Do You Believe God Ordains Sin?

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God forbids sin . Nowhere near not even close to ordain, and perhaps we are falling short of gods glory when we even suggest he permits. He SUFFERS or ENDURES is a long way from PERMIT. Was he pleased or grieved when he brought the flood? And in doing so… demonstrates that he is long suffering, slow to anger…


"God forces you to sin, and then punishes you for it" - James White


Words have meaning.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary = “ordain” = to establish or order by appointment, decree, or law.
Cambridge Dictionary = “ordain” = for God to order something to happen.


Solid as always.
Jesus is coming soon — preach Jesus, church!!


What Calvinists think they believe, what Calvinists claim to believe, what Calvinists want to believe, what Calvinists tell themselves they believe, about their pseudo-Christian theology *is 100% irrelevant to what ALL* properly educated, objective, reasonable people *must* conclude about the doctrines of Reformed Theology.


Let's be emphatically very clear, shall we?? The answer is LOUDLY NO we do not believe God ordains our sin!!!!... Sproul was borrowing OUR language and we do not concede to Sproul's messaging about God meticulously decreeing whatsoever comes to pass.. this short was not as clear as it should be... non-Calvinists and Calvinists do NOT agree on this issue... WE believe we sin through our own desire to disobey God which we have a choice to NOT DO, Calvinists, on the other hand believe we sin because God ordained whatsoever comes to pass, we can't NOT do it, thre is no choice for man in the matter, sin a product of God's decree.... Sproul might have *_wanted_* to jump the fence to redefine his terms but it is untrue and disingenuous for him to have pretended that in his systematic, m man has any "freewill" to NOT sin...


I am still working through it. But if all things are determined by the person of God. Surely the concept of Providence or "God's will" does not exist. In what way can a determiner of all things, have a particular will, as all things are willed. One may say " this is God's will, and the one doing other than that can say " this is God's will". The concept of will or Providence is rediculous for such a being


Praise God for His truth, truth will set us free.


If God did not ordain our sin, then it would be a surprise to him when we sin, God can’t be surprised!


0:49 “that’s OUR perspective!”
0:56 “RC Sproul EVEN ACKNOWLEDGED that ordaining can mean..”

In all fairness and honesty to RC Sproul and his memory, he was teaching this consistently from the beginning, long before you ever taught anything. Sproul never “acknowledged” this truth, he BOLDLY proclaimed it! Long before you came on the scene. You’re the one acknowledging, not Sproul.


I don't believe RC believes that view at all.
We say God permits sin. I think their view is that God does not PERMIT it but makes it happen. Their view says that God is sovereign to the point that nothing happens without Him controlling every atom, every motion, every possibility. They think if sin happens, God caused it to happen, thus ordains it.
This is a very different God displayed than that of the Bible. It is a sad day when the 2 sides cannot agree on the definition of "ordain". Holiness is out the window when that is the case for one side. All definitions must be watered down and obliterated from the Calvanist POV. They create a Word that is ever changing and undefineable, ergo... with any meaning at all.
Great video. ❤


Mark 3:25-26
“If a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. If Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but he is finished!”


R C Sproul does not!!!! Believe in free Will.. he believes we have the ability choose based on what we desire most. The Free Will you believe is choosing from a neutral position, which is impossible for man to do. Try it some time!


Do you know what Isaiah 45:7 is talking about?
Isaiah 45:7I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things


God ordains are sin, not by placing sin into the heart of man, but by ordering our natural desires. We are not as bad as we are right now because God restrains our depravity by his grace. When he removes his grace. Our corruption grows more ugly moment by moment. Because of our total depravity, God must transform our heats from a state of hating him to a state of affinity for him


This is a really deep question. Like in the beginning of times, before the world was, when God was planning to create it, did God have a different options to create different worlds or did He had only one way to go?
Like does God look at the world, sees all the corruption, pain and suffering and tells to himself "if i would create the world in a different way, this would never happen" or does God look at the world, at all the corruption pain and suffering and says "this was inevitable, there were no other ways to go".
I lean to believe the latter, that coming of corruption was a necessity, it has to erupt into existence and God himself could not make a perfectly functioning world without it.
Now what i dont believe at all is that God has no abilities to eventually fix and restore everything into the right order, no, i believe all corruption is finite and only God and God-likeness is eternal.


It all depends how we define sin. Sin can not simply be about doing bad things least the self-righteous have something of which they can boast. Even if I should feed all orphans and widows and the poor and have not Christ, I am still found to be in my sins, or more importantly separated from God. We sin because we are separated from Him. Notice even Adam and Eve only sinned when they were not with God.


Are this cuts from a longer video? Where can I find it?


I’m curious. How is 1 Corinthians 1:26 interpreted from a non Calvinist perspective? “Not many who are wise and noble are called” 🤔


God has declared the beginning TO the end and that includes good and evil
