Noncommutative nonlocal quantum frequencies Hiley on Heisenberg discovery of Bohr Ritz-Rydberg combo

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Hiley lecture 1 of 3
The noncommutative transition frequencies are right there in Heisenberg's algebra!
This is NOT mentioned even in my Matrices book!
"Quantum Mechanics in Simple Matrix Form" by Thomas E. Jordan discusses the transition frequencies of Bohr but neglects to mention the noncommutative frequencies!
Hiley 2 of 3
Basil J. Hiley explains that the noncommutative nonlocality is hidden before spacetime! It's in the light cone geometry of the frequencies just as Roger Penrose also realizes with the noncommutative Palatial Twistor model.
Hirschfelder at UW-Madison called this noncommuting SubObservables in 1977!!
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"The point of noncommutative geometry is NOT to extend classical's more complicated than that. The point is there will be totally NEW phenomenon in the noncommutative case which will have NO commutative counterpart." Alain Connes


actually there is something called "eternal liberation" but it's pretty rare to achieve and requires a lot of full time meditation for years. Essentially when "eternal liberation" is achieved the heart literally stops for awhile - like 15 minutes - but the body restarts while the mind remains conscious in the "formless awareness." So there is no visions - some people experience this momentarily in their NDE also. It's just pure black awareness. Then when the heart restarts there's a strong shock on the right side of the heart and the left side of the heart brings the spiritual ego back. After that is achieved through meditation then with each thought and breath the spirit literally goes back beyond death via this right side of the heart - via the right side vagus nerve connection to the heart. So it's based on a sense of deep love and bliss from deep vagus nerve activation. This is called "cutting the knots" to the spiritual ego because the spiritual ego no longer controls the body but rather it's controlled directly by this formless Ether-awareness that can never be seen - what people call God or the Cosmic Mother, Emptiness, Allah, etc. N/om.


The poltergeist investigator? I haven't read Hans Holzer but I'm a big fan of Nandor Fodor! using trance-mediums? Interesting. yes the Taoists talk about "ghost pollution" being worse in cities. Qigong master Chunyi Lin has said that sometimes it takes him several visits to a place to heal all the ghosts - he sends them back to the bright light of the formless awareness. So the Tibetan Book of the Dead explains this well. Essentially right when a person dies we get this flash of the bright light that overwhelms our spiritual ego and is super bright light. So it's the SAME thing as deep dreamless sleep only it's pure awareness as super bright light. And since our spiritual ego as a ghost can not merge into that due to having low frequency emotional blockages - then we turn into a spirit that roams around, goes to some astral realm, and eventually gets reborn or reincarnated, etc. usually without any memory of the spirit realm of course. Pretty fascinating stuff really. For example in our original human culture, the San Bushmen, when they hunt a bird to eat - they do not eat the bird till the next day! Why? Otherwise the bird's spirit would tell the other birds that humans are eating the birds and their hunting would get destroyed. So we think of our original human culture as the most primitive - you know with that clicking language - but in fact they are the most advanced.


That Fed $4 Trillion followed a prior Fed liquidity injection of $1 to $1.5 Trillion that occurred in September 2019 to bail out the ‘repo’ bond market. So more than $5 Trillion FED $ flowed into the economy (big business bank $) in 2019-2020.
Trump administration’s 2017 $4.5 Trillion tax cut for investors and businesses.
$3.5 Trillion in stock buybacks and dividend payouts to their shareholders during the three years, 2017-19 alone.
Also highly likely is the Fed will announce a hold on its ‘Quantitative Tightening’ so-called policy by which it recalls some of the $8 Trillion plus liquidity it formerly injected into the economy. QT has the effect of raising long term rates, which the Fed cannot afford until stability returns to the banking sector. Even longer term, this writer predicts the Fed will try to reconcile its contradiction of ‘reducing inflation by rate hikes with halting rate hikes to stabilize the banks’
Strange (as usual) that the Working Class still gets blamed for the Covid checks for causing inflation!
