What causes magnesium deficiency?
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What happens when you eat processed sugar without magnesium? If it's got added sweetener, added sugar in it, understand that for every carbohydrate sugar that you eat to break down one molecule of of sugar and running it through the proper biochemistry, there are eight different steps in that cycle.
So if you're eating foods high in sugar, your body steals that magnesium from your own storage to process that sugar and try to convert it into energy. If that stress goes chronic, you're losing magnesium consistently.
For coffee drinkers, the 20 ouncers, these big jugs, if you're drinking three, four cups a day, if you're the pot-a-day kind of person, the quantity of caffeine that you're consuming, know that caffeine is a diuretic that depletes magnesium at higher doses.
Blood pressure medications deplete magnesium. Antacid medications deplete magnesium.
Some antibiotics can deplete magnesium. Some antidepressants deplete magnesium. Some antiseizure medications can deplete magnesium.
Either they deplete the nutrient itself or they inhibit your body to be able to use the nutrient or they actually cause an excessive excretion of that nutrient.
If you've got inflammation in your GI tract and it's hindering or affecting your body's ability to digest and absorb nutrients from the food that you eat, then you are at risk for deficiency.
Let's say your blood pressure's up and so the doctor prescribed you medicine for that and the medicine depletes your magnesium. Low Magnesium is known to cause your blood pressure to go up. It's partly because magnesium regulates muscle tension.
Your heart's a muscle and so are your blood vessels and so if your blood vessels can't properly dilate and contract and dilate and contract and they're stuck kind of in a spastic or a spasmodic position, then it's going to increase the tension or the pressure on the wall of the arteries and that's what blood pressure elevations are.
When we measure blood pressure, we're actually measuring the pressure on the arterial wall.
And so if magnesium deficiency is present, it increases the pressure on that wall because it causes a vasoconstriction or a constriction of the blood vessel.
So my point in saying this is if you're on the medicine to lower your blood pressure, but the medicine causes magnesium deficiency and magnesium deficiency, increases muscular tension on your vascular arterial tree and it creates an increase in your blood pressure.
You can't just go after it with a medicine and expect that medicine is somehow miraculously going to fix why your body is driving up your blood pressure in the first place.
Remember, elevations in blood pressure are a symptom of a deeper problem.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is strictly intended for educational purposes only. Additionally, this information is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Dr. Osborne is not a medical doctor. He does not treat or diagnose disease. He offers nutritional support to people seeking an alternative from traditional medicine. Dr. Osborne is licensed with the Pastoral Medical Association.