20 Top Foods to Eat on a Ketogenic Diet

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Insulin Resistance Masterclass + Meal Plan











0:00 Intro
0:44 Is ketosis restrictive?
1:42 Benefits of ketogenic diets
2:03 Top 20 foods for ketogenic diets
10:30 Importance of electrolytes


Song: Nekzlo - Pink Ocean (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.

This video is for general informational purposes only. It must never be considered a substitute for the advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition.

This video is sponsored by Sodii.

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20. Chicken thigh
19. Coconut milk
18. Macadamia nuts
17. Cauliflower
16. Berries
15. Greek yogurt
14. Zucchini
13. Oysters
12. Olives
11. Olive oil
10. Grass fed butter
9. Broccoli
8. Cheese
7. Ghee
6. Mushrooms
5. Avocados
4. Salmon
3. Red meat
2. Eggs
1. The numbers got messed up like 13 numbers ago. She miscounted. Not my fault.


I’m celebrating 1 year on a strict Keto diet. I’m a 63 yo guy that was overweight and severely out of shape. I’ve shed 65 lbs and have a flat stomach and I feel like I’m 30 again. I love the way you just get right to it. I always learn something new from each of your videos. I also think that you are beautiful and have the healthiest look that I’ve ever seen. Keep up the great work and thank you from the bottom of my now heathy heart!


Steak, eggs, and avocado are my go-to keto meal. Throw in some broccoli or spinach for some extra fiber.


Honorable mention.. Sauerkraut.. it's great for gut health


My show notes~
1. Nuts- watch your omega 3 to 6 ratio consumptions, best nuts being macadamias & walnuts. Omega 6's hog the cellular receptors from Omega 3's. Peanuts are horrendously high at about 1700/1 on a 6/3 ratio.
2. Bulletproof coffee~ grass fed butter, and if you must, use heavy whipping cream, NOT half/half or flavored creamers.
3. Olives are not my bag~ I consume 2-3 oz of *QUALITY* oil per day for keto and heart health. A good sign is it'll have a bite to the flavor. Lesser oils can be diluted with seed oils.
4. If you're over 50 limit soft cheeses due to excess calcium. Gouda especially is shown to have brain health benefits.
5. Ghee~ I almost exclusively use bacon fat for cooking, it's free leftovers. Run thru a paper coffee filter & refrigerated it'll keep for 6 months or more.
6. Mushrooms~ the *ONLY* non-animal source of vitamin D. Sliced and exposed to direct sun for 10-15 minutes drives up their D levels by up to 10x.
7. Salmon~ if it's got dye in it that's an indicator of farm raised. They don't always elaborate.
8. Beef~ grass fed and grass finished. We're not just what we ate, but what they are as well. Read the book "the great cholesterol myth" by Bowden & Sinatra. Cholesterol is required in the construction of every cell in your body.
9. Eggs~ some children carry an egg white sensitivity into adulthood. Having them in recipes or scrambled with plenty of veggies & meats eases the nausea. The yolk contains the micronutrients, whereas the whites are mostly protein.


I became ill and when i went to the doctor of course, first he told me i was depressed and anxious so prescribed pills, when that didn't cure me he said it was my ovaries and needed an operation, then said i had a bad heart more pills after just 8 months of seeing him im sicker than when i first went in and on 10 yes 10 different medications, i lost 60lbs became listless, confused and even sicker. Thank god my back went out because when i couldn't work i couldn't afford the doctor or drugs. After withdrawal (6 weeks) i did some research on my original symptoms found i was hypoglycemic and changed my diet to accommodate it. 5 yrs later im healthier than ive ever been. No more doctors or drugs for me. Only a healthy diet with real food not store bought crap or take out and only homeopathic medicine.


Butter in coffee is a game changer! Especially if it's blended and topped with a little sea salt or cinnamon!😍


I've put both butter and coconut oil into my coffee. Just have to stir before every drink but adds a smooth rich taste and texture!


I don't like many of these healthy options but have successfully lost 40 pounds on dirty keto: big macs without buns, chipotle steak salad with guac + cheese, bacon egg and cheese omelets, steak, chicken, pork, lots of water, gatorade zero, and a coke zero once in a while. I did this for 4 months with excellent results. Cutting out alcohol alone helped reduce fat around my face and the feeling of being bloated.


I did keto and felt like a million bucks, so, much energy, clear head. Slowly fell off it by holidays, work trips etc and now getting back into it. To lose what I have regained and regain what I have lost in energy and joint wellness! I find your videos simple and inspiring. Thank you!


Because of an extracted molar, i didn't drink coffee for 2 days. At my GP i had the best blood pressure reading og my entire life 115 over 70...I am 82.5 years been going Keto for 3 years....😊


Duck eggs, butter, cheese and avocados are my go to foods. Also Greek yogurt. 😊


I watched your video on the bulletproof coffee and I've been drinking it ever since. I just became a member of your channel! Thank you for doing what you do. I'm so grateful for your videos.


Katie, I add unsalted Irish butter to my coffee every day! It's bullet-proof.


3 years strict keto and going strong ❤️


I agree with all your choices, but I've heard a lot about the benefits of eating sardines and was surprised to see this superfood missing from your list. thx for the video! I have some new choices 😊


Beware grass fed butter. Make sure it says 100% . Feeding cows gmo corn feed and supplementing with a certain amount of grass allows the grass fed label.


This is why another doctor I follow says that it's kind of a myth about protein turning to sugar. If your body is fat adapted and doesn't rely on glucose to function it won't turn the proteins to sugar. The body is so cool!


Thank you! I'm 54 and I've lost 80lbs or 36kg over the last seven months. Will admit I haven't been exactly the perfect student but I try to follow the recommendations as much as possible. And when I feel that I'm plateauing, I incorporate another tip I've yet to use. Your videos keeps me engaged and keeps me on track even if I've watched some of them before. Keep 'em coming!


YES - I reluctantly tried grass fed butter in my coffee years ago, because I thought it was so ridiculous and was thinking "no way", and found out it was so DELICIOUS. The butter took away the hard flavor from coffee.
