Planet Fitness to Replace 30-Minute Express Workout Circuit?

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Planet Fitness DROPS 30-Minute Express Workout Circuit? // Will Planet Fitness be phasing out its 30-Minute Workout Circuit in favor of new plate-loaded strength training machines?

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As a person recovering from 270+ days in the hospital, I love the 30 minute workout room. It's less crowded, less intimidating. I feel safe there.


As a new member, I love this room. It's less crowded and less intimidating. Most of the "guys" don't use it. It's mostly women using it in my location. It's a great way for me to try out the different machines without searching through the bigger area to find them. I've tried them all. My location also has a dedicated Ab/Hip/Stretching area. This is my first week. My plan is to alternate between these 2 areas and add some cardio in for the next couple of months; until I'm brave enough to venture out. LOL! Again, I think it's the perfect setup for beginners; even if it's not being used as designed.


It's great for people who get intimidated by all the other machines. Including myself. I love the thirty minute workout. You go in exercise and get out.Don't have to even think about which machine to use


We need an area for women that include the cable machines because most times the men take over those machines and you can't get to use it.


I use this every time, people would use it if rules were inforced it’s really frustrating when you want to use it and someone who isn’t using it properly is just hanging out on one of the machines. It would be great if they replaced the stepper things with bikes or something though. There is already a weight area. That is really frustrating


The 30 minute room was where I started. I felt safe there and it gave me a good base to follow later. One of the issues I had with it though was that I was just not quick enough to keep up with the speed of the lights changing, so I would always fall behind. I had one manager tell me that if I was staying longer, I needed to use the other machines. So I did, which wasn't a huge deal but I think that's kind of unhelpful for other beginners. I later moved and so switched to a different location, and their 30 minute room wasn't very useful because the machines were in disrepair.


Ours is getting some matrix plated equipment and moving a few things to the TRX area but keeping the 30” express! Makes me super happy to have both!


I just started to use that room. I will be ticked if it goes away.


I love the circuit. I hope they don't get rid of it.


I will very much miss the 30 minute circuit workout room. It was my favorite way to get a good overall aerobic and basic strength training workout in a short period of time.


I love this room. If used correctly, it's a great and efficient workout. There are usually many people that just sit on the machines, playing on their phones and/or not using the timed (red/green light) intervals, but they do usually move out once someone is really moving along in the room. They just need to monitor the room and press the issue of using it and not taking up space and getting in the way of everyone else. Don't get rid of the room please!


Comment for 2 PFs personally, the room is good b/c the machines are spaced out. Other areas the machines are jammed together. No one uses the dozen steps w/bar attatched. Ever. They've removed everything from the walls so far. Also the PF 360 "situation" LOL is another waste of space for the most part. Better use as a stretch; warm up; cool down type space with keep the kettles; bands; mats etc. Also way way too many cardio machines; again better if space out the weight machines. Looks like 75 bikes/treadmills, etc and need half of less. Less claustrophobia; practically touching the person next to you now.


Sounds great. I hope we get these new machines. I've noticed that the 30-minute Express room at my PF gets barely a trickle of actual users. Some people just treat the equipment in that room as extra machines. Thanks for sharing your information on PF.


Love the circuit room. Most people don't use it as intended and it's really annoying. We remind them sometimes if they are on one piece too long to move on. All this equipment is on the main floor🙄


Othe 30 minute circuit was a good workout. You got both cardio & weights in within one room in 30 minutes. Quite a few disappointed they removed ours in Westland MI, especially a lot of the 40 on up crowd.


Bummed - the HIIT program is why I keep coming back. My wife and I actually do it the way it was designed.


They shouldn't get ride of it! How are newcomers supposed to know how to quickly and easily get regularly fit? This room will basically show them what equipment and exercises to do. I've never been to Planet Fitness but I'm majority considering it and was i plan on using this room as intended.


This goes against all their branding of having a link alarm and being a safe space. That’s so stupid


The 30-minute room was my core 10 machines. I did not care about the traffic light or the step platforms. I now have to wait for machines in the main room, wasting time and adding frustration. They say the machines are the same as the 30-minute room, but this is not true. They are not set up the same, have additional adjustments, etc. If they had just moved them as is, to the main room and got rid of the current similar ones, I could make it work. Still, you have more wait times and the people who sit on the machines on their cell phones. Rude! I have worked out since I was 16 and know what works for me. I don't need free weights or balls or other equipment. I ride my bike to get my aerobic. After 5 years at PF, I'm looking elsewhere.


I’m a group trainer at Planet Fitness and my experience right off the bat with the 30 minute circuit was very negative.

1.) it is used by all members off and on but just like the floor machines so people sit for their # of sets in reps on each machine so often fights break out between members for those who only have 30 mins. Like the nurses that are rushing in to get a quick full body pump on.
2.) when I announce to members I’m holding a class and I may need to ask them to move in order to do the class I have to often deal with people that refuse to get out because they claim they are a paying member and sometimes we have to threaten the members that get nasty that we will kick them out of the gym. I often try to just work around the nasty ones by taking my group onto the busy floor where I wait for equipment to open up so the 30 minutes turns into a shit show and the workouts you planned are botched due to time and equipment availability.
3.) The 30 minute equipment in our gym is very old often breaking down and some of the machines are very hard to adjust for seniors and people with disabilities so I’ll often end up with several different levels of people in the class. Instead of having a quick 30 minute workout people are standing around waiting for my next set of instructions but I’m busy running around getting machines adjusted for several people and setting their weights for them. Example: 1 blind person, 1 amputee with a prosthetic which you have to move his leg around, Old lady with Walker, and two younger folks perfectly capable of being independent. Often I lose the younger people because the class turns into a shit show as I run back and forth between each member that can’t do anything by themselves and dealing with seniors that constantly complain and can’t keep up.
4.) if you really want to change the 30 minute circuit. Please turn it into the trainers only room and allow trainers to really help these folks get stronger without having to compete with other members.

Also, drop the scheduled workouts because people will often over train taking several classes at once then unable to return right away if at all. As a trainer you see things that clients really need to work on but instead you’re stuck following a 1/2 hour group training. I have several certifications and education but can’t really utilize it properly at Planet Fitness. I’d revamp the entire group training classes and schedule. Another challenge is writing programs for people within a half hour on the spot after they tell you their entire life story and are in really poor shape. I could have up to 3 people in design your own and often don’t have time to hand write each of their programs out according to their physical issues and limitations. We should keep design your own to an hour session at least so we can better help these people.
