4 Biblical Proofs Calvinists are not Saved

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i got saved before i was sucked into calvinism
so i didn't really believe they were unsaved
now after coming to knowledge of ifb kjv dispensationalism
and after having spoken to some calvinists about the matters
i unfortunately would have to agree with your video

and the reasons are very simple:
1. calvinists do not believe Jesus died for the sins of the world.
to them that is an incorrect statement.
2. and calvinists do not believe in believing.
that is to mean that they do not believe you can put your faith in anything.
which is to do exactly nothing.
which we know will not save you.

you have to believe on the Son to be saved.


The big problem with Calvinism is that is is MANICHEAN GNOSTICISM! John Calvin got his doctrines from St. Augustine, and St. Augustine was a Manichean Gnostic for nearly ten years before he became a Christian. If you look at what Augustine believed, and then read the existent works of Manicheism, you find that the beliefs of that system are what Augustine started claiming Christianity was. And if you look at the first Church Fathers in the first three centuries, there is NOTHING in what they believe that is even close to Augustinianism. I spent nearly ten years reading Gnosticism of all kinds and I can testify that it is true that Calvinism is nothing but Gnosticism lacquered over with a thin coat of fatalism!


MANY are Called, but FEW are Chosen. ~said no calvinist ever


Delusional doesn’t seem to quite say it. He knows as much about Calvinism as I do about brain surgery.


I hate "Lordship Salvation", people in the "baptist" church we used to go to, first non-catholic try after we got saved, almost persuaded me on this and thus I was confused that either I am saved by faith or this is still impossible as in CC and I am going straight to hell... >:/


I don’t really think those are good reasons to believe something like that. How much right theology do you need to believe to be saved?


Uhhh, you clearly don’t understand Calvinism. Calvinist absolutely, even the Puritans, believe in assurance of salvation. This is the most one sided, spiteful, divisive take on Calvinism I’ve ever listened to. Go home, bud.


Some of these accusations are quite ridiculous - not giving the gospel to a couple living in fornication? I most certainly would not tell them they're on their way to heaven and accept them as members of the church, but I would and HAVE explained to such people their need to repent and believe the gospel.

These are really surface-level accusations, and you really should reconsider posting such things to Youtube.


5:31 You completely flipped over the understanding of that verse or you read it in reverse.


This video confuses me. Where do Calvinists believe in Lordship salvation? And how is it that you can say that a Calvinist believes he can go to bed and wake up saved because they're chosen, yet you also say they believe in works salvation? These points seem like contradictions and I don't think you're properly showcasing what Calvinism is.


So, if someone gets saved the way you believe it happens, and then becomes persuaded of Calvinism, he looses his salvation?


I know saints that believe in predestination but reject works based salvation. People love to be saved by works, but when we fall off then what? It's like going back and forth from heaven to hell. I am very thankful that Pastor Steven Anderson cleared this up for me and allows himself to be used by God.


You must repent of your sins to be saved. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, 2 Corinthians 12:21, Revelation 2:16, 21;3:3, 9:20-21;16:9, 11.


1st point: we do not believe in lordship salvation. I dont where you got that but its wrong. We in fact reject it.

2nd point: no its faith alone. Calvinst believe in faith alone were Protestants. Works do show evidence because jesus said we can tell who has faith based on there fruit. However works dont save us

3rd point: you seem to be debating hyper calvinsm which is not 5 point theology. The elect are anyone who is able to place faith. Therefore we know were saved.

4th point: you gave no examples you blatantly lied about calvinsm and assumed what we thought and are incredibly wrong.

Your ignorance about calvinsm sounds like you think were either catholics or hyper Calvinst. We dont believe anything of what you said. I hope you research tulip doctrines instead of lieing through your teeth.


Point 4: there exists faith without works... but you didn't complete the sentence... "faith without works IS DEAD"


What do you think of John Calvin? Is there any way to prove he's not saved?


I am neither a calvinist or arminist however I do understand the doctrine of both. You did not do a good job of explaining anything. You make accusations but present no proof. My pastor is a calvinist but I don't think he isn't saved because we don't believe the exact same thing. He has preached on ephesians 2:8-9. Never has he said you are saved by works. Out of faith you'll want to do good works. I think you have zero actual knowledge on thr topic. But I really like how quick YOU determine who is and who isn't going to heaven.


When John MacArthur is asked about certain scriptures that is against calvinism, his answer is " I dont know, you cant expect me to know why god doesn't delight in the death of the wicked and wills that non would perish, yet they have been predestined to hell" well if you dont know then how can I take you seriously.


Are you God who can decide who he will save in the future? If you can say that calvinist cant be saved? Then who is your God referring to? Are you sure that John Calvin is not in heaven? Have you been in heaven so you can say that Clavin is not there? Hahaha


Calvinists think that God "elected them" just because, and not because God knows the future and knows who's going to believe and who's going to reject salvation. They don't believe God knows the future. They say God "predetermined" everything that will ever happen! They are so blind that they can't see that because of God's foreknowledge, He knows the future!! It's not circular reasoning! That's what makes Him God! He's omniscient!!
