8 Signs You Don't Trust Yourself

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Learning how to trust yourself is the key to creating a healthy relationship with yourself, as it fosters a deeper sense of self-love, self-compassion, and self-confidence within us. But for a lot of us, self-trust doesn’t always come so easily. Many people often struggle with issues of self-doubt that can lead them to sabotage their own chances of happiness and success. So, how do you know when you don’t trust yourself? In this video, we've listed out a few signs that can help you figure it out before it’s too late!

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Editor: Morgan Franz
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Music & Sound Design: Urban Goose Studios
Animator: Ceechan
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Mirels, H. L., Greblo, P., & Dean, J. B. (2002). Judgmental self-doubt: Beliefs about one’s judgmental prowess. Personality and individual differences, 33(5), 741-758.

Govier, T. (1993). Self‐trust, autonomy, and self‐esteem. Hypatia, 8(1), 99-120.
Lehrer, K. (1999). Self-trust: A study of reason, knowledge and autonomy.

Olson, K. C., Poehlmann, K. M., Yost, J. H., Lynch, M. E., & Arkin, R. M. (2000). Subjective overachievement: Individual differences in self‐doubt and concern with performance. Journal of Personality, 68(3), 491-524.

Hermann, A. D., Leonardelli, G. J., & Arkin, R. M. (2002). Self-doubt and self-esteem: A threat from within. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28(3), 395-408.

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Here we are sitting on a couch thinking about how horrible was my tone in a conversation with a girl that I talked 4 years ago.


1. You always 2nd guess yourself 1:00
2. You overthink everything 1:34
3. You trust other opinions more than your own 2:10
4. You don't validate your own experiences 2:40
5. You're afraid to speak up 3:23
6. You try to control everything 4:00
7. You struggle to recognize your worth 4:28
8. You're overly self critical 4:59

Have a gr8 day every1.


Honestly psy2go really be knowing how I feel and it's starting to get to me 😭


I imagine a lot of people with self-trust issues probably learned it from someone else growing up. When you get treated as if everything you do is wrong and you can't make decisions on your own for a long time, you come to believe it's the truth, when the truth is the person telling you those things was likely either using it to manipulate and control you or was projecting their own insecurities onto you.


Me clicking on this video knowing damn well I don’t trust myself but just wanna confirm anyway


I lack self-love and self-confidence, I just feel that I'm just a terrible human being and I'm just a burden to everyone.
And because of that I feel like I NEED to help people around me, but at the same time I feel that I'm going to mess up and everyone will judge me, cause I'm not good enough.
It's just, painful when people say good things about me, because I just feel like they're lying or/and making fun of me, and that just makes everything worse.


I thought being an indecisive, insecure, closed perfectionist, pessimist and overthinker were part of my character... i guess there's a real reason why i've been like this for these past few years, the weird nightmares furtherly explain it as well


I experience this everyday, I'm glad others can relate. Even if I get any answer right, I always check it on the web.


Can we get a video on tips to build self-trust? It would be super super helpful! Thank you for all the work you guys put into these by the way!


When you don't trust yourself, you might feel uncomfortable spending time looking inward. You might try to keep busy all day by constantly getting involved in activities or thinking about small things outside of yourself. Break the habit of looking away from yourself by patiently looking inward👍


(Update added timestamp :D)

1. You always second guess yourself 1:00
2. You overthink everything 1:34
3. You trust other peoples opinion more than your own 2:10
4. You dont validate your own experiences 2:40
5. You're afraid to speak up 3:23
6. You try to control everything 4:00
7. You struggle to recognise your worth 4:28
8. You're overlycritical of yourself 4:59

There you go :)


Oh yeah, I definitely don’t trust myself. Or most people for that matter.


Yep all this is me except the controlling part


I definitely struggle with this, and I really want to fix this. I'm tired of beating myself up and I really want to learn how to love myself before it's too late. I want to start enjoying things more and being a happier person


everyone relates to the problem but why isn’t anybody talking on how to solve it?


bro I have AnXiEtY these signs just come naturally-


Video: "Do you relate to this video?"
Me: Every. Single. One.


I found your channel while i trying to find what me, an introvert is. And after that i become proud of being just me. 😊


Me: *sees title* You already know that you do, why are you watching?
Also me: But what if I don’t, though
Me: YoU’rE dOiNg It RiGhT nOw!!!


I personally think that you guys are doing a great job with spreading awareness about these topics but I feel like you should make videos about how to fix it or how to cope with it as well.
