Become the Person You Can't Imagine | Norman Bacal | TEDxRyersonU

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Whether you're twenty-five or sixty-five, figuring out what you're going to do next in life is a challenge. With great humour, Norman Bacal traces the river of his own journey through success to crashing failure and then to amazing rebirth. As a lawyer, firm builder, motivational speaker and bestselling author, Norman uses his own personal experiences to share advice on how to rebound after failure and set yourself up for success. Norman Bacal built and led an iconic Canadian law firm, was among the pioneers of the financing of the Canadian film and television industry, and had the privilege of working with major Hollywood studios during his thirty-five year legal career.

In 2016 he stepped away from practice to begin a second career as a motivational speaker, and consultant. He is a Globe and Mail and Amazon bestselling author of four books on leadership, career development and murder-mysteries. An eclectic combination.

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1. Your career journey is a river so you need to adapt and change direction/ success is not a ladder
2. Steer the boat/ take charge
3. Single minded determination is the key
4. Failures are your lessons/ out of every 4 of your decisions, 1 will fail
5. Don’t be afraid of asking for help


Yesterday, I was walking and a thought popped into my head. It was of a t-shirt my mother gave me when I was a kid. It had fish on it and one was swimming the wrong direction with the caption saying, "Go against the flow". I wondered if that was right and then today I get this in my recommendations. If you swim upstream, you will get to the source, exhausted and there's not much there but some cold water. If you go with the flow and find your niche, you will eventually spill into the ocean and there is untold amounts of resource, paths, species who can assist you... everything is there. So, find your own path and don't make it harder than it needs to be is what I got from this.


Very inspiring! Failure is not the adversary. Two years ago I started an online business and made so few sales that made me cry. That fear of failing again stopped me from doing what I loved. But I've recently learnt that admitting you are wrong and learning from your mistakes is the best thing you can do. Failure is not scary. Not trying again is.


key points:

- Launch your boat on your river.
- Work on developing your skills.
- Take charge of your decisions.
- Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
- Don’t be afraid to fail.
- Be determined.
- Work through those moment of doubts.
- Never be ashamed to ask for help.

thanks a lot, it was really helpful.


Norm Bacall is a walking example of the power of finding and using the good in whatever life serves up. It is hard not to admire the man and appreciate his message. Thank you Norm for sharing your wisdom and experience and doing your part to leave the world a little better than you found it.


What can I say.... tears are coming down my awe-inspiring speech. No one has a perfect life, even if we think so by perceiving others people's lives through the lens of social media. I thought for once that I had an ideal life, too, until cancer came, and it demolished my castle made of sand. I lost my business and, with that myself. After finishing my treatments and having the ability to be alive and thankful, instead, I felt depressed, miserable and lost. Not sure how I would find a light in this dark tunnel I started to read and journal. Later I thought maybe I should go back to University and study what I always wanted to study, English Literature. Even though I was discouraged by many for throwing my hard-earning money back into studying for a "worthless" degree along with the fact that English is my second language, deep inside of this "worthless" action of mine it brought a spark of light! I am in my 4th year and about to graduate, even though my path is uncertain there is this positive feeling that something worth will come out of my "worthless" action even at the age of 31. That is half of my story and I want to thank Norman Bacal for his inspirational speech!


Thank you! Both inspiring and eye watering speach. Restarting my carrer at 57, I really needed to hear that there is hope...


Thank you for this speech. I have made so many mistakes in my former careers & if there's one thing I have learned it's this: The biggest „life hack” is being exactly who you are. And if you allow yourself to show the world the "real you", the people who are looking for you will find you! 💜


One of the best Ted talks I've listened to. Highly recommended to anyone who is willing to try something new in life and is afraid


This is the kind of story we need to hear, Anyone can fail and it is inevitable, but how many time you stand up.


The title caught my attention and I don't regret clicking and watching this. In the moments of doubting myself, I definitely needed to hear everything you said. Thank you, Mr. Norman.


Bravo Norm, not only are you a writer, you are a consummate performer! The delivery is impeccable, riveting and persuasive, and the material, so fascinating. The kind of storytelling that can inspire big life changes! Nessa and I hung on every word..
It's the wisdom that comes from adversity and crushing challenges, ,


That was really amazing. While driving downstream, my boat capsized many times. Your speech will help me to climb back and face the turns and bends. Very recently, I was assessing myself: anger issues, ego, arrogance, etc, and came up with some stop buttons for the triggers. I can now take charge, can speak with audacity before anyone. Thanks a ton for your valuable words. When I steer towards the ocean and my river meets the vast blue infinite, I am not afraid of the ocean anymore.


I thought I had the problem of speaking to that imaginary person who is created by my mind. Now he says that it's normal. Bravo.


I have known norm for over 10 years even before he left for Toronto. I have always admired him because he was always poised, calm and humble. This talk reveals his true character. Bravo. Louis


The best life advice you’ll ever get! Follow your river.


This talk is exactly what I needed. I am at a turningpoint in my life. Thanks for your energy and wisdom 🙏


Outside of the incredible themes of the speech, this is one of the most incredible moments of storytelling I've ever listened to.


This message speaks to many and that includes me, a 79 year old. It is well presented and will be of value for several generations. Gerry Posner


Great talk! A window into a legendary man's life: the rise, the fall, the remarkable reinvention... and the lessons learned about the value of failure.
