I always have bright, vivid and symbolic dreams ever since as a child! Some are warnings of what’s to come or exactly happens the same way in the dream and some others make no sense! Lol! I truly understand how and why God is omnipresent! 🙌🏾


Very timely. Point 2 is so on point about being balanced in our thinking and open to hearing what the Lord is saying to us. I’m currently in the process of praying for guidance on a career decision. Also, good to remember David when considering a decision that would even be a good thing. David wanted to build a temple for the Lord, even the prophet Nathan encouraged him to do so at first. But, the Lord said it was for Soloman to do instead (2 Samuel 7, 1 Chronicles 22).

Enjoyed the video Mark! May we all be able to discern the voice of God faithfully.


I love the example of your videos being shown in the feed and if they really are signs from God. It's true that if God speaks to us, we will know and won't need any further confirmation! Thank you for sharing this, Mark!
