Basil J. Hiley debunks Feynman, Dirac: Noncommutative time-frequency nonlocality information force

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#quantum #nonlocal #nondualism #biology
Basil J. Hiley's talk
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a new quality of energy
Notice then to construct our phase space we must abandon the insistence that only the eigenvalues of operators have physical meaning.
In quantum mechanics, on the other hand the algebra of dynamical operators, which carry the symplectic symmetry, is non-commutative.
In this view the non-commutative algebra is the implicate order.
We see the quantum potential energy is an internal
energy. Thus we can now see exactly why this potential energy is totally different
from a classical potential and why it has no external source."


"This suggests that the non-commutativity of two operators is to be interpreted as a mathematical representation of the incompatibility of the arrangements of apparatus


Schr¨odinger revisited: an algebraic approach
M. R. Brown and B. J. Hiley
We discuss the meaning of the Bohm interpretation in the light of these new results
in terms of non-commutative structures and this enables us to clarify its relation to standard quantum mechanics....Perhaps the most important conclusion of this work is
to show the BI arises directly from the non-commutative
structure of the quantum mechanical phase space. Non-
commutative geometries are not built on any form of well
defined continuous manifolds. We are forced to construct
“shadow manifolds” [18, 19]. As we show in section V,
these shadow manifolds have the structure of a phase
space. One is constructed using the x-representation and
the other uses the p-representation. These spaces are
different but converge to the same phase space in the
classical limit."....
The quantum potential is central to ensuring energy is conserved and,
furthermore, it encapsulates quantum non-separability or
quantum non-locality [30]. The quantum potential plays
a key role in our approach and must be distinguished
from Bohmian mechanics as advocated by D¨urr et al.
"What we have
shown here is that the BI enables us to construct what
we may call “shadow phase spaces”, a construct that is
a direct consequence of the non-commutative nature of
the quantum algebra. Giving ontological meaning to the
non-commutative algebra implies a very radical depar-
ture from the way we think about quantum processes.
This was the central theme of Bohm’s work on the im-
plicate order [20]. The work presented in this paper fits
directly into this conceptual structure, a point that will
be discussed at length elsewhere.
Our present purpose is to clarify the structure of the
mathematics lying behind the BI. To this end note that
choosing a representation is equivalent to choosing an
operator which is to be diagonal. "...
Furthermore, it is the presence of the quantum potential
that offers an explanation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-
type correlations [30], as well as quantum state telepor-
tation [41]."...
"Here the ontology is provided by the concept of process which
is to be described by the non-commutative algebra. This
is not a process in space-time, but a process from which
space-time is to be abstracted. Abstraction here means
to ‘make manifest’ and the order that is made manifest
is called the explicate order."


but arising in quantum mechanics from the uncertainty
"He [Einstein] required the particle to be moving back and
forth within the box. If that is the preferred intuition, then there is the
problem of how the particle goes through the nodes of the wave functions of
the higher energy states. For at the nodes, the quantum potential becomes
infinitely repulsive and therefore conservation of energy would be violated
if the particles were actually oscillating [3].
What our model is telling us is that, in the quantum domain, we must
give up the idea that a particle is represented as a point in phase space. As
we remarked earlier, the blow up requires energy and this energy comes from
the particle itself – it comes from its kinetic energy. In the extreme case of a
particle described by a real wave function, all the kinetic energy is transferred
into quantum potential energy, the remaining rest mass is absorbed into the
rest of the atom. This situation is reminiscent of the photon where the whole
quantum of energy is absorbed by the atom, thereby completely losing its
identity. There is a difference, however, in that a lepton cannot lose its
identity owing to lepton number
