John G. Williamson lecture: Noncommutative nonlocal spin is 4 times stronger than the strong force!

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I corresponded with Professor John G. Williamson recently. He collaborated with Martin van der Mark who co-authored with Nobel Physicist Gerard 't Hooft. They all build on Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. Williamson recognizes noncommutativity to be key to his model - it's also based on this doughnut toroid. haha. He talks about the 720 "double loop" as the spinor (this is the Dirac Dance)...
at 14:25 he shows the noncommutative torus as a "photon rectifier" - so it twists light to CREATE the electron!
after 19 minutes he talks about frequency.
at 30 minutes he explains how the wrong math completely stalls physics!!
at 33 minutes he finally mentions "noncommutative algebra"
he goes on for 15 minutes about how the math of "angular momentum" in physics thus far has been wrong, etc.
so at 50 mns the "Clifford-Dirac algebra" is another name for the noncommutative algebra that he says gives the proper form to relativity.
"The quaternions are structured like the complex numbers, but with additional square roots of –1,"
so that's what makes them noncommutative (the imaginary number algebra).
So after 1 hour he explains how you HAVE to have the noncommutativity or else the quantum spin is not relativistic.
Basil J. Hiley also realized this error of Dirac and Feynman, etc.
So Williamson says this should enable engineering with new enegy (Basil J. Hiley says this is also a new energy) shows "where the Aharonov-Bohm Effect" comes from - meaning the nonlocal quantum potential....Williamson calls this "root-energy."
at 1 hour 29 minutes he says this noncommutative algebra is what makes up everything.
So at 1 hour 32 minutes he gets into the blue and red shifted light as the Law of Phase Harmony (as light in a box). So light inherently has gravitational mass - citing Nobel Physicist Gerard 't Hooft.
The blue shift can go up to infinity as a spacetime relativistic shift... So because all matter is made of light therefore relativity is true.
At light speed all interactions of the universe are local at one point! This is also the emphasis of 5D black hole theory by Paul S. Wesson
So here 1 hour 35 minutes Williamson gets into consciousness - at light speed - the whole universe exists as a cutting edge point of awareness inside ourselves.
So the emitter sends a signal into the future. The signals you send out go into your future.
You only observe the past (in standard external measurements). In meditation you can also observe the future!!
So the photon has noncommutative spin as a relativistic mass of the future and past (this is my take on what he's saying).
At 1 hour 50 minutes he shows Louis de Broglie's Harmony of the Phases!
Williamson gives a very entertaining explanation of the Law of Phase Harmony at 1 hour 51 minutes.
I didn't know that the proton and electron have the same de Broglie wavelength! fascinating.
at 2 hours he shows the Dirac Dance again as the Dirac Belt...
So it's a "double loop" that "tumbles"
it stops light thereby creating mass as the electron/positron pair (to conserve energy).
very fascinating.
So at 2 hour 8 minutes he gets into the "blue shift" factor again that creates the "point like" particle
Resonant harmonic Quantum Coherence as nonlocal spin is internal as a twist of the photon.
2 hour 12 minutes he explains quarks...
The nonlocal 1/2 spin exclusion principle (cause of solid matter) is four times stronger than the Strong Force!!! Fascinating!
Charge originates from spin!!
The electron and proton charges cancel each other out in hydrogen.
quantum electrodynamics has problems so bad that he didn't want to focus on it (Dirac and Feynman).
De Broglie was correct all along!!
Martin van der Mark worked with John G. Williamson
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the irony is that modern Western civilization has been fleeing from or adapting to pandemics since the times of the chariot and later the catapult, and obviously colonialism, as Professor Alfred Crosby's book "Ecological Imperialism" points out - the intensive animal husbandry along with clear cutting for pasture, etc. is a perfect scenario for new diseases. And so we are all dependent on Big Pharma to develop new vaccines - yet people have an innate sense of free will such that their minds rebel against required vaccinations (most people don't remember the horrid polio deaths like my mom recalls). So I doubt Big Pharma can keep up - the RNA vaccination had been in development for much longer than people realize - the new techniques to develop vaccines.
The bigger issue is going to be famine since the drought will be much worse with El Nino and the arctic ice going faster - and the aerosol masking effect from switching to renewables. Already drought is horrendous in the horn of Africa and is increasing the rest of the world - along with flooding in Bangladesh, etc. The monocultural farming system is directly threatened now - along with the increase in diseases.
Then there's the nuclear meltdowns - the various "accidents" and routine radiation leaks, depleted uranium weapons, etc.
People don't want to study the science of global warming - like the "arctic news" blogspot site that summarizes these various factors.
Unfortunately we are too naive about how the US empire relies on primitive accumulation by externalities of environmental costs - there's no money or careers in researching those topics. So for most people they are too busy pursuing the "American dream" of glitz and glamour. hahaha. Like Noam Chomsky says we are lemmings going off the cliff.


The U.S. Empire has over 800 military bases in over 100 other countries and it's based on the PetroDollar. The global economy is controlled by oil sold in U.S. dollars and that's what backs US debt with the US military enforcing that agreement. As for actual commodities and goods traded - the US military enforces the "free trade zones" aka open prison wage-slave conditions for cheap imports back into the U.S. It's basically the same thing the British Empire did back in the 1800s.
Yes the U.S. Empire is destroying itself from within - I call this "Imperial Implosion." The Empire is overextended and the military costs are not paying off. The Net Return of Investment on Energy has gone dramatically down. This is due to the diminishing rate of return on technology in general as per the environmental pollution costs that have otherwise been externalized. So now we face imminent biological annihilation on Earth via abrupt global warming and nuclear radiation, along all the other toxic waste pollution. The Arctic ice will soon be gone, first time in three million years, and a huge methane reservoir is pressured and the release of methane is accelerating out of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf - 500 gigatons. That will cook Earth very soon. It will be too hot to grow food at scale very soon since the "bread baskets" on Earth - where grains are grown - are in the interiors of the continents where it is 5 degrees F. warmer than global average. Photosynthesis shuts down above 104 F.


For example, people who have used mobile phones for more than 10 years have a clearly higher risk of brain tumors. Those who are accustomed to using their mobile phone ipsilaterally presented a probability that was twice that of people who don’t [5, 6, 7]."
Dasdag et al. [16] investigated workers who worked at a television transmitter station with a frequency ranging between 202 and 209 MHz, 694–701 MHz, 750–757 MHz, or 774–781 MHz and at a medium-wave broadcasting station. Their answers to questionnaires showed that the workers suffered from symptoms including headaches, fatigue, stress and sleeplessness. Most of the workers recovered when they left the source of microwave radiation. In addition, another study showed that significant psychiatric symptoms were observed in people who worked in these areas. In particular, somatization, obsessive compulsivity, paranoid ideation and psychoticism were reported [17].
Wang et al. [38] exposed Wistar rats to a 2.856 GHz pulsed microwave field for 6 min. The fields had an average power density of 0, 5, 10 or 50 mW/cm2. The results showed that at 6 h, 1 d and 3 d after exposure, the groups in which the average power density was 10 mW/cm2 or 50 mW/cm2 displayed significant deficits in spatial learning and memory.


the two photons create matter - so even though technically a photon is not matter - it has relativistic or gravitational mass.


0 seconds ago
the wrong assumption is that information can only be processed by observing for measurement when it's now proven in quantum biology that the quantum coherence is due to acoustic vibrations. So this is how meditation works - the listening resonates internally in the brain as ultrasound which has a superradiance as noncommutative quantum coherence. So listening as logical inference is proven to be up to ten times faster than Fourier Uncertainty. thanks
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