What Do Orthodox Christians Believe? (And Why I Care)

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I'm a Protestant and I'm learning about the Orthodox Church from Father Paul of Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Salt Lake City, Utah. If you missed the first half of our conversation, you can check that out here:

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The Orthodox emphasis of sin as sickness and Christ as healer has always held great appeal for me.


Hi Matt, My name is Fr. Moses, I am a priest in the Orthodox Church in America. I was raised Protestant(evangelical free) and converted to Orthodoxy in my early 20s. I want you to know that I appreciate your approach and sincerity to all these questions. You are honest and willing to listen, and yet still ask the difficult questions. God bless you and your family, may He grant you many blessed years!


“It’s not my place to judge where you are in your relationship with Christ.”

What a breath of fresh air to hear such humility!


As a Protestant I didn’t know how much I was missing in my faith, until I started researching Eastern Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy is not easy, but it is true. The fullness of Orthodoxy can only be realized by experiencing it…reading about it and watching YouTube videos will never compare to living the Orthodox life. God bless y’all!


I was brought up protestant and have been researching the Orthodox Church and I am thinking of converting. Please keep me in your prayers.


“Acquire the spirit of peace, and thousands around you will be saved” - St. Seraphim of Sarov.


I converted to Orthodoxy a few years ago from the Protestant faith of my youth. I am grateful for the many wonderful Protestant people and all that they gave me, but I am now home.


I’m starting my catechism in the Orthodox Church tomorrow, I’m so excited to begin my journey in the one true church! The people of this church are so welcoming and kind, the church was there when I was at a very low point in my life and I will forever be grateful ❤️☦️


I remember the second time going to the Divine Liturgy, thinking to myself “why am I going back? This is so weird” and now the Divine Liturgy gets more and more beautiful every time I go


Thank you for this interview. As a Protestant oriented (American) Christian, who has spent most of the last 30 years in Orthodox Christian Eastern European countries, this was very interesting. One thing I admire about the Orthodox Church in this part of the world: How they helped keep faith alive during persecution and the repressive atheistic regimes for 40 to 70 years of 20th century (depending on the particular country).


I’m Ethiopian Orthodox living in the United States. Nothing makes me happier than seeing Americans come to Orthodoxy!


I'm not Orthodox, but there's something to be said about the traditions and formality they hold to. I was raised in the laid back southern California surfer culture, where even our pastors wore shorts and sandals to church on Sunday. When I was growing up this was "normal", but as an adult it just seems out of place. Why do we take worshiping our Lord and Savior so casually? If I were meeting the President, I would wear my best clothes... why is it different when I go to church and worship the Creator of the universe?


I’m actually inquiring into the Orthodox Church currently! I feel so welcome there that I’ve never felt in a Catholic or Protestant church!


I am a former Baptist minister, seminary trained and the whole nine yards. I became an Orthodox Christian 17 years ago. The longer I am Orthodox the more I see how beautiful and holy and right is the original, true Church is and how - in spite of my appreciation for my upbringing - the myriad of man-made attempts at re-inventing the church fall short. I don't mean this in any disrespectful way. I say it from a desire to witness to the truth. Thank you for these videos. I have thoroughly enjoyed them.

May I recommend to you the Bible Study podcasts "The Whole Council of God" by Father Stephen De Young? He is a former pastor from the Reformed tradition who is now an Orthodox priest and a true biblical scholar, holding a PhD in Biblical Studies. His Bible studies are outstanding and are helpful in understanding many of the differences between Orthodox and western beliefs (although this is not their main purpose).


As a Catholic convert from Protestantism, I pray for unity with all our churches because that’s what Jesus wants from us. This is why I appreciate this channel so much. It opens up our minds to understand each other which leads to productive conversations. I have hope!


I grew up Jehovah's Witness and after leaving that found my way to Orthodoxy. One thing I appreciated coming into the Orthodox church was it's emphasis on We don't do this to get to heaven, to get something for me out of it. We do this to attain theosis or to become like Christ, spiritual healing, to imitate Him (love in all we think and do) and to become one with Him. As such the result will be going to heaven but it's not THE point. One awesome book I love that deeply explains the way Orthodox think and how it's unique (and some the same) than the rest of Christianity is Thinking Orthodox by Dr Constantiniou. Mind blowing. BTW LOVE your series. SO interesting and enlightening to see how other branches of Christianity and other religions think and believe. Keep up the awesome work you do! Thank you!!


You should visit an Orthodox monastery. 👍☦️


You don't just believe the tenants of Eastern Orthodoxy you have to live Eastern Orthodoxy. It is a way of life that teaches you how to be a citizen of heaven.


Hi, as a Protestant considering Orthodoxy, both of you did an amazing job at explaining all of this stuff, and having honest conversation. Thank you both!


I’m a cradle Orthodox Christian and this is AMAZING. It’s so difficult to “translate” our position to a western minded Christian and he did a great job! This is now on my permanent playlist in order to spread the depth of the Faith. Thanks for doing this video!
