Astral Projection Guided Meditation ✨Third Eye Method For An OBE (432 Hz Relaxing Music, Subliminal)

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Welcome Dear Travelers to Divine Self Hypnosis. This Astral Projection Guided Meditation with Beautiful Music and Binaural Beats will help you to establish a reliable gateway into the higher astral realms. By enhancing and mastering the skill to consciously and intentionally open your third eye, activating an area within your brain that is often described as the Seat of the Soul, you will deepen your spiritual connections. There are many spiritual traditions that believe this connection serves as a vital link between the physical and spiritual worlds. It will also be of great benefit for us in our awakening to become more consciously aware and present in our daily physical life, everyday tasks and movements in our earthly world, bringing us into a deeper awakening. This will have a ripple effect within us by becoming more consciously aware of our awareness that we can then bring into our dream life and into the astral realms. As above, so below.

With any new skill that you are learning, each time you practice your experience will build on itself bringing about more awareness, insights, understanding and confidence. A meditation practice is also very helpful.

👉🏼 Please see in the comments for the list of Subliminal Affirmations that follow the mediation.

Welcome and Introduction: 0:22
Hypnosis Begins: 6:50
You Are Subliminal Affirmations: 48:00

Made with love from our hearts to yours,
Connie 💞

✨ HYPNOSIS ✨ and Guided Meditation is a process that creates a non-ordinary, heightened state of consciousness. Hypnotic consciousness bridges the waking state and the dream state. It creates a two way energy channel between the conscious and subconscious levels of our being as our brainwaves go into alpha and beta state (faster rhythm) and or delta and theta state (slower rhythm), allowing us to respond to suggestions in a higher than normal receptive state. In hypnosis, we can learn to access and utilize expanded states of consciousness for a variety of personal goals and purposes as well as to release blocked energy.

🌟 Enjoy other Hypnosis, Guided Meditations and Affirmations Videos Here 🌟

#AstralTravel #ThirdEye #DivineSelfHypnosis

Original Writing, Vocals, Music & Video by Divine Self Hypnosis
Image Credit: by Divine Self Hypnosis
Copyright ⓒ 2023 Divine Self Hypnosis®. All Rights Reserved and Protected by copy right law. Unauthorized copying, transcribing, selling, re-uploading and sampling is strictly prohibited.

All content provided herein by Divine Self Hypnosis such as Guided Meditations, Hypnosis, Daily Affirmations, and Instrumentals are intended for entertainment and educational purposes only. These offerings are not intended to take the place of a qualified and licensed physician or other health care provider. If you are having psychological or medical events, please seek the advice of your doctor. All Hypnosis is self hypnosis guided by your intentions, and must be regarded as such as the author accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury or damage in any shape or form incurred in part or in whole as a direct or indirect result of use or reliance upon the information and material presented here. Do not listen to this while driving or operating machinery, only listen when and where you can safely relax and fall asleep.
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👉🏼 Please enjoy the subliminal affirmations in this session
You are an astral traveler
You are calm and confident, at peace
You are pure awareness
You are the observer and witness to all that is
You are consciously aware and alert while your body remains asleep
You are pure consciousness
Astral travel is a normal part of your human experience
You fully activate your astral body as your vibration is very high
You are surrounded by white Light
You are patient with yourself in your out of body experiences
You remain aware as your body goes into a deep sleep
You are more than your physical body
Every night your energy body travels while you sleep
You are pure love
You are prepared and always ready to astral travel
Peace, joy and tranquility wash over you in your astral travels
You are safe and in control at all times
You welcome your journey in the astral plane
You have perfect, crystal clear vision and awareness
You are more than physical matter
You easily remember your astral travels
You are aware and connected to your energy, light body
Your mind is perfectly clear, calm and aware
You separate your energy body from your physical body with ease
You are a supernova of love and light
You enjoy your out of body experiences
You are expanding your consciousness
You leave your physical body and enjoy the astral plane
You are loving awareness in your travels
You release your body and let go higher and higher
You enjoy your out of body travels
You are feeling the glow of a thousand suns
You are more than your physical body
You are a confident explorer in the astral realms
You are completely at ease, calm, patient and relaxed
You feel your arms become relaxed and heavy
You are in control
You are creating a positive outcome
You are free to Astral Travel
You are calm
You are happy remembering your travels
You are Astral Traveling tonight
You are awake within your Travels
You are safe in your Out Of Body Experiences
You are free to fly
You remember the details of your travels
You are happy in your travels
You are a lucid Traveler
You are awake and aware when you astral travel
You are pure light
You feel your legs become relaxed and heavy
You are aware of where you are going
You are inspired by your astral travels
You are peaceful and calm in your travels
You are aware of your awareness when your physical body is asleep
You are focused
You are conscious
You are always in control
You are flying
You are safe in the astral world
You are astral traveling now
You are waking up within your dream
You enjoy your beautiful experiences
You remember all the details of your out of body travels
You are excellent at moving out of your body
You are more than your physical body
You are an agile flier
You are grateful for the ability to astral travel
Astral travel is a natural part of who you are
You are an energetic being
You are in a perfect state of control
You are out of your physical body now


Your videos are amazing. Please do one to stop junk food. You got me off of sugar with one video!


I experienced a Kundalini awakening a year ago and felt the Oneness and interconnectedness of All that is, EVERYTHING IS CONSCIOUS. It feels so blissful and Heavenly. I hope everyone experiences this and understands the Matrix is separation. We are truly all One and All that is. Physical Reality is just a projection of your dream in Heaven. We never leave Heaven.


Incredible, thank you! Love&respect


Ughhhh i have been practicing for a week now and continue to make it to the same spot and loose it all 🤣. Its very frustrating but this has been a dream of mine to experience an OBE. I have not given up and refuse to allow the frustration to follow me into my practice. I hope to continue to improve. It’s very interesting everytime i enter the vibration stage i can feel it my body floating and almost like i am spinning in circles. It is intense and very powerful. I just cant seem to know what to do to make it to where i am free. I woild love some tips! Thank you for the continued help though i am further than ever before.


Thanks for this video..i listened to it .first time ever did this it was so intense...i ve heard that some people don't get it the first time..but wow..i was floating..idk what happened..but I'll definitely do it again....


Great meditation Ms. Connie. Thank you❤️💫💥❤️‍🔥♾️✝️🙏🫂


Is there anyway to just do one meditation without the bell? I’m a veteran with ptsd and it puts me into anxiety. However, I love your sessions.


Finally I found the gold.Thankyou from the heart.Truly a mind altering life changing powerful chance to learn and from Western Australia ❤❤❤❤


Did anyone else feel like they heard whispers in parts of this


Releasing karma 😄👍 can be new topic n i live ur videos dam touchy ⭐️⭐️⭐️


I keep waking up with a terrible headache. Do I have it too loud possibly?


Why can I hear faint whispering sounds? Is that some kind of subliminal message or something? It freaked me tf out the first time listening to this meditation. I woke up in a panic. I did not like that at all.
