Guided Astral Projection: The Third Eye Escape Method

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Welcome to this astral projection guide with guided third eye chakra meditation. Activate your third eye chakra and prepare for a deep and calm astral projection.

In this recording, you will be guided through a relaxation meditation and a third eye visualization leading to the astral experience.

Your third eye is a portal into different dimensions of being. It is also referred to as the mind’s eye, or inner eye. Focusing on this area can activate your astral body and begin the vibrational stage rather quickly.

And although we may sometimes talk about the pineal gland as the third eye, today we will focus on the third eye chakra or brow chakra located in the middle of your forehead as the gateway into the astral plane.

With an activated third eye, you will be able to navigate your life, through your multidimensional awareness and through your higher frequency energy.

►The actual meditation is around 40 minutes long and will finish off with around one hour with brainwave music only to help you achieve the desired result.

I advise you to use this for 30 days, there is no guarantee that this will help you into the zone the first time listening to it. Make sure you will not be disturbed while listening to this, so you can be fully immersed in this adventure.

The background music is tuned to the 963Hz frequency and infused with 10Hz alpha brainwaves. Read more below about the benefits of the frequencies.

We are ALWAYS open for requests, please feel free to leave requests in our comment section.

🔊Narration and voice of this meditation: Jenniffer ClarOscura

🎧Remember to save our always updated playlists:


Alpha brainwaves are dominant during quietly flowing thoughts and in some meditative states. Alpha is ‘the power of now, being here, in the present. Alpha is the resting state of the brain. Alpha waves aid overall mental coordination, calmness, alertness, mind/body integration and learning.

Alpha brain waves are present in deep relaxation and usually emerge when daydreaming or during light meditation. It is an optimal time to program the mind for success and it also heightens your imagination, visualization, memory, learning and concentration.


The 963 Hz frequency is connected with the Light, and enables direct experience with Spirit, or the non-vibrational energies of the spiritual world.

It is associated with the Crown Chakra/Sahasrara and recognized as the Pineal Activator or ‘Third Eye’ to higher dimensions.

963Hz has long been identified as one of the ancient healing frequencies of the Solfeggio to help heal body, mind and soul. This frequency re-connects you with the Spirit, or the non-vibrational energies of the spiritual world. It will enable you to experience Oneness; our true nature.


Lucid Power Mind is eager to provide you with the best possible content for astral projection, lucid dreaming, insomnia and meditation. Our main focus is solfeggio frequencies blended with binaural beats to give you the best results regarding lucidity and sleep.

The content you will find here will most likely give you a head start on your lucid dreaming adventure, we strive to make the best possible music to help people achieve this. The gateway to enter lucid dreaming or astral projection is most often enhanced when listening to solfeggio frequencies infused with binaural beats.

We will also make music that will calm your body and beat insomnia that you are struggling with.

We hope you will join us on this journey. If you want to be part of something, please join us. Our purpose is also to create a relaxed and good community that everyone can call "their second home".

Copyright ⓒ 2021 Lucid Power Mind®. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorised copying, selling, re-uploading and sampling is strictly prohibited.
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Seriously, Hidden Astral Projection Techniques on Shirlest changed everything for me. I had no idea such detailed guidance existed. I took the leap and ended up astral projecting after my first read!


I want to comment on each one of these lol but there's soooo many people making the same mistake haha so hopefully this comment reaches someone that it can help. Are you trying very very hard to project and it just ain't working? STOP. U are doing it wrong. You shouldn't be "trying" to do anything at all except absolutely nothing. Stop waiting. Stop trying. Don't "try" to do anything. Go to sleep like you always do. Just pay attention while it's happening. That's all you have to do. It is a subjective experience it ain't the same for everyone. But people think they are supposed to stay awake until they fall asleep and that's wrong.. Do not try to stay awake. The goal is to go to sleep. But realize it's happening. If u accidentally fall asleep you got closer than you did if u lay there awake for hours on end. Try different things. DON'T GIVE UP!! GOOD LUCK!!


It worked! Omg it worked. I went to bed, after completing this meditation (during which, my heart was pounding like crazy, and I was vibrating). I had a couple of dreams, and woke up. Went to the toilet, and went back to bed. I then had another dream, and I did a reality check (put my finger through my left hand) - and BOOM! I WAS FLOATING ABOVE MY BODY. Keep in mind, that in my dream, I was at my local gym… but I suddenly was floating on the top of my bed - slowly floating up. It still fills me with joy just thinking about it!

