Can anyone become a genius | Mark Diaz | TEDxBlvdTeofiloBorunda

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"If you get to your gift too quick it will destroy you."


"It's not about the age you have, It's about what you doing with the age you have". Truly inspiring.


I'm an example, I used to fail at maths when I was in 6th grade and I improved drastically within a year, I became a topper in 7th grade! All I did was I believed I could do good and practiced, practiced and practiced a lot everyday!


My mind was blown when he revealed that all it takes to go from No Talent -> Genius is finding the SMALL steps that are WITHIN your abilities. And not to mention that you must treat it like a journey... it might take 5 years or 10 years, but DO NOT rush it! What an incredibly insightful video


Somehow the whole thought of this video reminded me of calculus, with how the area under a curve is solved by adding up infinitesimal strips and how smaller steps that we take lead us to a bigger picture. It's beautiful.


One of the most underrated videos. Masterpiece


Mozart was locked in a room with a piano. Lock yourself in a situation you want to become and you'll be a genius with the muscle memory.


I literally think this is the best video I’ve ever seen on YouTube


Amazing talk. All makes sense. It's like my own life story. At 43, after being diagnosed with fatty liver, I decided to start jogging. It was hard, I was only able to run to a maximum distance of 2-3km at a time. I also started to swim, at most 50m, at once and stop to catch more breath.
Then after about 2 months I realised that actually I improved in both running and swimming. I signed up for a short Aquathlon (750m swim + 10km run) events.
Then I read a running article about marathon that says: one should dream big to keep yourself motivated and have a focus on certain things.
So I decided to sign up for 42km full marathon and also 6.5km open sea swim. I trained hard, 3x running a week after work and 2x weekly pool swim. Occasionally I took leave from work so that I can swim in the pool without disturbance when no one else want to swim under hot mid noon sun.
6 years later, I completed 11 full marathons, 3 open sea 6.5km swim and 3 ultra aquathlons.
Whatever the presenter said makes every sense to me. It also reminded me of the story of the 3 Polgar sisters whose father literally made the 3 of them chess geniuses.


Very inspiring talk. I fully agree with all the statements made.


A picture, they say is worth more than a thousand words. Now, this is genius: using his artistic skills to communicate an unrelated message. One of the finest deliveries of TEDx I have seen


I wish more people can see this. This is so underrated.


One of the most brilliant videos I've watched on YouTube as yet. I was not bored for even a minute. It held my attention for the whole 16 minutes. Everything he said was delightfully lucid and exceptionally clear.


HAHAHA HA I genuinely laughed at how awesome and playful his presentation was.


That guy is Hilarious!!!
And that speech was amazing.


I absolutely loved this video. I wish more teachers in this world were like this. It take a very creative person like himself to really get peoples attention by laughing in the process.


I am 42 years old now and my strongest point in life was computing and technology and I have a slight learning disability and I was brought up old school my mum is 75 and my dad is 77 years old, I became good computing and technology at the age of 7 or 8 years old all just by playing around on my dads computer back then it was more programming to make your own games or cassets or discs and all I did was just play around with it, when I was in hightschool I was a one finger typer at a time now I can type and use a keyboard with my eyes shut, but it was not till I was in 6yr of hightschool it all just came to me and all I did was not give up read and watch into it, I was never a classroom person, but still it just all came to me and yet I self tought myself that being my own boss. but I allways loved solving things and maths but iv never been great at maths im 42 years old now iv been self teaching myself math since 2018 it took me 3 years to get familure with maths and now I am and now I can do calculus better but I still go over it and persaver makeing better my weakness, as they say practice makes perfect, hopefully one day before I die I would love to do advance math, topology differential deometly, abstract algebra and anaylasis because I love solving things, I say to myself its not comeing sooner but ill just persavere.


Your geniuses depends on how much time you give at something to make a genius muscle memory... Take your time from distraction and give it to your goals.


This is literally one of the best TED talks I’ve seen since ever! Just think about how original it is but has only relatively low view counts. What a pity


This change my perspective and doubt that somehow talent always win and felt that i couldn't attain the level of intellectual to become a professor but after watching this, I will spend my time devoting to become great in the path that I have chosen
