Did Jesus drink wine or alcohol? | GotQuestions.org

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Did Jesus drink alcohol? Is drinking okay according to Jesus? If so, how much, and what type of alcoholic drinks are Christians allowed to drink? In this video, Pastor Nelson answers the question: “Did Jesus drink wine or alcohol?”

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I choose to abstain and I do not regret that. Growing up, I had an alcoholic uncle who drank himself into the grave and this served as an example to me to avoid it altogether. For all I know I could be an alcoholic too, but I avoided that, thanks be to God.


if God has delivered u from ALCOHOLISM and you're here looking for scripture to make it ok for u to partake of alcohol again, PLEASE DO NOT DRINK!


"The Son of Man came eating and drinking..." He admitted as much Himself. But drunkenness on the other hand, is an abomination. As one who used to abuse alcohol myself, I would often cherry pick Bible verses to justify my habits (e.g. Eccl 9:7). However, by the Grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ I have been delivered from alcoholism, and never again will intoxicating beverage touch my lips. It is a stumbling block to many, but not an outright sin unless abused in such a way to cause drunkenness or cause another believer to stumble.


Everything in moderation is key, ie food and drinks. 😇


In churches people complain about drinking but overlook gluttony.


Very well explained indeed! Thank you.


THANK YOU! I’ve been pulling my hair out listening to the scriptures get butchered over this. If “the Son of Man came both eating and drinking…” he’s not going to all of a sudden, at a celebration of all things, turn teetotaler. Also somewhere in psalms or proverbs it’s stated that wine is a gift from God but there are also warnings about over indulgence. If instead of there being a straight out, spelled out prohibition of fermented wine, it instead warns of getting drunk, it certainly sounds like, while given with a warning, we are still allowed to partake.


I've been using their website for years now. But only found out about their youtube channel a few days ago. This is a nice surprise. ❤❤❤❤❤


I think this is one of the best videos describing this subject, and Answering the question.


Awesome and a very knowledgeable video so far, my confusion is solved, thanks a lot! 😊 Praise the lord!


Psalm 104:15 and Isaiah 25:6. I am a DWI defense lawyer. Drinking and being impaired by alcohol or drugs (yes that includes cold medication) are distinguishable. So enjoy with a meal and friends but don’t drive.


It's very strange to me, because when you look at it in context of a modern day party, Jesus was the guy who brings kegs of the good stuff so the party can keep going. Yet that is the type of person that "christians" look down on and judge, and say all kinds of whispers and murmurs about, just as the pharisees did.


Very good! Just because something _can_ be abused doesn’t mean it’s intrinsically sinful.


Notice outside church:- Make your worst enemy your best friend.
Notice outside same church one week later:- Drink is your worst enemy.


So funny. We were just talking about this yesterday.


We forget that wine and beer we’re commonly consumed because clean water wasn’t always available to trustworthy for you to consume, especially while traveling out of your home territory where your gut was used to the stuff in your own local water. Tourists abroad today are still encouraged to avoid drinking tap water for the same reason. Jews saw wine as a gift from God (they have a specific prayer of thanks for wine before drinking it) and as a substance worthy of offering to God in the temple (the priests placed a quart of wine in the tabernacle and temple with the 12 loaves of bread every day). They still use wine as a normal part of weekly worship and annual festivals. What they didn’t want was for people to engage in drinking excessively as was common in the cultures and religious cults around them. That was one of the cultural patterns Christians tried to set themselves apart from and is probably why the early churches first developed traditions of avoiding wine and or alcohol.


Control the wine, don't let the wine control you.


Just because you CAN pet a poisonous snake, maybe you should not do it. I don’t doubt that there are people who can drink in moderation. Listen to the warnings. Alcohol is not something to play around with.


This type of explanation is lacking in the church keep going bro


Well said. There is a difference between drinking but not to the level of being drunk.
