Did Jesus Drink Alcohol?

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Jesus' detractors called Him a wine drinker. He could have denied it, but He didn't. Why did Jesus drink alcohol? Did He sin by drinking it?
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I like the way you dealt with this. After all HIS first miracle was turning water into wine; not to hydrate people but for a wedding! A wedding is a celebration in merriment! To me this explains it all very clearly. Drunkeness is not imbibing for mutual merriment during a celebration but instead perpetual usage of alcohol that is damaging to mind, spirit, and body. And anyone who knows an alcoholic knows that it's not the actual drink that is their them using alcohol incorrectly to "cover" the underlying problems. Well done on this one.


good response. I currently don't drink anything... but I don't believe I have a conscious issue with it. The only thing I have issue with is when it comes to openly preaching the Gospel, at say a country event on the streets(like CMA's). Professing Christians left and right will run up and defend their drinking, holding a beer in their hand(or something stronger). We preach drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom, but I think it's more the "image" that bothers me... I'd have a hard time...


Thank you for protecting the truth. Culturism leads to man made traditions that are not supported biblically. Just like eating is not a sin but gluttony is. Alcohol is not a sin but drunkenness is. What is drunkenness? If you drink and you can't control yourself. If it causes you to be hostile, commit adulteries. Jesus says it's not what goes into a man that defiles him, its what comes out.


It was wine.
The person putting on the wedding asks, " why have you saved the best wine for last?" I don't drink but I also believe the truth when I read it. The Bible doesn't water down or sweeten up anything. It tells it like it was.


In our day we have so many more beverages to drink, and the water is good. So if you do decide to drink do so with restraint. Not allowing yourself to get out of control. If anything when there is a sermon or a teaching on alcohol in church, maybe the teacher/preacher should speak a little bit about what drinking responsibly means, IF it is your decision to drink. Pastors that refuse to admit that their congregation may well reflect the culture/society that we live in are doing them a disservice. Paul rebuked those who got drunk with the communion wine, but did not forbid the drinking of wine. Paul was not about to shirk the responsibility of educating people about the dangers of alcohol, nor did he abolish the use in moderation of alcohol.


..hard time drinking publicly. It seems to ruin the witness to be running around with others drinking and, well for the most part partying. Something I remember about Paul or Peter say "they think it's odd that you no longer run with them..." and it's regarding drinking parties. So I think Peter's saying that image is not parallel with that of a Christian. They obviously did use alcohol differently though.

Something to definitely continue in study about. Thanks for video.


Back in the days wines were called grape juice. Come one guys wake up


with all do respect Joseph Drinking alcohol hasn't always been approved in the bible. First of all it says in the bible rightly divide the word of truth i believe most Christians want to use the bible to condone alcohol when Jesus made water into wine the word wine from the Greek is either ya yin and onios there's really not a lot of Christians that look up the Greek words for wine. but when jesus made water into wine the word wine represents grape juice. it says to be sober and vigilant in many scriptures and Jesus never drank wine if yeast is a sin and alcohol has yeast then Jesus would be a sinner and he wouldnt be Jesus Christ. Jesus is the sinless lamb of God. Joseph you pervert the scripture because you love alcohol more then Jesus. if you need a drink so you can talk to someone about God your lukewarm. You need to Repent Joseph Jesus Christ is against alcohol nothing good ever comes from drinking alcohol it says to be holy as your heavenly father is holy. Stop misinterpreting the word of God. God Bless You ill keep you in prayer


Jesus never drink alcohol. Plz be careful with your words.
Drinking achol is a sin


It was wine.
The person putting on the wedding asks, " why have you saved the best wine for last?" I don't drink but I also believe the truth when I read it. The Bible doesn't water down or sweeten up anything. It tells it like it was.
