Basil J. Hiley noncommutative phoronometry: nonlocal organic information force process pre-spacetime

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Professor Basil J. Hiley playlist of lectures, talks and interviews on non-commutative nonlocality! Hiley:
"Then there was Grasmann’s Ausdehnungslehre [12] that had a profound
influence on Clifford’s development of his algebra. It is this algebra that
I have found extremely fascinating and which forms a basis of my recent
work on what I call Bohm’s non-commutative dynamics [13]1. Grassmann
introduced the notion of an extensive to carry the notion of a continuous
becoming. We all experience one thought transforming into another, new
thought. Is the new thought separate from the old thought? No. The old
thought contains the potentiality of the new thought, while the new thought
contains a trace of the old thought. Symbolically this is written as [T1, T2]
then succession can be captured through a groupoid multiplication rule
[T1, Ti] ◦ [Tj , T3] = [T1, T3]; only when i = j. (2)
As I have shown elsewhere [15], encapsulated in this idea is the notion of
unfolding that is central to the notion of enfolding and enfolding that leads
directly to the Heisenberg equation of motion."
Basil J. Hiley, 2014
"Let us first start by explain how these ideas lead us to Clifford alge-
bras [15]. Clifford [14], exploiting the ideas of Grassmann and Hamilton,
introduced a multiplication rule, which he called polar multiplication, and
which we now call Clifford multiplication. This follows from equation (2)
together with
[T1, T2] = −[T2, T1]"
aka the Perfect Fifth in music is noncommutative!
"Without the background there would be no invariant, there would be no particle. This is
totally different from the classical view where we assume the particle exists
a priori as an autonomous preexistent object."
"We provide the meaning in the same sense that we provide
the meaning to Figure 1. Naturally the meaning is subjective but the pattern
or the phenomena is not."
"By bringing out the deeper structure of the ideas, we do not waste the opportunity by being
trapped in arguments that claim the brain is too hot and too wet for these
ideas to be relevant."
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News Release 3-May-2022
Uncounted planetary scale source of atmospheric methane
Researchers explain how massive methane emissions affect warming in the Arctic
These marine surveys revealed new large methane seeps in the East Siberian and Laptev Seas, with the bubbling fluxes of methane at seepage areas rising through a 45 m thick water column and reaching the sea surface.

The research data shows that the East Siberian Sea, the Laptev Sea, and the Kara Sea have unfrozen (ice-free) upper sediment layers. The sediments are ice-free because their in-situ temperatures are at least 0.6 °С above the freezing point. The gap between in-situ temperature and the freezing point is the greatest in the continental slope of the Laptev Sea (up to 2.5 °С) and in the inner shelf exposed to the effect of heat plumes from large rivers. 

‘Salty sea water mixes with fresh river water, the salinity of the sea water decreases, and its freezing point rises. This effect may lead to 2–3 °С warming of near-bottom water and surface sediments in the shallow-water of the East Siberian Sea shelf. Moreover, our multi-year all-season data show that in the ESAS near-shore zone, the mean annual bottom water temperature has increased by 0.5 °C during 1999–2012, while in summer this increase reaches >1 °C. We believe that this water warming can be caused by the increasing discharge of the Lena River, one of the major rivers in the Northern Eurasia, ’ says Igor Semiletov, Head of the FEB RAS Pacific Oceanological Institute Laboratory for Arctic Research and Academic Supervisor at the HSE Institute of Ecology.

The authors of the article found that methane anomalies are not always accompanied by higher temperatures in bottom sediments. Although methane anomalies were found in patches of warmer bottom sediments in the northern Laptev shelf, there were no temperature increases in the areas of massive methane seepage in the East Siberian shelf. Researchers attribute this to the greater thickness of subsea permafrost and the younger ages of the seeps.

‘The thermal properties of bottom sediments mainly depend on their particle size, moisture, and density. For instance, the bottom sediment sample from the Laptev Sea, consisting predominantly of sand, has a thermal conductivity almost twice as much as that of the silty clay sample from the Kara Sea. All in all, the variations for thermal conductivity and heat capacity are ±20% and ±10%, respectively. The received average values of 1.0 W/(m·K) for thermal conductivity and 2, 900 kJ / (m3·К) for heat capacity can be used for practical purposes related to thermal physical and technical calculations for the Arctic shelf, ' says Evgeny Chuvilin, Analyst at the HSE Institute of Ecology, Leading Researcher of the Skoltech Center for Hydrocarbon Recovery. 

‘Global climatology is facing difficulties, primarily because people do not quite know to what extent anthropogenic and natural factors influence climate change. Our team’s research can help develop algorithms for modelling the future state of the 'subsea permafrost—hydrate' system and the ecosystems of Russian Arctic seas. This research will also provide a set of recommendations for governmental decisions on the further development of the Russian Arctic based on the results of the new database, ' says Igor Semiletov.


Except that as usual physicists don't really research the evidence of biological annihilation. For example the methane in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. That along will soon double global warming rates. Also the Aerosol Masking effect is twice as bad as previously thought - meaning all the decreases in sulfur pollution also heats up earth even more (already happened from the new "clean" cargo ships scrubbing their sulfur pollution). oops! So many positive feedback accelerations are already locked in and the arctic is about to go ice free for the first time in three million years! Physicists are so clueless because science is based on "commutative geometry" while the truth of reality is noncommutative quantum algebra that Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes points out is "strange" and a "nuisance" to standard symmetric-based science based on commutative geometry. Oops! Even Quantum Field Theory was debunked by Bell's Inequality as Professor Jean Bricmont points out. Most physicists can not handle nonlocality as Professor Basil J. Hiley points out. Hilarious. The exponential function math enables elite wealth growth that funds commutative geometry science with an inverse exponential function math! Nice positive feedback cycle increasing gravitational entropy as the inverse of the entropy of matter as Roger Penrose points out. Hence our ecological crisis accelerating to "biological annihilation" much faster than people realize. oops.
