Noncommutative Nonlocality Nondualism: Quantum biology of Basil J. Hiley&Alain Connes & Eddie Oshins

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It definitely goes back to Plato! Plato is the original "divide and conquer" mass mind control mathematics as the Matrix based on the wrong music theory. Even democracy was created as a lie by Plato defined by logarithms for each person with the inverse function being exponential growth for the elite!! Michael E. Hudson discusses this - and how then equal-tempered music tuning was used as fake social harmony as logarithmic music tuning mass mind control. hahah. The "system" lies go deep - all of modern science is based on commutative geometry as a lie. There's something called noncommutative geometry that is actually nonwestern music as meditation! Humans have been around for over 200, 000 years! Interview Professor R. Brian Ferguson - his new book is published by Oxford University Press on "Chimpanzees, War and History" - he documents that humans are not inherently violent as the claim is that chimpanzees have war and therefore humans are inherently also warlike - he debunks that lie. He researched the book for 20 years. Our original human culture required ALL males to train as spiritual healing. Our ecological crisis is due to patriarchy from agriculture hoarding wealth and the loss of the required initiation training by males into female healing energy. thanks


There's 1200 gigawatts of pressurized methane in the world's largest ocean shelf - the East Siberian Arctic Shelf!! If we reduce burning coal by 40% that heats up EArth another 1 degree Celsius global average due to the Aerosol masking Effect!! oops. The pressurized methane is already releasing into the air - just a five gigaton "abrupt eruption" will double the temperatures on Earth. 15 to 20 years? The arctic ice is going fast! melting from underneath since the oceans have an extra 500 Zettajoules accumulated since 1995. Jim Massa, Oceanographer Ph.D. has the details on how Mother Nature is taking revenge - see his "Science Talks" channel.


Has the Religion of Technology changed since Plato? Have you read former MIT History Professor David F. Noble's book "The Religion of Technology?" Will you keep ignoring Pierrehumbert's analysis - our current rate of CO2 is 100 times the background rate of 12 gigatons per two hundred years! This rate is faster than any previous rate of the past 500 million years! You want to fixate on models? Go ahead with your Religion of Technology meanwhile Mother Nature will soon wipe out life on Earth. Humans were a good species for the environment for our first 200, 000 years. Archaeology proves that and DNA science proves it and anthropology proves it. No need to fix something that isn't broken. The past 10, 000 years of patriarchal farming broke the human species and broke life on Earth as well. Two-headed babies from depleted uranium know the truth of our current civilization - you can ask them about models improving or not. hahahaha. People who have children are hard-wired to be in Denial. That's not science.


"To understand why albedo hacking is such a bad idea, we first have to understand the practically irreversible effects that carbon dioxide emissions have on climate. Carbon dioxide is removed only very gradually from the atmosphere, first through slow uptake by the oceans (where it causes ocean acidification) and ultimately by reaction with certain continental rocks over 100, 000 years or more. If we emit a trillion tons of carbon in the form of carbon dioxide before we decarbonize the economy (we’ve already emitted more than half that) it will cause about 2 degrees Celsius of warming, and most of that warming will still be around in 10, 000 years.
"Worse, a trillion tons doesn’t begin to exhaust the likely amounts of fossil fuels available, or the speed with which they could be tapped by an exponentially growing, energy-hungry, wasteful economy." "In other words, once you start doing albedo modification, you need to keep doing it essentially forever. Let me reiterate: Any kind of geoengineering of the Earth’s reflectivity—such as seeding the stratosphere with crushed limestone, or spraying saltwater in the air—is not a one-time, one-off event, but something which would have to be repeated in perpetuity, on a regular basis. In other words, forever.
"This is a key concept that most mass media coverage of geoengineering seems to miss. What is the morality of committing 10, 000 years of future humanity to maintaining an activity year in and year out without fail? What is our track record as a species of maintaining any technological activity for more than a century or two? Oliver Morton, in his thoughtful (but ultimately boosterish) book puts forth the vision of albedo modification as just another stage in the cycle of technological dependencies that make the life of humanity better, rather like the Haber Process for making fertilizer has allowed agriculture to support a much larger population.
"It’s an interesting point, but there remains the uncomfortable issue of whether a global-scale intervention like albedo modification is really in the same category. Or, more broadly, is our ever-expanding wave of technological dependency increasing the resilience of human society or just setting us up for a harder fall when it all becomes unsustainable? Albedo modification is sometimes thought of as something you can do to hold warming in check while “buying time” to decarbonize the economy, but this is a fundamental misconception. Each additional kilogram of carbon dioxide emitted commits the Earth to a certain amount of warming that essentially never goes away (unless we learn how to suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere in massive amounts quickly—a very debatable prospect). And so the need for continued geoengineering to counteract that additional warming never goes away—even after carbon dioxide emissions are eventually brought to zero.
"Moreover, because carbon dioxide accumulates inexorably in the atmosphere so long as emissions continue, one cannot even achieve the more modest goal of slowing the rate of warming without inexorably increasing the amount of albedo modification deployed each year. It’s like drinking water contaminated with a poison like mercury that accumulates in your body, but trying to cancel out the effects with ever greater dosages of antidote. So long as there is any poison left in the water, your bodily burden increases and each year you need to take a greater daily dose of antidote. Even if the poison is removed from the drinking water supply, you have to continue taking the antidote for the rest of your life, because of the poison accumulated in your body—unless you undergo some therapy which actively removes the poison from your body, which would be analogous to sucking carbon dioxide out of the air." on Earth has continued to accelerate."
"If the world fails to achieve net zero carbon dioxide emissions, then each year’s emissions will add to the stock of atmospheric carbon dioxide, requiring ever-escalating ratcheting up any techno-fix and ever-escalating increase in the damage wrought by termination shock. And meanwhile, other dangerous effects of accumulating carbon pollution, such as ocean acidification, continue to worsen over time.
If the world decarbonizes eventually but only after pumping out so much carbon dioxide that it renders the world lethally hot, then deploying sun-dimming as a survival tactic puts the world in a precarious state, one in which current and future generations would live in perpetual fear of sudden death by termination shock. "


thanks Professor Basil J. Hiley!!
drew hempel
Wow Connes makes the same point about h-bar squared that you make! well it means Richard Feynman's renormalization claim is wrong for one thing. That means also the standard model of physics is wrong. Finally that explains why we face imminent "biological annihilation" (just googlescholar that phrase). hahahaha.
