Catholic Church’s Stance on LGBT – Part 1

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A trial I personally struggled with for years. I even left the faith because of it. God brought me back and I'm now happy to say that I'm a Catholic married woman with children. I'm trying my best to raise them with loving values that help bring people to God.


“if anyone comes to you and preaches a different gospel besides the one we gave to you, let him be anathema”


Leave the Children ALONE.
The grooming has to STOP


If you wear a rainbow shirt, you are showing PRIDE in the LGBTQ LIFESTYLE. There’s a HUGE difference between CELEBRATING SIN and being ashamed of sin, being convicted of sin, and wanting to REPENT and RECONCILE with God in TRUTH.


2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.


It is not negligible doesn't mean that we should indulge in the act. God hates the sin!

Do not ignore those who are struggling doesn't mean we should validate their feelings or their acts! God's words are firm and should not be used to push any nuanced agenda!

You cannot serve 2 masters! Either proudly wear your rainbow shirt in June or proudly follow God's words. You can't have it both ways sis


Those who suffer from SSA should absolutely be loved and respected, but they also need to be told the truth in love.

Truly loving someone with SSA does not mean encouraging them to engage in that disordered behavior, but showing them they’re called to a life of chastity.


Rev 3:15, if you neither hot nor cold I will spit you out!


Catholics Don't Get To Make the Law, God Decides....


I'm a str8 guy who no girl wants to date. I have to be chaste too.


Saint Matthew 9:13
Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.’ For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”


It is a choice. A choice to say yes or no to sin. They first need to acknowledge their sin, ask for help and return from it. Just like addicts, etc. We are all sinners. And we are to turn from sin, ( first acknowledge it) and pursue Christ. We ALL have trials of sin. But we are not to indulge in it and act like it's okay before God.


The bottom line is just because you have sinful thoughts does not mean you should act on them.
Exactly they should not be ignored. They need to let jesus into their hearts and repent ..


Literally nobody says “deep seated heterosexual tendencies.” That’s how whack this sounds.


The problem with SSA people is that they insist that the solution to their problem isn’t to repent, but to make their sin, not a sin. We as Catholics need to remember that sodomy is a sin, and encouraging it is NOT loving they neighbour.


Pints With Aquinas podcast had an excellent interview with this woman, she is wonderful. God bless her. Anyone struggling with same sex attraction, or wanting to understand the issue from a more loving perspective will find comfort and wisdom in her words as she so generously shares her life experiences.


No one who is a sinner wants to see their sin as a disorder. The current craze of gender fluidity is alarming. We can talk about the dignity of an individual and be totally correct. It does not mean that I have to yield to their way of thinking because they are making the most noise


I am a Catholic, but I can honestly say the hate for gay people is driving me away from the church what other people do in a loving relationship has nothing to do with anyone else. The American Church is turning into a very similar version of Fundamentalist Protestant Church.Thank God for the levelheaded European Church


I don't know if I'd say we can separate a person from their desires and actions. These very things constitute who we are as human beings. I believe you are trying to communicate that we can look at ones intrinsic dignity apart from these things?


The catechism states in 2358 too that „ They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.“. Disregarding that there are loving and committed same-sex relationships by stating that the very nature of homosexual acts is sinful doesn’t work, as separating sexual orientation from sexual acts. And looking at how the first comment here equals homosexuality and pedophilia shows the effects of this teachings: it’s hate, bigotry and rejections that can lead queer people even into suicide. Since the theological reasoning to justify this teaching is outdated, misguided, and inconsistent with the main virtues of love and respect, this teaching needs to change.
