4 Confidence Building Action Steps For Introverts | Be Confident Even If Introverted | Self Belief

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Video Summary:

1:31 - Tip #1 Get out of your comfort zone safely
3:09 - Tip #2 Know your values
4:13 - Tip #3 Embrace change
5:23 - Tip #4 Be present

You're in the grocery store.
A beautiful girl catches your eye.
You start coming up with a million ways to say hello.
Your paths are about to cross.
She's walking by you right now, and....
The opportunity is lost.
What held you back?
Lack of confidence? Fear of rejection?

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Video Summary:

1:31 - Tip #1 Get out of your comfort zone safely
3:09 - Tip #2 Know your values
4:13 - Tip #3 Embrace change
5:23 - Tip #4 Be present


Introverts can be confident. It's a stereotype that we're not because we're more reserved than extroverts. Just because we don't talk to everyone in the room doesn't mean we're not confident. We step back and see who we think is WORTH talking to... it's a different mindset entirely.


Advice for Introverts.

Stop seeing life through other people's eyes.

Extroverts dont give a shit about what you think of them. They simply dont have time to take your opinions and judgement into consideration.

Remember, you are your own person. Everyone out there has their own goals and journeys on earth. dont let the opinions of others affect your life.

You need to start being selfish with your body. Always do whats best for YOU. Remember, the person you are going to spend the most of your life with is YOURSELF. always respect yourself and dont ever be scared to speak up.

The harsh truth is, once you lay on your death bed and reflect back on your life you are going to regret everything. How you let people walk over you, how you were afraid of their judgement ect. and then ask yourself the question, where are those people now???

was it really worth it to suffer your whole life for people that are not relevant?? for people that forced you to live life the way they wanted?

Be free!!!! Be happy!!!

Make 2016 a year all about yourself and not about the opinions of others.

(Note: Respect everyone, but dont let anyone disrespect you. And continue be the best dressed person in the room)


For me as an introvert, the best way to boost my confidence is to dress sharp. I absolutely feel awesome.


I'm an introvert when it comes to social interaction, but in my job I feel no barrier, no walls around, I comfortably interact with my colleagues and patients (i'm a doctor btw)


Don't leave your comfort zone, expand your comfort zone :D


being an introvert and socially awkward is even worse. even when I step outside my comfort zone I just come of socially awkward and people simply try to avoid me.


I'm an introvert, currently in my final undergrad year at uni. When I started the uni three years ago, I certainly lacked confidence, and now, I won't say I'm an extremely confident person, but compared to where I started my confidence has skyrocketed.

I feel that what helped me boost my confidence, is what Antonio mentioned in points 1 and 4: step out of your comfort zone, and be there. Last year I joined Swing Dance Society: on of university's many clubs. At the end of the year people who were on the executive commitee said that I should run in the elections to become society's secretary. At first I thought "Why would they ask me? I'm not that great of a person, it's probably for the best if I don't do anything too important so I don't screw this up". But then I realised, that they asked me maybe because I have some qualities that people see in me, that I don't. In the end I took part in the elections, and won the position of the secretary for the following year.

This year, I made it my goal to feel new people as welcome at the society as I was last year. Even though I still dread talking to people I don't know, I think to myself "Look, even if it is a little awkward, people will appreciate you coming up to them and starting a conversation". So I push myself every week to feel people welcome, and make them want to come back.

Ultimately, I definitley boosted my confidence by coming out of my comfort zone, and talking to other people: partly because I sort of have to, but mostly so that they have a good time at events I'm organising. Talking to strangers is a skill that needs training, and you become better and better the more you do it. Also, helping others in finding their confidence as dancers, showed me that there are stuff that I'm actually good at. And that is a massive boost.

If there's a message to be taken from this lengthy post (probably the longest on I've ever written), it's: go do stuff. Find a welcoming group, and get involved. Even if you're not the best, people certainly appreciate the effort you're making. And who knows, maybe you'll discover something you're really good at?


I have been pleaged with severe anxiety my whole life. Last year I set goals to overcome some of my biggest struggles. I accomplished those goals and now it's time to build up my confidence and take some more steps towards happiness. Thanks to people like you who understand the struggle and have made it out of the depressing self sabotage attitude.


Honestly, take acting classes. Even if your not going to be an actor. Often when you alread know what to say in your lines, it helps you get out of your comfot zone and helps you express yourself. Also, travel alone. you find yourself with your alone with your own thoughts and helps you define your identity.

The most valuable thing you can find on the street, is yourself. Take the opportunities mentioned. They should help you as they helped me


as a high school student the way I built confidence was joining my school's jrotc which really pushed me to communicating with other cadets and working as a team


Great video. I'm an introvert and what you say about an effective approach to women has rung true for me. When I was in my dating heyday, there were mostly two ways of getting involved that worked and one that certainly did not. The one that very rarely worked was just going right up to her and trying to dive straight into dialogue. The two that worked were when she approached me (pretty passive, I know) or when, as you suggest, I started small and slowly increased contact with her. I was fortunate enough to have some female friends explain why my direct approach wasn't working. "When you go up and talk to someone, you are very intense and they aren't ready for that. It shocks them."


This video really hit home, I grew up very introverted and gradually had to make a conscious effort to change. There can be a lot one misses out on in terms of personal relationships by being introverted, it helped me to emulate an extrovert I admire.


I would have never guessed you were an introvert.
In my case as an introvert, i surround myself with people who accept me as i am (my friends) and that helped me feel more confortable with myself and be more confident. Thanks to that, eventhough im a quiet person, im known for my public speaking skills. Introverts Rock!


I was a bit bullied in my young age because of my over kindness... So instead of stop beeing that kind to people, i used it to build up my self, and that's with building friendchips and be known for my kindness, and that built up my social life wich did grow up my confident... Great tips by the way, thank you!!!


"Be present" is the one that I must focus on most. I often find my mind racing during social interactions and I leave feeling like I didn't put enough in and didn't give enough.

Your son is lucky to have a father like you, Antonio. I'm a grown man and I've learned a lot from your videos.


I became an introvert as i became older. I am working on getting more confident, some of things that helped me are working out, doing small things that I don't usually do on my day to day basis, self affirmation, and dressing better. It's a hard and long journey but I believe i will become a stronger individual.


I am very introverted, which I have come to love about myself. This is a great video but I'd like to point out that shyness and introversion are two different things. Introversion is about being very internal and feeling drained when around people for too long. Introverts recharge their batteries through solitude and it's part of who they are. But shyness is a form of social phobia - i.e. afraid to talk to people. There are a lot of outgoing and sociable introverts.


My self-confidence came by just knowing what I'm good at and not needing to talk about it or get external validation, but when people asked me about a certain subject I would give my view and keep it at that. If you do that, people will start to notice that your silence just means that you don't feel the need to show off. Which is like self-confidence squared.


odd, I would label myself an introvert, but I don't a lack of confidents. I think that's more of a stereotype. I've been labeled shy, but in actuality I'm simply not interested in trying to mingle/chat with everyone I come across.
