What the heck is MATHEWS doing with the PHASE 4?!?!?!!?!

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What the heck is Mathews doing with the PHASE 4?...I love Mathews, but the whole bow side of the archery industry is quite frustrating...just reusing last years bow, make one small tweak, and jack up the price for next year!



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"What the heck is MATHEWS doing with the PHASE 4?!?!?!!?!"
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From an engineering perspective, there is really no where else for these companies to go. Performance, vibration, noise, and manufacturing prowess... the laws of physics are what they are. With halon system, they optimized for feel and performance. It's perfect. Only incremental changes are left. Mathews needs to build adjustability into their systems like ELITE and BOWTECH. That's where I'm heading this year. BOWTECH.


What do you even want? How do you not understand what they did. They are still finding way to improve something that is already an amazing product. There isn’t much more you can do with a bow.


There is a way Mathews should go and that's to make their bows a lot lighter.


If you don’t want to spend 1, 300.00 this year because you spent 1, 200.00 last year… then don’t. I don’t think these companies expect everyone to spend like that. The average hunter, in reality, without being told what changes were made, would probably be hard pressed to define the changes from year to year. 3-5 years may be more realistic and easier to justify the cash output.


Sounds like you need to buy a Bowtech or a Elite.


I completely understand where your coming from. I’ve shot Hoyt for 27 years and the price just keep getting higher and higher. I shot the phase 4 yesterday and just like that I own a Mathews. The price was way cheaper than a Hoyt and I couldn’t believe how good it felt


Keep preaching dude, you make a lot of sense and your funny!


Also upset that they even kept the same ata lengths as last year which means there are 2 consecutive years they didn’t come out with this technology on a short bow like 27 or 28 ata. So it looks like I’m digging in the back shelves for a v327 in a shop unfortunately.


Dude I feel the same way about all of the bow companies. Bows should not cost as much as a gun if they want normal people in the sport. Keep it under a $1000.


at least they are still innovating, doing things never seen on a bow before. they're not groundbreaking but at this stage there's not much manufacturers can do


When companies make the pinnacle of anything, bows, cars, planes, etc... Making small incremental changes is the smart thing to do. To big of a move and you could go in the wrong direction.
I feel Mathews did make big change, though, with the new limbs. The new limbs alone are worth 100.00. We, as hunters, are going to buy silencers for the bow anyway. I have the 27" V3, and I wouldn't upgrade because it is almost the same bow. When I bought my V3, though, I upgraded from an Outback.
I think this is a good improvement, though.


Just got the phase 4 and I love it ! Upgraded from a halon


I’m a new bow every 5-7 years guy for this reason. Went from the helium to the triax and felt a huge difference. Year to year just seems like a waste to me.


2:38 im the guy that went from a creed to a phase 4 and I can confirm. Definitely not worth the upgrade from a v3/v3x if you already have one although it is noticeably more quiet and even more dead… all that being said I still think Mathew’s did more to innovate than Hoyt… who just made the riser an inch longer and called it good lmao. I think manufacturers have hit a pretty hard plateau for at least the next 5ish years. I think engineers have pretty much maximized what they can do with the materials and technology available to them.


The companies are at the max of what is possible from an engineering stand point. The bows at this point can only improve with small refinements but the limb dampning in this case is a major engineering feat. Basically eight limbs with the proper deflection and same strength with less vibration and noise is impressive. R & D cost money so the consumer will see that increase. If your looking for major advancements in archery you will continue to be disappointed. You can start your own company and show the big boys how its done. Count me in as your first customer.


Mathews is a marketing company disguised as an archery company.


100% agree, the upgrades seem minimal. Hope to upgrade from my mission to a v3/v3x this year when people start selling them for the phase4.


Are used to work part time for a Mathews dealer 20 years ago I worked there for 10 years I never paid for a new bow that was rough. In the end I didn’t realize what I was getting except a new bow every year with all the new fancy technology every year. Once I left there I didn’t buy another bowl for 4 to 5 years and it was a chillR. This being said biting the bullet on two to $3000 every year on new archery equipment just because it’s the latest and greatest put a bad taste in my mouth and yes it is very expensive for a bear bow to be even more than $900. So that being said I’ve been in the market for the last year knowing that I was going to upgrade my set up I’ve shot every bar for the last three years at the dealerships fully set up the way I would shoot them, Little did I know what the field changes would be like but as soon as the phase 4 was released I headed straight to my local dealer as soon as I got back from my hunting trip here in Montana. I shot the phase 4 and instantly made the decision to upgrade my set up it is a tremendous difference between the V3 X in feel. Now I know $1300 is a tough pill to swallow but that’s also MSRP street price is between 12 and 1250. The accessories are what get you just for the integrated rest and a front stabilizer and a side bar with side bar mount was $1000. I will say this about the price it is well worth making the extra jump to this year‘s bowl and as far as inflation goes and manufacturing processes and the cost of material I understand that because I’m in the process and manufacturing field. Last year a gallon of milk was three dollars this year it’s $3.50 so if you look at the percentage that inflation has gone up it only makes sense that everything and everyone else has to mark up everybody has to live and everybody have to buy it at $3.50 a gallon of milk.


You don’t see big leaps once every 8 years or so until that specific system can’t be any more perfected. It’s been like that since archery has been a thing. Years ago riser design always changed year to year and I think that’s what everyone sees and since it looks the same nowadays everyone thinks it’s the exact same bow. Only so much something can be perfected and small improvements year to year is what we should want as archers. A lot of these “technologies” they have patents on for years before they release them (speaking of Mathews). I think next year will be one of those years where you see a “major” leap and then they will build off that platform for 5-8 years or so. They have some interesting patents lined up. Always been that way with every brand


I agree with you I’ve got a vxr 31.5 a buddy has a v3x 33 and yes it is more stable and maybe a touch quieter. I’d like to have it for 3D but I don’t know if it would be that big of a upgrade and as far as the phase 4 I just don’t see how that rubber in the limbs is going to last back and forth in the elements
