How the Catholic Church Is DECEIVING Evangelical Christians | Mike Gendron

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Here’s how the Catholic church is DECEIVING evangelical Christians… In episode 10 of the Pastor Scholar Podcast, Pastor Ryan Day, Dr. Cory M. Marsh, and Mike Gendron discuss the Roman Catholic church’s pagan traditions, departure from the faith of the apostles, and more.

Video Content:
00:00 - Intro
03:32 - Historical Trace Of Catholicism
09:11 - RCC's View Of The Pope
13:50 - Peter Was A Fallible Man
22:13 - Truth Behind A Bleeding Eucharist
28:28 - Unequipped Pastors For Evangelizing
35:41 - Evangelicals Are Forgetting The Gospel
37:08 - "Unity" Between Christianity And Catholicism
45:48 - Urge To Test All Teachings
46:52 - History Of The Bible
52:29 - Biblical Literacy Of Catholics
01:00:32 - Doctrinal Differences Matter
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When Jesus says “on this rock I will build my church”, He’s referring to the revelation revealed to Peter by the Father, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Jesus IS the Rock. Satan perverts meaning, and interpretation. 😭🙏🏼🫶🏼


Brought up in a Catholic Convent, not by choice!!! Abandoned by parents. It took 54 years before Jesus rescued me, and I’ve been given a second chance in life, the best decision and commitment I have ever made!!!! THANK YOU JESUS, AND THE POWER OF GOD’s Holy Spirit. All Glory To God, the one and only true God, Hallelujah! I honestly don’t know what I would do without Him. I Love You, Adore You, Worship You, Praise You, and Glorify Your Holy Name. One night listening to Worship, drew me to Jesus, that same weekend was Easter Sunday, I received Jesus, as my Lord and Savior, I have been following Him daily since 1999. Hallelujah. Thank You Jesus. Amen❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Yup and that is why I am not alone in the belief that the End Times are here and that Our Lord is personally directing the Church in this time of apostasy.


For the record: true Christians don't follow Luther; they follow Jesus. Some pple don't seem to "get" this.


I don't care what protesters say. The Catholic Christian Church Is the true Church founded by Christ Jesus. I will continue to petition Saints, The Holy Mother of God and The Holy Angels in communion prayer. You all are invited back into Mass any day. Come home.


I grew up in the Amish religion, it is SO similar to Catholic among other religions. I recently left the amish community and accepted Jesus, Praise Him!! My parents don't want anything to do with me anymore. But Jesus is enough! The best advice is to read the Bible for yourself, and test to see if what you're taught matches with the Bible.


Really good discussion.
Being married into a Greek family and their membership in the Greek Orthodox Church, this was a helpful video.
They split from Catholicism but did keep much of the same or similar unbiblical teachings, beliefs and traditions.
I walked away from Eastern Orthodoxy over 4 years ago after being in the church prior for 25 years because of my marriage.
I almost lost my marriage as my husband was less than happy that I returned to the Baptist church threatening to divorce me but by the grace of God we are almost at our 32 year anniversary and I have over the years been able to interject the true gospel, biblical truths and counters to what they teach. He is still a member and so it can be difficult at times to navigate how to handle this situation.

I wish more discussions were given on Eastern Orthodoxy and it’s ties to Roman Catholicism and the similar heresies because it’s almost a forgotten fact that they were and are still in many ways linked together.


The prince of the world must love it when Christians go after each other using misrepresentations and falsehoods careful grafted into a bit of truth. I wonder why the speakers refuse to discuss their conceptions with a Catholic speaker in a mutually respectful conversation that would offer honest differences and let the listeners come to their understanding of the matters. Don't we all have a lot to do because the harvest is large and there are so few workers? Pastor Ryan Day, Dr. Cory M. Marsh, or Mike Gendron, please direct me to your dogma, catechism, book of discipline or other written statement of beliefs.


As an evangelical who's spent an enormous amount of time reading Catholic doctrine, in English and Latin, along with the early Church Fathers -- I cannot stress enough how utterly uninformed and confused Mike Gendron is on the topic. In fact, he is at times so far off the mark that it's difficult to imagine it's not malicious. He is by not stretch of the imagination an "expert" on the matter, and consulting his opinions can be nothing but counterproductive.


Satan the great deceiver the biggest liar influence many to lie, the deny reject Christ. I led my 73, year old Dad to the saving grace ofvGod through Jesus Christ. My Dad was a devout Catholic all his life but when salvation explained he was willing to accept Jesus


I can affirm that Mike's book, Preparing for Eternity, is an excellent examination of how official Roman Catholic dogma is in conflict with the truth of Scripture. It goes through many different subjects, such as the mass, the euchrist, purgatory, Mary, etc. The biggest problem is that the people who really need to read it won't.


Thank you I needed this. My daughter-in-law is Hungarian Catholic, but she doesn't practice her faith. Since I've met her, I've prayed to Christ Jesus for her salvation. Everyone knows I'm a born-again christ follower and I feel her family are concerned I will "convert" her to the Gospel. I'm praying Father God saves not only my daughter in law but her mom n all her family. God bless your ministry.


Certainly is skilled in twisting the Word of the Lord.
I am a Christian who belongs to the Catholic Church. A simple Google search would repudiate this man's lies. He takes things out of context.


Infallibility was not a Roman do trine until the mid-1700's. But, when they did adopt that doctrine, it eas applied to all prior popes. Consider those popes that were responsible for the martyrdom of over a million Christians declared to be heretics because they disagreed with Rome doctrines.


It's amazing how many lies and half truths someone can tell.
It's sad how little about Catholicism this man knows but teaches against it.

"Catholics have to follow the law" - nowhere does the Catholic church teach we have to follow the law of Moses.


I believe that the special guest that was on this program is really getting close to understanding the papacy and its role in Bible prophecy 👍


I was brought up Catholic. Went to church every day sometimes 2x a day during special holidays I knew in my heart I did not have a relationship with God as the Bible says, I was dead in trespasses and sins. I was taught that Mary was born without original sin and I wondered how she did that. I was taught about the saints and all those women who lived as virgins qualifying them for sainthood. I was 8 then. I knew I was a sinner separated from God. I prayed for God to come down and show us what He was like. Lo and behold I was led to an Evangelical church where I found Christ and heard of Jim dying of our sins. I did not hear in my Catholic church but had to work to become acceptable to God. I am still struggling with that concept and have yo always trust God through his grace snd mercy by Christ's sacrifice on the Cross our only hope of salvation.😅




I was visiting with my sister and her husband.. They went to Saturdays evening mass... When they came back my sister was very upset... She shared with me that the priest told the people attending....He said, " I would rather have you commit murder than miss mass.." Wow, that was appalling... I can't imagine how evil that was for him to say that.. She never brought that up again...I believe she regretted she told me that.. It didn't surprise me... Bugsy


And do those things, helping the poor is works. Faith without works is a dead faith. And that is biblical.
