5 Things God Will Do to Let You Know Your Heart Is Ready for a Serious Christian Relationship

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There’s only one more week to enroll if you want life-time access to all 3 relationship training courses, life-time access to 7 of my ebooks, life-time access to the private Facebook group for AGW students only, and the 3 months of email coaching - all for half the tuition cost. I’d love to get to know you personally and help out in any way I can.


“God will never bless you with an idol” 🙌🏻


i walked away from a person who saw my relationship with God as a flaw, i feel like the more i get closer to God, the more lonelier i get on earth, once again perfect timing.


Amen, I want the Lord to be the center of my life, always, no matter what.


1. Say no even though you like a person
2. Prayer about specific person to what is good for you or god wants
3. Marry to glorify god
4. Serve god even if you don’t get married
5. Sacrifices your desire for love to another person


1. God has led you to say 'no' to a relationship even if you really liked this person. 2. Your prayers shift from, "God, give me that one", to "God, please bring me the right one You want for me". 3. You know that you truly want to marry to glorify God. 4. When your heart is ready for a Christian relationship, it will also be ready to serve God in singleness (i.e. even if you never do get married). 5. When you are willing to sacrifice your desires out of love for another person.


I think what’s most important for anyone is to know the season they are in. If you understand that you have wounds, just stay there and let God heal you, before rushing into another season. At this point in my life, it doesn’t matter who comes or goes. I just want to heal and be made whole.


Point 1 was my exact situation! I really fell for this guy and did not want to end things. But I knew God said no, because we were unequally yoked. He believed in God, but he was not serious about his relationship with Christ. It hurt for a little while, but I knew I had to let him go


Please pray for me. I really need this kind of direction in my life right now.


My prayers for a relationship: prepare my heart, mind, soul, and spirit to be compatible with his. Prepare his heart, mind, soul, and spirit for me. Send him my way when we are both ready. Help us both be patient for each other and let us meet in a way that we both know that our meeting is a divine meeting. Also, let his parents and siblings love my family and I and let my family love his parents and him.

I have seen marriages be destroyed because of the toxic inlaws.


Wow, Mark. I was talking to a guy and I started to like him and he is Christian guy, very nice to me and encouraging. I started to like him but as time went on he told me that he wasn’t interested in being in a relationship; however, he still wanted me in his life. I felt God leading me to no and it was painful because I wanted it to work with him, but I let him go and I have been so confused since then. After watching your video, I not only got closure but I realized that God was actually preparing me and showing me that I am in fact ready for a Christian relationship. Thank you for your obedience. I’ll be praying over your ministry on YouTube so that God will continue to be glorified through this channel. Thank you again!


Thank you for teaching me.
1. If God has lead you to say "no" to a relationship even though you really liked this person, this is a good sign that your heart is ready for a Christian relationship.
2. When your prayers shift from "God give me the one" to "God please bring me the right one you want for me." This is a good sign your heart is ready for a relationship.
3. When you know you truly want to be married to glorify God, this is a sign God is telling you your heart is ready for a relationship.
4. When your heart is ready for a Christian relationship your heart will also be ready to serve God in singleness even if you never get married.
5. When you are willing to sacrifice your desires out of love for another person, this is a sign your heart is ready for a Christian relationship.


One day God told me He is fed up, tired about me being so lonely. He told me who is going to be my future wife as i had left this matter wholly in Gods hands and i didn't want to look for dates and trying in my own flesh. I know who this woman is, as in i have seen her couple of times but we haven't chatted or really got to know each other. I actually was really surprised and didn't have a crush on her before. But after i spent time in prayer talking with God about her i started to feel this immense love and caring for this woman, kinda out of nowhere. It was very intense feeling that can be described as divine love. In passing days and weeks i got guiding from God how to go on with this matter. Now i feel it is time to just wait, until her heart is ready.
Please pray for me, because i have my time of doubts and even if God says that i am ready i still feel i have to get my act together before i can pursue her.


That's how we ended, in terms of glorifying God. When we ended our dating relationship, we knew we loved each other still, but we both struggled with sexual temptation... it hurts to admit it, but we were not glorifying God during the relationship.... even though our minds were for marriage... I admire each other's values and even her, that we both valued Glorifying God so much, that we would sacrifice our relationship. So right now, we're both trying to get over our sexual temptations and growing in time, so hopefully by the will of God, we end up together again and glorify Him without distractions... Praise the Lord. "LORD, PLEASE BE WITH HER AND I, TO GET OVER OUR TEMPTATIONS SO WE MAY GLORIFY YOU IN OUR OR OTHERS RELATIONSHIPS. AMEN"


I recently got into a relationship with a guy who I knew wasn't very serious about Christ. I thought it would be okay to take a step of faith while ignoring the Biblical qualities that he didn't possess. Well, things eventually ended in a month and it hurt me so bad. I went through your videos for help and not surprisingly, I found a lot of comfort. I allowed myself to feel the pain for a while and now I've let it go. My relationship with God has become even stronger and now I know what to settle for. It's just that, I can't help ignoring him although we belong to the same friends circle. I need to work on that part. I don't wanna portray unforgiveness and hatred. Ah, it's so difficult to act normal now! I can only ask God for the strength to do what is right.


Wow I can’t believe how far I’ve come along and with only being single for a month but God has put marriage and having children on my heart. I pray these things because I see myself putting God first but yet serving in the church with my significant other. I’ve always wanted that. To lead a couples Bible study but yet not be attached at the hip.


My marriage failed. The result was my daughter, the greatest gift of my life.


Must be a sign from God I been lonely for some unknown reason and this hits home


The timing of this video is impeccable!


I truly believe the man God has for me is in the process of being taught and pruned. We were good friends but he backed off because I believe he didn't want to hurt me. I believe in time this man will be my husband and if not God will send someone better. I want a godly man, and I want to be a good wife. Bless you Mark.
