Find opportunities to Deep Squat everywhere #deepsquat #naturalmovement

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The deep squat is many people’s nemesis! However, it’s so loaded with benefits, it’s worth trying to start accessing it.

I know many can’t go there due to previous injuries & surgeries meaning this is not the movement for them. Thankfully there are so many other great ground sitting positions & movements that can still bring many of the benefits of the squat. It’s not the be-all & end-all, but for me, it’s now a daily requirement.

If your limitations are due to never trying before, or you’ve tried & you struggle to get back up again, or when you’re down low, you feel pulled backwards & even fall back…then this could be the start of a great journey 👍

So what’s needed?
💪Lower body strength to get back up
🦵A level of overall mobility in your lower half
🦵Length in the back line
💪Strength in the front of your ankles & shins (this is my weaker spot)

For some movements to help you start to improve these & to hear about the benefits, see this video on YouTube:

Look out for ‘squatpportinities’ during day…
at the sink
washing machine
low desk
out walking
doing the cat litter tray
using door handles
wiping a spill on the floor
using a dustpan & brush
washing the dog’s feet after a winter walk, sorting shopping
….the list is endless!

What do you think about giving squatting a try?

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