How I Would Become a Web Developer in 6 Months 2020 | Legit Step By Step Tutorial

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In this video I share how I would get my first developer job in 6 months.

Please note that there will always be so much more that you can learn when it comes to HTML, CSS and JavaScript. But the goal when getting your first job is not to master each language but to show your potential and passion to your FIRST future employer as a Junior Web Developer.

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I'll watch tutorials at 2x speed so I can learn in 3 months!


Writing this here to progress. Paused at 4:00

Day 1. learning HTML & CSS, for a month starting right now. i’ll be back after a month to see what you recommend for Month 2.

if anyone is reading this please feel free and join me if you’re beginning your journey.


I went through work training for the last 6 months to be a junior developer. I’m finishing up my final week and hitting the floor as a junior dev next Monday.
Literally took six months of hard work and it was worth every second


This is my second time watching this video and it is so inspirational I'm 62 and considering retiring from my regular job but moving on to something that I really love and I have been so interested in coding for years and I think I'm going to make that move.. thank you 🙏🏿


I am making this comment minutes after I landed my first official job as a web developer/designer. I started following the advice in this video December of 2020. It is now April 2021. I had been working on learning web development before that time, but it was a bit chaotic in my approach and I had very little I could prove on a resume. If you follow the advice in this video you will absolutely land (or at least wildly increase your chances) a job in 6 months. Thank you for your advice Chris. It has truly changed my life.


This video literally motivated me soo much and i already knew html and css and a bit of react but it was an year ago. I learned JS, react and actually got a job in 3 months…gratefull for you man


I wish this video was around like a year ago before I paid for school. Cause this is exactly what we learned to do in school. This video is gold.


Also, maybe for some 6 months is too short. You might be juggling work, education, family, etc. It is ok to take 1 or even 2 years. Do not feel discouraged if you do not feel ready after 6 months. Learning is not a race and everyone has different circumstances


The comments section of this video is so much encouraging.


I am in college working $7.25 jobs and I can’t wait to start. I am in my first programming class, learning how computers work and how to problem solve. I may not be the smartest one in my class. I haven’t built much code before, but I KNOW I am the most dedicated and focused. Thank you for the video!


The amount you learn and level up from interviews is crazy. Never see it as a bad thing in the early days if you get rejected. You will eventually get hired if you keep working hard!


Another thing that is extremely important to learn as a frontend dev, probably more than DB’s are api’s. Rest and Graph.


I'm a 39 year old father who recently started learning css and html, and your video has given me more hope than any other video I've seen out there. It's been easy for me to get discouraged, but I'm keeping my head down and plugging away, one lesson at a time.


Thanks for the tips and sharing your personal experiences. At age 30, I’ve never been so ready to change my career. After months of soul searching and seeing what career would best fit my lifestyle, web development keeps standing out to me. Yesterday, I spent 2 hours on YouTube learning html and css. By the end of the two hours, I was shocked as to how much I was able to accomplish with ZERO experience in programming. I’m hopeful and ready to give it my best. Thanks!!


I made it to the end. Haha thanks so much for making this video... I am a 36 year old married father of 4 who quit my corporate management position to follow my dreams of being a digital nomad. I have been in "tutorial hell" for the last 8 months and decided to make a huge change with how I am approaching it. I invested in a state of the art home office setup and not even my wife knows how much that rabbit hole cost us haha but, I plan to start "fresh" and document my complete learning journey via live streams to sort of have a video journal of where I was and what I was doing at certain times. I want to be able to respond to chat and use them as a learning partner if it ends up working out that way. I do NOT care about monetization or anything for my channel or anything but I will make my streams as professional looking and real as possible, just because that is the type of person that I am. While I have been collecting tech to setup a good streaming ability and preparing my content list, you have been a huge inspiration to me. I have watched hundreds of hours of YouTube content over the last 8 months and for some reason your authenticity has resonated with me and I truly believe the words you are speaking. Thanks again for the advice and please continue the channel for as long as you can.


Hey Chris, I'm going to start this journey tomorrow, teaching myself for 6months +, hell I'll go 18 months if I have to. I don't have many options in my current career and its making me depressed. Thank you for this encouraging message. I'll update you in 6 months, 12, and 18 until I get a job. Cheers!


Every developer interview I failed prepped me for the next one, from coding challenges to behavioral interviews. Now I’m blessed to have been matched with an amazing team and company. It was a tough road but it was well worth it. I’m always learning, on weekends I try to brush up on a new framework or language.


Hey Chris. Great vid. I have been a developer for over a decade. And to be honest, im still learning. The thing about this industry is that the better you get, the better you want to be. And this industry is changing constantly. So you will always be learning. But its a great industry to be in. And your 100% right, even when you study like crazy for an interview its always wort it. Because the knowledge you gain is priceless.


Hands down the best how to life tutorial I've ever seen. When I get stuck at javascript I watch this video again and it boosts my morale up to 110%.