Don’t be lazy guys! I was hella lazy. I did this video once a month or two ago, and it didn’t work. So I just gave up. Then, yesterday, I told myself that I was gonna spend 30 days trying to astral project. Took me one day! Just set your intention, and relax. Relaxing and imagining the stuff she speaks of really helps. Don’t worry AT ALL if it doesn’t work the first time. Set a challenge for yourself: 30 days! 30 days of consistent effort trying to astral project! You got this.


Remember your body is the anchor. You will still feel your body. Practice going around the room you’re in. Touching the surfaces around you through your mind. Practice floating above yourself, even staring at your anchored body. Start small and keep practicing. Just remember your physical body is the anchor.


Holy crap. I did it. I do have some work to do on my third eye because I couldn’t fully detach, but I COULD SEE THROUGH CLOSED EYES. My heart was beating super fast too, but I never felt more free. Immaculate. Thank you💖 trying again tonight!


I listened to this last night, fell asleep through the middle and ended up having some bizarre lucid dreams, very interesting


“Make sure you have no distractions”


It worked. I did my first Astral travel today after trying for like years. Man, its amazing. The key is to just let go and not to try . Be aware while sleeping. Kinda amazing


I never told my parents about the strange vivid dreams I’ve had and how sometimes I would wake up with sleep paralysis. As a kid, I just thought that happened to everybody. If I lay on my back at all while trying to sleep, I will immediately be sent into sleep paralysis. It is natural to panic. And those entities I see are not hallucinations. They are trying to scare me into being afraid of sleep paralysis and Astral Projection. They prey on fear. YOU are in control. You are much more powerful and strong then you think. Don’t let them scare you away from Astral Projection.


I’ve opened my third eye without even falling asleep. The room has to be dark, I lay there calm with laser focus then a portal will open up in my mind it’s like I’m in a different dimension, floating with a birds eye view overlooking my surroundings …. It feels amazing, I felt so free!!! There’s no other feeling like it it’s an adrenaline rush that I’ve never experienced… I’m a black man fyi ✌🏽


It worked. It finally clicked for me. The key is to let go while also remembering you are in control. That sounds ridiculous but it finally made sense. I was able to go wherever I wanted to go just by being patient and allowing it to happen.


I’ve listened to this probably 20 times, each experience noticeably different than the last. Within a minute of turning the video on I can feel that addictive buzz in the center of my forehead.
Thank you for this.


I temporarily fell asleep for about 1 minute and when I woke up I felt as if I was sinking and I was vibrating. This was probably the closest I have got yet, but when I have similar experiences it always seems to end when I inhale(the vibrations plus sinking feeling and feeling of having no body)


I really like her voice. Makes a refreshing change from finding mainly male voices... Much love to everyone reading this. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


For some reason i went to sleep and woke up but in a different place, i saw my grandma and talked with her for a bit, i just graduated high school and she told me she was very proud of me. I woke up the day after with dried tears in my eyes. I also listened to this yesterday and had a similiar experience but where i had control over this dimension outside of space and time where i and others alike freely bent reality to our wills, it was truly enlightening. Thank you for helping me achieve this.


I just can’t wrap my head around why Hidden Astral Projection Techniques on Shirlest aren’t being shared more. It felt like a secret treasure! Thanks to it, my first astral projection experience was mind-blowing.


Holy crap! It actually worked! I was only out of my body for a few seconds, but I was out! Never would have believed this actually works! Thanks so much for this video!


So I have been trying to Astral Project while listening to this, so there comes a moment when there is no voice and you are just lying down with no thoughts, feelings and sensations 5-10 minutes of silence and only music I moved my eye to the center of my eye brows (3rd eye) and as soon as I did that like a key fits a lock - whooosh straight on a roller coaster, I was vibrating and flying through a black and white tunnel (first experience ever) and then I had a feeling of gulping down and it vanished 😌 I didn't move but my own body or mind stopped me. You need patience. Go till the tunnel stage first. ❤️❤️❤️


my body vibrated and my eyelids vibrated and i felt my astral body floating in the side of my body i think. I couldn't do it anymore cause my heart was beating too fast. It was cool


Last night was crazy for me I am trying like 2 years now and this time was crazy I was kind of sleeping like I was on delta waves and then at 1:26:45 I did feel my body was going out and then I turn around to se my body and then I get shocked and i wake up my I did feel for like 1 or 2 minutes a full body vibration 🤔and the most Crazy think about all this was that I liked it so much 😂 peace and love to everyone and the creator of this guide ❤️
