MATHEWS PHASE 4 | What they don't tell you | Reasons why you shouldn't or should buy it | HAXEN HUNT

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Before you get offended cause you bought the Phase 4 or you’re a mathews fan… watch the whole video! Reasons why “I” wouldn’t buy it aren’t always reasons why “you” shouldn’t buy it!! The beauty of archery is everyone gets to pick what they want to and shoot what feels good! Some people can slay shooting with a Mathews and I’m just not one of those people!

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Heres a couple Gear links that I use and what was mentioned in the video!

Mathews Phase 4 33
33" Axle to Axle
6.5" Brace Height
336 IBO
4.68 lbs

Mathews Phase 4 29
29" Axle to Axle
6" Brace Height
340 IBO
4.48 lbs

These 2 Bows do shoot really good! However theres just a couple things I would for sure need to change before I was ready to Hunt and shoot consistent with it.
Heres the first things I would Change on it right off the bat:

First 2 things would be the grip and the String

Dont Get me wrong, the Phase 4 is a great bow, and I cant emphasize enough that you need to shoot it for yourself to really understand if it feels good in your hand. All bows shoot different for each and every person!

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“At least $400-600 for a good sight” is a WILD statement.


Y’all act like your not constantly wasting money on new archery gear mathews is so expensive blah blah blah and you own 7 different 400 dollar releases and 4 different sights. Hilarious. at-least they are trying to create something new that actually works amazing. The price reflects quality materials and labour


My son Chris Hammond and Levi Morgan made the open pro shootdown this weekend In Illinois. They do usually remove the grip tho and run the Mathews side plate with either grip tape or a strip of the non slip tape. Also they run their own stabilizers. Chris tells me it’s an absolute amazing bow tho.
Haxen talks very positive about the bow itself. He’s just negatively talking about the cost of the stabilizer system and other accessories. Which I tend to agree with. I enjoy all his videos tho.


Fair review, thanks for the video. I don't agree with the Mathews branded accessories being a down-side, since they are optional, though. Considering them a down-side means the bow would be better without them, which doesn't make any sense. You can still mount the regular stabilizers, rests and sights (which are as expensive on a Mathews as they are on any other bow, btw).

Thanks again for the video, though. If you're not living in the US, chances are that you are not able to shoot these bows before you buy them. This means we rely on reviews like these to make the most informed purchase decision we possible can. I got the new Phase 4 very recently, and I'm not 100% sure I made the right call, which sucks. But I will never know, since I can't compare it to the other bows on the market.


I bought a OG Z7 the day it arrived at my local shop over a decade ago. It has Zebra strings and I've never replaced them and have never had a problem with them. I shoot a hundred shots a week or so. If you take care of them you'll never have a problem.


1. Everyone replaces strings. 2. A good archery shop will not charge you to swap mods. Mine doesn't. 3. The riser works with all aftermarket add ons. I have a basic quiver, CBE stabilizers, Fuse sight, and a whisker bisquit. Top options aren't a negative dude.


Ive never seen such a negative review on soluch an amazing product lol. The accessories are expensive, theres no question. I don't think zebra strings are great but they are usable, you dont have to immediately replace them. You talked about sights being $400-$600, thats the very top end. You can get great sights for $200-$300, run a generic stabilizer and quiver, walk out the door for less than 2k and thats on par with the flagship bows from other manufacturers.


I own the phase 4, so I’m obviously a fan of it but your theory doesn’t really make a ton of sense considering you could apply that to anything you’re not required to spend all that money at once, or to make the bow function


