Jesus' MIRACLE of Turning WATER Into WINE Explained

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Jesus' first miracle was turning water into wine at the wedding of Cana. Many Christians believe that the wine Jesus created was fermented wine, but that's hard to believe since the Bible issues several warnings about drinking alcohol and Jesus would have violated several Bible principles if He turned water into wine. So if Jesus didn't turn water into fermented wine, what really happened? Watch this video to find out!

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Do you think Jesus turned the water into fermented wine or grape juice?

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Today I made a convenant with myself never to take alcohol ever. Thanks for this video


“Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities.”
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭5:23‬ ‭KJV‬‬


I think it’s possible that Jesus made more wine than needed, because making it does not mean Jesus was telling them to get drunk or overindulge. But as in everything God overprovides.

This is another twisting of scripture to fit your ideology. If you feel alcohol is bad, then you should not, and do it for the Lord. If you think Jesus did not drink alcohol, consider Matthew 11:19 where Jews accused Jesus of being ‘a drunkard’. Now of course I disagree with the accusation, but why would they accuse that if he was drinking grape juice?


Brother your intentions are good, but your ignorance concerning the Bible goes beyond measure, Jesus make wine not grape juice. In the book of acts when the Holy Spirit came the disciples were accused to be drunk, Peter response was, "Acts 2:15 For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour (9AM) of the day. Peter did not say hey they are not drunk because drinking is sin, He said hey is only 9AM, we drink latter that that. I do not condone drunkenness, but do not use the Bible to call sin what is not. Paul says, "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities" (1 Tim 5:23). The description in Acts 2:13 of new wine from the Greek language is, a highly inebriating fermented wine -- AKA new wine.


JESUS turned water into wine bless my brother of Christ


What about the verses give strong drink to those with a heavy heart?


*You're about to overcome something you've been dealing with. Your mind and heart will be at peace again. The weight is being lifted off of you right now. Pray and trust GOD'S timing. GOD will make a way for you. Everything will be alright.*


Deu 14:26  and spend the money for whatever you desire—oxen or sheep or wine or strong drink, whatever your appetite craves. And you shall eat there before the LORD your God and rejoice, you and your household.


Not what goes into a man that makes him a sinner but what comes out of him, one person drinks alcohol and tell the truth another drinks and become violent


they was ALREADY drinking when he made the wine also


The wine spoken of is the wine of his teachings. First the master of the house presented what he understood, which was watered down, but when Jesus spoke it was the pure Word if God, the best for last. New wine = new teachings, old wine skins = people who had previously learned other teachings. To attempt to fill them with new teachings would cause the message to get mixed with the old thereby ruined.


So why would he say you saving the good wine for now . if it wasn't wine . Why would he be like this the good one for juice


You know I have grown too very much appreciate Bible flock box. What he’s teaching here that was one biblical. There’s so many different verses that speak about wine and it’s talking about for a minute wine. If he was interested in the truth then he would point out that even Paul said take a little one for your stomach if you read that context you know a little sip of wine or something like that you got a remember now Bible flock box is an awesome guy but most of what he teaches comes offer Seventh-day Adventist doctrine and I know because I was the Seventh-day Adventist myself. Seventh Avenue us are fine people most of them are saved but they teach a work-based salvation and where the rubber meets the road it all has to do with what day you go to church on and don’t work just fine gentlemen tell you any different also yes they used one in the Bible frequently as matter fact after the flood Noah had been drinking and two of his sons were respectful and backed up and covered their father up from his nakedness. The other brother did not and there was consequences for this.


Jesus made the best grape juice of all time that even adults can enjoy it over alcohol


Amen. Praise God for sharing this Biblical principle about the miracle at the wedding of Cana.


Good explanation Greg👍. I gotta say, I've never thought about this story like this before.🤔


I'm sry but I'm having a VERY difficult time referring 2 Welch's as 'good wine'🍷...Jus sayin 🤷


So ridicoulous how people manipulate the bible to support what they want. It is quite obvious that when the Bible is taken in context that what comes out of the mouth is sin, not what goes into it. God gave wine to men as a gift. Man has given it back as wine offerings to God. If the wine in Bible times didn't have alcohol in it then there would be no need for warnings about drinking too much in the Bible. Adventists almost got it right except for all these additions to the Bible to support their way of life. Quit putting stumbling blocks in front of your brother and worry about real sin and not alcohol. So self serving and hypocritical. I would love to see the Church take up real issues of porn addiction, lust, cheating, lying, and quit worrying about someone who wants to unwind with a drink or two, or even, heaven forbid, pot. The Church needs to grow up.


I appreciate the research that went into this! Well done Greg! 👏
