Basil J. Hiley's latest paper on EXTRA ENERGY of non-stat noncommutative nonlocal variable rest mass

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"This is not the place to discuss these proposal in detail
but we feel it is essential to draw the reader’s attention to this rapidly developing field which has been held back in the belief that “wave-decoherence” is the fatal factor that destroys quantum effects in living systems. This negative outlook traps us in a totally obscure notion of “wave-particle duality” and all the conflicting images that throws up. We should instead direct our attention towards a dynamical structure conditioned by non-commutative geometry. It is through these structures that quantum mechanics is beginning to play a role in biological systems and therefore could play a significant role in addressing the mind-matter question and perhaps even the hard problem of consciousness....
We have naturally focused on the idea that the quantum potential is the
source of the active information, but ultimately its source is a new quality of
energy. It is neither classical kinetic energy, nor classical external potential
energy. The appearance of an other quality of energy should not surprise
The advantage with this new quality of energy is that it is “borrowed” from the
kinetic energy to shape the overall process but in such a way that energy is
always conserved. We never see anything like this at the classical level. If
we assume that this new quality of energy is part of the essence of mental
states, we obtain a much better way of understanding how mental states can
influence physical processes. Thus active information is an extremely interesting novel concept in physics, relevant in a wide range of phenomena. As we have proposed, it could be an important way to begin to unite mind and matter and even move forward on the hard problem."

#noncommutative #nonlocal #extraenergy
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Hi Drew, good morning to you. Thank you for this presentation on quantum conciousness. It feels to me like you have described God, Faith, creation and immorality in scientific terms. So the noncommutative is a form of measurement that elevates the truth of ancient alchemy and who we truly are. ✨🙏🏽✨


So when you go futureward its the Spirit language and pastward its molecule language. Translation is your gift so thank you. Shamans are not what you expect.

"Peat recalls being asked by Native American scientist Sa’ke’j Henderson, during a discussion of the qualities of medicinal plants, ‘what I thought a molecule was’:
I offered him an explanation from modern science, that a molecule is a geometrical arrangement of atoms. Of course, he knew this kind of answer, but replied that a molecule was an alliance of spirits, and that when taken up into the body this alliance dissolves and takes up new configurations."
David Peat, Blackfoot Physics: A Journey Into the Native American Universe, Phanes Press, Grand Rapids, MI, 2002, p130


Just got your book, Music as Meditation, in the mail. This book is beautiful. I doubt you see any of the cost back so I feel like I owe you some Patreon contribution in appreciation of of your work as an alchemical educator, healer and translator. Where is the link to support your channel?


Voidisyi, I listen to your commentaries and some translation and illumination comes thru of ideas that fly beyond me from Basil J Hiley. Perhaps understanding is retrocausal and I do know this but need to go into the future to acquire a language. Each of these videos is a journey into nonlinear nondual forest of frequency or magic carpet. So I have to go back 6 months and listen more. Why does Basil say to Chris Dewdney in a Pari presentation about Bohm, double slit animations and non-locality, that, "I'm going to say something radical and it's that there is no Wave Function." ?
I think you are talking about this.
