Foster Care Child Placement Call - Watch to the end

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What a wonderful window into the world of foster parenting. Thank you for creating these educational, heart warming and enlightening videos.


I once had a black and Hispanic child from foster for many years.

since he was five, he would go back-and-forth from us to his family.

Then, one day he was being placed again and his mother called me to let me know; when I called the office to ask when I would get him, they said that I couldn’t have him.
They had change the rules, and because he was black he could not be placed in my white middle class home.
We’d had him for more than four years off and on.

That was the eighties.
I’m proud to say we never lost contact. My husband was his mentor. And on the day he married, my husband walked down the aisle with his mother.

We never stopped loving him through out our entire lives.
He has given us two wonderful grandchildren.

Oh about the black family he went to, he’d later said as a teen, they weren’t black.
I said, Johnny, they certainly were, and he said well they listens to ‘the breeze’.
That was the easy listening jazz station in anchorage Alaska. Lol.

He’s so successful today thirty years later you just wouldn’t believe it.
💪. 🎉.


I was In foster care. Always wanted to continue That cycle in my later life ya know. And seeing these, following you, even just from Mom perspective, is really, extra reassuring. Thank you for the good you put in the world. There can be a million haters but the 30 kids you make feel better on Their lives matters so much. To add a ramble; my foster mom still comes to every single bday and Christmas/holidays for my kids. My kids know Nana and I wouldn't have that same experience otherwise. And people like you make that difference for people like me. So thank you for the attentive growth opportunity you provide. Beautiful ❤️


My ex-foster parents (one, the last, of about 40 sets of foster parents and other placements I was in) had boxes of every size of clothes. I came into their home wearing clothes that were several sizes too small and I had shoes with holes in the toes and were worn through the soles. They allowed me to go “shopping” for an entire wardrobe. It still brings tears to my eyes to think of their kindness and attentiveness. They went through their entire savings to care for the kids who came through their home. They are still the only foster family I have kept in touch with…most I can’t even remember their names nor can I remember much of what occurred while I was there (which is probably a good thing). Watching your videos, I can tell that you must be a good foster mom. Keep up the hard work…it is SO worth it! You are making an indelible impact in their lives (in the kids who actually come into your home…even though that wasn’t what you were showing in this video), whether or not you realize it.


When I was 10 years old I was in foster care for a year and a half I met so many bad/abusive foster parents but there was one foster mom Sandra that was the most amazing patient and kind person. It's been 26 years since then but I will never forget her. I have a feeling you are that person for many kids.


People don't realize that it takes a STRONG individual to be a foster parent. It's such an emotional rollercoaster. Mentally prepping for them, watching them gets hard, but it's so worth it ❤ You already know, but you are doing an AMAZING job! The world is better for having you in it


My baby was in foster care and was adopted by her new family in 2021... thank you for showing me a new perspective on the system and the people in it. Not all the parents that loose their kids are bad either. God Bless you miss ma'am.


every one my foster parents were horrible. you give me hope. you truly deserve the whole world. Im every child that encounters you feels loved and part of a family. I'm sure you love those children so much. I honestly tear up at some of your videos because I wish I could've experienced something like this. I'm just so happy other children can be homed by you.


Yes!! After our kids went to college we were empty nesters and lonely so we fostered and adopted . The most rewarding, wonderful feeling in the world.


As a Social Worker who has to make these calls, thank you for being such an awesome and understanding person ❤️


You and your family are wonderful people. Thank you for giving children a safe place. 😇


Never thought of this happening. A lot to go through. Whew!


As a former, several times over, foster child, I would just like to say thank you. ♥️

People like you are amazing. I have so many regrets for how I acted toward my foster parents who are only there to show me the love and kindness and respect that I didn't get it home.


As someone who was in foster care, my foster mom was a lot like you and it was so wonderful. I miss that family so very much.


I know I'm only about 11 but I want to be a foster mom one day. It may hurt to let them go, but it's important. Kids need safe homes and environments. I would rather end that pain, even if I'm in mental pain. I'm more than happy to. Just wanted to put it out there.


Growing up, my biological parents opened their house as a foster home. It was incredible experience And I Plan on doing it with my own house. Your channel resonate so deeply with me! You are amazing!


As someone who suffered emotional neglect as a child, i really love watching your shorts and the amount of love you have for all your kids! There is a special place in heaven for you, but hopefully it'll be waiting for a long, long time! Much love from Oklahoma!!!!


From someone who has experienced foster care in their life, you seem to be one of the best. The only times I've ever been in foster care, it's been very bad experiences. Abuse. Neglect. So any kid that comes to you, is a lucky one. You seem very genuine.


The emotional roller coaster was so heartbreaking. You will continue to be blessed for your selflessness and kindness. ❤️


I love that you share the ups and downs of fostering. I also love that your main concern is about the children