If you are in the market for a new bow. Do not let this guys opinion affect your purchase. He is not very knowledgeable on the equipment he is discussing. Mathews gives you the ability to take your draw weight from 60 pounds to 75 pounds. Just by a mod swap same set of limbs. Also allowing you to keep your limbs bottomed out so you get the maximum performance from your bow at any weight. Any other manufacturers bow will cost you at least 200 dollars for a set of limbs to change your draw weight. Then you have to swap the limbs. The Mathews mod system is bullet proof and preforms better than any of the competitors rotating mods that rattles loose while shooting. The speeds he has posted in this video are wrong he has the limbs backed out on a bow that makes sure you don’t have to touch your limb bolts. A bows grip is going to vary by each individual shooter. I shoot very well off the engage grip. As do countless others across this country. The zebra strings are better than the factory strings on most if not all other manufacturers bows. I hear these guys complain about them but I can’t tell you how many bows I have owned/ worked on for others. With zebra strings and never encountered an issue that was not user error. Any one can make a video and post it on YouTube. About 80% or more of them are just repeating what they have heard from someone else and none of them have first hand experience. Find a really good archery shop learn to tune and work on your own equipment. Buy the bow you like the best and shoot it until you have reason to buy a new bow or just want one. If maintained correctly any bow out there should last a lifetime. To my knowledge Mathews is the only company that you can still get replacement parts for the first bow they ever made. All the other manufacturers have changed hands so many times over the years they can’t even tell you what there first model was. They sell you a lifetime warranty then stop making parts 5 or 6 years after they make your bow. When your bow breaks. The offer you a new bow at a slightly discounted price. Mathews will fix your bow. Which is what you are paying for when you buy a flag ship bow.


And you failed to mention one of the number 1 reasons for the Phase 4. It is absolutely hands down the quietest bow on the market. When hunting you want a quiet bow.


Owned almost every brand of bow… I always go back to my Mathews. Jus got the phase 4 33, Mathews did it again!!! “Catch us if you can”🤙🏽🤙🏽


Ive shot mayhews for 15 years. I love them. But with that beind said. Im looking at the ss34 fot my new bow this year. Phase 4 is way out of my price range when it comes tk accessories.


Mathews is Apple in archery product. They are the leader in the market so they can charge as high as they want to keep people in their 'ecosystem'. Its ok for people that can afford, but if we are comparing features over price point, other brands is far more user friendly & adjustable, but still shoots better or at least the same as Mathews bow. Not hating Mathews, but come on guys, dont be bias if you are using Mathews, admit that other brand is better in price over features offered


I wonder if Zebra Strings would be able to survive if Mathews didn't use them. Just so many better options out there for bowstrings right now.


Blowtech sign hanging in th background bashing on a competitor. Gee how telling where your bias is coming from..


Not sure about this video man just saying. I’m not a Mathews guy but I think there’s a lot you don’t understand about their bows and the company as a whole.
1.) Mathews is on of a very few that are truly and genuinely innovative. 90% of companies are paying someone else for their design, putting it on their bows and ignorant people give the credit to them. Hoyt is a good example of that. In recent years they are more bowtech and Darton than hoyt.
2. The strings are not as bad as you’re making them out to be. Every single one of Mathews pros are using zebra strings and winning. It’s part of their contract. User error has alot more to do with string problems than anything.
3.) The grip is designed the way it is for a reason, it reduces hand shock, hand shock is a selling point. I had a Mathews x comp with the factory grip on it and I shot it amazing. I don’t think many people can shoot the difference between factory and aftermarket grips, including you. This video is biased. What I have said here is not it’s facts. Give people facts bro. I enjoy your channel and honestly this is the first video I have not. 🙂


Great review! (Except for missing those loose limb bolts 😂) I'm strongly considering buying a phase 4 in the next month. I actually still shoot a switchback xt. I've been shooting and loving the xt for over 15 years. Every time Mathews releases a new flagship bow, i go try it out. The phase 4 is the first one that felt like a significant improvement over my switchback! Lol. It feels absolutely amazing to shoot! It is extremely expensive to set up, but i feel like it will be another timeless bow that ill enjoy shooting for many years just like the xt. 😁


No one should get offended by your opinion! I shoot a v3x 33 and I love it but I use to shoot a $300 bear rant so it was a big upgrade! But awesome vids and love the content


Love my Phase 4 33. Switched the grip, and have avoided all the Integrate stuff (much as i would like to have it, way too damn expensive). Would recommend it to anyone but it is damn pricey.


I completely agree about the Zebra strings and the grips. It seems like my strings absorb moisture. On humid days my peep is all out of wack. I changed my grips out also. It makes me question if the bow is worth it.
