quantum potential=noncommutative: Basil J. Hiley compares Moyal-Dirac Jordan Product, Planck Squared

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"Further, by emphasising the constancy of h-bar in the relation [change of]X times [change of]P approximates h-bar one tends to be led to the notion that the 'disturbance' is dependent only on the size of the cell in phase space. In this way the overall experimental conditions were tacitly dismissed as irrelevant."
Emphasis in original, p. 186, B.J. Hiley, "Phase Space and Cohomology Theory" in 1971, Quantum Theory and Beyond, edited by Ted Bastin, Cambridge University Press
Idem means "same", while nil refers to "zero". In this sense, the terms are self-descriptive: Idempotent means "the second power of A (and hence every higher integer power) is equal to A". Nilpotent means "some power of A is equal to the zero matrix".
The Noncommutative S-Matrix
March 2009, Journal of High Energy Physics 6(06)
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"Bohm (and also de Broglie (1960)) called
this term the “quantum potential energy.” This new quality of energy enters as the
coefficient of h2 and this is why Dirac missed the QHJ equation. Its appearance is
intimately connected with the Baker bracket (Jordan product) and therefore the non-commutativity of (x✭ p)."
This means that in the quantum domain a new quality of
energy appears, namely, the quantum potential energy.
We should not be surprised that a new quality of energy is involved because the
quantum vacuum is a sea of virtual particle-antiparticle pairs. At higher energies these
virtual particles emerge as real particle-antiparticle pairs. In this case we are in exactly
the same situation that chemists find themselves in when having to deal with a many-
particle system. Here thermodynamics with its various qualities of energy such as
Helmholtz free energy, Gibbs free energy and even heat energy have to be
distinguished and accounted for. In this context it seems eminently sensible to take
the possibility of a new quality of energy seriously in the quantum domain.
...Thus we see that, mathematically, the quantum potential arises as a consequence of
the difference between the mean of the square of the momentum and the mean
momentum squared. All this implies that the dispersion in the momentum for a single
particle in quantum mechanics will, in general, be nonzero. For the single particle in
classical physics the momentum is always dispersion free. In this way we see that the
✭-product contains the structure that guarantees the existence of the uncertainty
principle, contrary to what Dirac claims."


Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South WalesJournal Article December 2021
The Moyal-Dirac controversy revisited
B J Hiley
To repeat, it is only when we go to order O(h2) [Planck's constant squared] and above that the Baker bracket does not reduce to the usual commutative product. Generally terms of O(h2) are
assumed to be negligible and therefore are not discussed, but the bracket plays an
important role when energy (Hiley 2015) is involved. A careful study of Pauli’s
(1926) application of the algebraic approach to the energy level structure of the
hydrogen atom shows how a Jordan product enters into the calculation.
As we have already pointed out, one of the advantages of the Moyal approach is
that it contains classical physics as a limiting case as is clearly seen from equation (12).
There is no need to look for a one-to-one correspondence between commutator
brackets and Poisson brackets, a process which fails as was demonstrated by the well-
known Groenewold-van Hove “no-go” theorem (Guillemin and Sternberg 1984).
Furthermore, it is not necessary to introduce the notion of decoherence as a
fundamental process in order to obtain the classical limit. This does not mean that
decoherence has no role to play in quantum physics. It plays a vital role in real
experiments where noise and other thermal processes enter to destroy quantum
interference. However, destroying the interference does not necessarily return us to
the classical formalism involving Poisson brackets. It merely destroys coherence.
....This has then been used to argue against the whole approach because F
ψ ( p, x, t)
will always be negative somewhere in phase space when quantum effects show up.
Moreover this has generated much debate with Bartlett (1945) and even Feynman
(1987) feeling it necessary to defend the use of Wigner functions which may be
negative. But we should not even be having the argument because a ( p, x, t) is not a
“classical observable.” It is an average over a region in phase space. Note there is no
reason why a density matrix (16) should stay positive. The positivity condition is only
desirable if F
ψ ( p, x, t) is to be regarded as a probability density"


the North Pole HAS been ice free - the North pole is not the whole arctic. The arctic ice is very thin - the multiyear ice is over 90% gone already. The volume is over 70% gone already. So some places refreeze with 6 feet thick of ice but most of the ice is 3 feet or less. It's going very fast - the Arctic will soon be ice free for first time in 3 million years! Already the thermal latent heat effect is kicking in - meaning it takes a LOT more heat to turn ice into water. Once that ice is gone the HEAT now increases the water temperature. That is triggered the eruption of over 500 gigatons of pressurized methane in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf - this will soon double global warming.
"According to the report, Gore’s office acknowledged after his speech that the 75% figure was used by Dr Maslowski as a “ballpark figure” in a conversation with the vice president several years before COP15."
Around 2009 the arctic ice was going much faster but what happened after 2012 being the lowest year of ice - is the arctic ice extent increased - so you get a quicker refreezing but the ice overall keeps getting thinner.


Jeff Bezos' 9-minute joyride to the edge of space created more carbon emissions than 1 billion people produce in an entire lifetime


3 hours ago
We're energy from the sun? So when the sun burns out, what then?

1 second ago
Roger Penrose explains that the true source of the sun is not fusion but rather the gravitational potential as negative entropy from mass originating in nonlocal quantum frequency as protoconsciousness of the Universe. It was first realized by Erwin Schroedinger in his 1945 book, "What is Life?" Read the 2016 book, "Life on the Edge" for more details - quantum biology. thanks


The issue is not the amount but the exponential rate of growth. As Albert Bartlett emphasizes the day before all the bacteria are killed they're still debating whether their petri dish is half empty or half full. Hence the obsession with outer space and people claiming technology is "evolution." 60 Minutes just promoted the "technological evolution" b.s. with no mention of ecology of course. haha. Meanwhile in the past 40 years 70% of wildlife has been wiped out. So apparently having a robot serve you coffee is better than having ecology. hahaha. I think it's totally idiotic of course - but then again I don't get paid $27, 000 a HOUR as the Google CEO gets paid - featured on 60 minutes tonight.


Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
male ejaculation actually spikes cortisol stress via the sympathetic nervous system as professor Robert Sapolsky explains - hence the patriarchy and what I call "chimpanzee culture." Our original human culture - the San Bushmen - was all based on ALL males training in female orgasmic energy via the vagus nerve. haha. thanks


Actually "food dumping" wiped out the farmers in Somalia. Cargill dumped food at 1/6th the Local Market price or 15% of the local market price. That's how U.S. food imperialism works. It makes countries dependent on the U.s. Cargill operates in over 100 countries at any one time - via heavy U.S. government subsidies. Cargill is the world's largest private corporation owned by several billionaires.
Highlighted reply
16 minutes ago
why doesn't the government do anything about this, why don't they refuse and food or aid from others? Why can't Somalia grow its own food

16 seconds ago
@mahdnova3465 too late now. Abrupt global warming is locked in. Mother Nature is taking revenge against modern human "civilization" from farming creating hierarchical patriarchal "cultures" on Earth.
