Are Calvinists Saved?

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Dr Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, explains why he calls Calvinists brothers/sisters despite disagreeing with them soteriologically.
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You won me over, mainly because of your kindness, which i believe God is pleased.


Calvinism is not the same gospel as the biblical gospel. We don't get to decide this. They believe in a God that created some to go to Heaven and the rest for Hell, guaranteed. That warps the gospel to a great extant. Why do we give them a pass and then use a different set of standards for others? The Calvinist says that God makes people molest children, because they say God controls everything that people do. That isn't the God that I read in the bible. It is a golden bull. They say that God punishes men for eternity, because God caused them to sin. That destroys the gospel. If the Calvinist is a true believer then we better stop judging other false gospels as such.


God bless you Leighton. Your patience for calvinists is amazing


If you think a Calvinist isn’t saved, I seriously question your understanding of the gospel. Same is true if you believe the Arminians aren’t saved.


I need to apologize to some Calvinists I have addressed in the past, I have been a bit harsh. However many of them are even more vitriolic when it comes to defending their doctrine to the point of name calling.


Depends on their testimony, if they were genuinely born-again before being converted to Calvinism, then they are likely saved but deceived by false doctrine. However, if they grew up into a system that taught them that they could not come to God and had to be regenerated in a mystical way somehow by God, then they are probably not saved. They have put their faith in a system that has prevented them from coming to Christ. This is why Calvinism is so dangerous. Fortunately, many Calvinists teach salvation the 'Arminian' way, then proceed to teach them Calvinism in all other areas. I also think that it is possible that a person can be saved in spite of Calvinism, not because of it, if that makes sense. However, the SBC makes a huge mistake by having a mixed-multitude of Calvinists and Non-Calvinists working together in the same church. This leads to doctrinal confusion, which is one of the reasons why the SBC is such a mess these days.


I’m actually reformed, i understand what’s being said hereabout not throwing the other side out of the kingdom. I cam across one church about 15 minutes from me that seemed obsessed with predestination and premillennialism.
Needless to say i agreed with much of what they had to say as far as certain aspects of theology goes, but there seemed to be a unbalanced way they went about it. Needless to say i chose to forego that church.
I of course was raised arminian in an arminian baptist church, became a calvinist at 17 due to verses like romans 8:28-30, 9, ephesians 1 danial 4 and so on. At the time i didn’t know what i was wualified as calvinism i just though “oh, the bible seems to indicate we were predestined to salvation for the Glory of God through Jesus Christ that he might display his glory and mercy in our adoption as sons by grace through faith not of ourselves but as a gift solely from God... huh”
I’m in the Marine Corps, and i’ve led bible studies as a lay leader where i’m the only reformed guy there, i’ve been a part of bible studies that were led by a reformed presbyterian, with a baptist cage state calvinist who went to the aforementioned church. I’ve seen the balance in Gospel presentation from a mature Calvinist and i’ve seen the obsessive “free willers” and “cage stage calvinists” as long as the gospel is presented clearly and systematically that’s what is important.
Finally did find a church in my area that was reformed looking forward to going. They don’t exclude people if they’re arminian, and they don’t nit pick people who believe something other than a premillennial pre tribulation rapture eschatological view.
What’s important to most calvinist is that the Gospel is presented with the glory of God in mind before man. Trust me, presenting the Gospel without the prepared tract from your church can be harder, but staying true to scripture and many times ready can really get the person to realize the gravity of what’s going on, and after that let the Holy Spirit work as he will and declare what was given Him from the Son and the Father, because the sword of the Spirit is scripture.
Let’s not exclude one another, but rather be ready to talk about these things without the straw man sitting in the front row😁


no one comes to faith believing as a calvinist, calvinists are recruited AFTER coming to faith in Christ. just try street preaching/evangelizing TULIP to unbelievers, you will get ZERO response.


Calvinism have another father (one who doesn’t want all to repent and come to an acknowledgment of the truth), a different Jesus (on who didn’t atone for all), and a different gospel (on that isn’t good news for all).

Calvinism is a different gospel. I don’t understand how Leighton cannot acknowledge that. He hammers away at how wrong Calvinism is, then says “but they are still brothers.”


Mr flowers the apostle Paul said if any man preach any other gospel let him be accursed Calvinist jesus didn't die for everyone nor does God love everyone that's another jesus and another gospel which is no gospel at all Paul said let them be accursed the gospel is according to the scriptures not according to calvinism Calvinist need to know the real Jesus many people say they believe in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus and are not saved why because they don't believe according to the scriptures doctrine is extremely important that would be like telling a Mormon oh you believe in Jesus oh your ok it's like people conforming to catholicism it's not ok the simple fact they call themselves a Calvinist should be a red flag to everyone it's not ok Calvinist need to come out of calvinism instead of treating them like brothers and sisters and whether they come out or not it's ok it's not let God be true but every man a liar as it is written that thou might be justified in thy sayings and might overcome when thou art judged being a Calvinist or arminian is not gonna matter at the judgement the only thing that will matter is whether or not you believed the gospel according to the SCRIPTURES


I go to a Calvinist church and I'm not even Calvinist!😅
The main reason I go is because my brother and his family go there and I love seeing them every week. If I didn't go there, we'd probably see each other once every few months. The Pastor sticks to Biblical truths and they don't over emphasize Calvinism. I'm not a perfect Christian. I'm sure there are some parts of scripture I don't yet fully understand. It doesn't mean I'm not saved and it doesn't mean I can't Love and fellowship with Calvinist Christians. In my opinion anyway. I hope I'm not wrong. 🙏


I thought I knew what Calvinists believed, but I really had no clue until recently. I was shocked and still am. As grieved as my spirit is, I'm thankful, because it has given me a new eagerness to study Scripture and draw closer to Jesus. I've heard many Calvinists say they were aghast too, when they first learned the truth about Calvinism, but they got over it. I have NO idea how anyone can ever simply get over it. I'm afraid too many non-Calvinists are like I was, and have no idea how dark Calvinism truly is. I may be wrong, but it seems part of the lure to Calvinism for many, is their idol worship of "educated" men in high places, like MacArthur, Piper, Sproul, and other famous Calvinists. Thank you Dr. Flowers for following your calling!


I had never heard of reformed theology when I got saved. After I got saved, reformed theology is what explained my previous false conversion and my true regeneration.


I appreciate your showing grace and patience toward people. God respects that and so do many of us that watch you. Thanks for being a good example.


Can a person believe that God is the source of all evil, and still be Christian?
Can a person believe that God has always hated most of humanity, even before they were born, and still be a Christian?
Can a person believe that Jesus only died for the sake of a certain, secretly known few people, despising all others, and still be a Christian?
If so, the word is meaningless.


One needs to repent to be saved, right? Then how can a calvinist be saved if he does not need to repent bcos they believe that they are already saved from the beginning?


It’s strong heresy tho. A heavy blaspheme against God the father, making him out to be blatantly deceiving and ultimately evil for causing the evil in the world. It also breeds a lot of arrogance, and a lack of kindness. I do believe that while unfortunate and terribly annoying, these are definitely covered by grace.


I have never met an Arminian who taught that Calvinists aren't saved. I have met several Calvinists, not many but some, who have claimed that I was not saved since I am not a Calvinist.

Actually some of my best friends are Calvinists, including one guy whose name is Calvin.


Calvinism and Arminianism are both wrong.


Thank you so much for your videos! Your example in patience and good character when dealing with calvinists is and admonition to me.
My husband is more of a Calvinist than he even realizes and the Lord just brought me out of it a few days ago. I have been impatient and not gentle as this has been so emotional for me. I need to strive to be patient with him.
