8 Signs You’re NOT An Introvert, But A Shy Extrovert

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Have you always considered yourself an introvert but found that you don’t really fit into that description? Apart from being an introvert and an extrovert, you could be a shy extrovert. Curious to know what this means? Here are a few signs you’re not an introvert, but a shy extrovert.

DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational purposes and is based on personal opinions. This video is not a substitute for professional advice, but general guidance. We advise you to always listen to your intuition and always do what is right for you.

Writer: Chamae
Script Editor: Isadora Ho
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Aury
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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Oh my god. This is it. This is me. It's like you came into my house, knocked my trashcan over, scribbled all over the walls, and exposed my identity. Thank you, I understand myself a little more now.


0:25 You have no problems connecting with people.
0:58 You don’t turn down invitations to hangout.
1:35 You’re not bothered when the conversation gets silent.
2:20 You dislike talking to a large crowd.
2:55 You don’t mind some attention.
3:21 You choose your friends.
4:30 You crave to be liked by others more than the Average introvert.


Finally! Most people assume I’m introverted because I can be shy. But I usually hate being alone and I’m really easy going around most people. I definitely think I’m a shy extrovert


I’ve always defined my self as a shy extrovert but people didn’t know what that meant and whenever I explain how I like hanging around with people but not all the time they just ignore my explanation and say I’m a introvert. I was doubting myself maybe thinking a shy extrovert isn’t a thing but this video really helped me figure myself out more.


*it really just depends on what mood I’m in.*


People telling me I come across as so extroverted.
Others tell me I seem shy.
I’m totally an ambivert.
Cause I resonate with introvert.
But also extrovert.
Totally a shy extrovert.


Accurate description. Being a shy extrovert is the worst💀 i want to go talk to people i want attention i want to make friends and animate the group but i dont have the balls to, i live in constant anxiety when there are people i wanna socialize with cuz i overthink what they think of me. Im currently working on improving all of this but ya know it takes the time it takes ://


Your consistency and quality of content never disappoints!


It depends on the crowd, really. As long as it’s safe, uplifting, deep conversations, and feeling connected with my fave souls.

Small circle ⭕️ is my kind of thing.

Not really shy when I’m passionate about stuff or fave humans. 🥰


At this point, Idk who I am anymore. I've always thought of myself as an extreme introvert, but this video makes me question everything about myself. I love to chat with a lot of online friends (people who I interact with exclusively online). I met these friends through games and we chat about games all day long. And in the online world, I don't have any exclusive friends, rather I talk to everyone and anyone. In real life, I do have a close group of friends but I found myself attending board games events with strangers too to meet new people


1. You have no problems connecting with people
2. You don't turn down invitations to hang out
3. You're not bothered when the conversation gets silent
4. You dislike talking into a large crowd
5. You don't mind some attention
6. You choose your friends
7. You communicate with others regularly
8. You craved to be liked by others more than a average introvert


This is why I never rely on personality tests. I was found to be an introvert for years and couldn't relate to that, this is a perfect description of how I'm like. I guess I'm just a shy extrovert. Great video! ❤️😆


Hey YOU, incredible person reading this...The truth is you are confident and good enough already with who you are, where you are at and what you have right now to have the success you want in life. Don't let others define what “success” is for you. Get up, learn that skill and go after it! I believe in you so much! Have an awesome day! - Love, Nat ❤️


This actually cleared things up for me lol. For the longest time I felt like an introvert cause I'm known for being shy but I do like to go out for new experiences, heck a couple weeks ago I went to my first dance party and it was amazing. Tryna get out of my shell more really.


This channel is so good, like even the art style is cute, calming, but emotive all at once and makes the heavier topics easier to handle.


“You are stronger than you realize. You are more capable than you can imagine.”
— Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Oh yeah and can we just appreciate how much work they put into this? Just for us? That’s amazing. ❤️😭


Omg you put that feeling into WORDS and I’m so happy that I can finally end the years-long internal battle of what I am. Everything in this video is what I’ve felt for years. Thank you, Psych2Go. THANK YOU SO MUCH 💗


Yes, I finally get it now. I always thought I was an introvert, because I didn’t talk to a lot of people, but it isn’t like that tbh. It’s just that it’s hard for me to meet new people and become friends with them, but when I do, I talk a lot, and naturally. This video REALLY helped. This is literally me. Thank you!!


Thank you so much. I never thought this combination could even occur. You helped me understand myself a bit better
