60-Second Soteriology: Do You Believe In Prevenient Grace?

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, briefly explains a Provisionist stance on prevenient grace.


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God made us all responders to His grace through the finished work of the cross. Amen!!


Love these 60-second soteriology videos! God bless you :)


I absolutely love these 60 sec videos. Thank you "Dr. Flores" 😬


The gospel is God's grace REVEALED so that we may TURN from the power of Satan unto God.
It is the GOODNESS of God that leads a man to repentance...the gospel is the goodness of God REVEALED...the truth has been MADE KNOWN, we are without an EXCUSE!
TURN from the father of lies and ACCEPT the truth...stop fighting against the truth, I know how exhausting it is...just submit and rest in it/him 🥱😴
We are saved OUT of the world THROUGH the truth and baptized IN the body of Christ then predestined UNTO the adoption.
God is building His kingdom out of Satan's kingdom...The body of Christ is getting fattened by the power of God's word!


Dear brother... I´m from Uruguay (South America) I would like to add Spanish subs to this 60 seconds videos... Can I do that? God bless you!


Great video! One thing thing I've always wondered (and this might be due to a misunderstanding of prevenient grace and total depravity) why would God make depravity the consequence of sin if he's just going to use prevenient grace to cancel it out?

It's like solving the equation x +2 = 5 by first adding 3 to each side to get x + 2 + 3 = 5 +3, then turning around and subtracting 3 from each side to get right back to x + 2 = 5. Why take the extra steps? Wouldn't it make more sense to make the consequences of sin something less than total depravity in the first place?


When we see God in Christ suffering in the hands of sinners, forgiving them without retaliation, we are healed, restored, redeemed, corrected in our understanding and perception of who God is, and what He really wants and sees for His children.


This guy makes roman catholics blush, yeah God made you a responder but the fall gave you a different nature, the thing is not whether this nature that you have is able to "humbly confess and acknowledge sin" the point is whether it is capable of repenting and believing which are two different things to "humbly admiting you are a sinner".


Can someone please show me where Arminius proposed that free will was lost in the fall, or damaged such that man cannot respond?
My impression is that the Arminianism commonly taught today is not what Arminius himself taught, in this regard. But I am willing to be corrected from primary sources.
There is no such thing as 'created grace', at all. Grace is God's offering of himself to us that we might participate in him directly. There is no such thing as a 'special grace' for this or for that. It is indeed the Grace of God that precedes all, and makes possible all that we may freely do, in that our very existence from moment to moment depends on his continued provision. But I don't see in the writings of Arminius that we must be changed from not having free will, to having one.


Herecy. You are dead in sin. God must quicken the man to make him capable to respond to salvation.
