8 Signs You're Just a Friend, Not Lover

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So, you like someone eh? Well, that’s why you’re here! …Or you’re just curious about future possibilities. After all, you never know what life might bring you! Perhaps you’ve had a long-time friend, and suddenly you start to develop feelings towards them in a new light? So you think you might be in the friend zone? How can you be sure exactly? Don’t worry my friend, we're here to help you out.

Writer: Michal Mitchell
Script Editor: Morgan Franz
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Chantal Van Rensburg
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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This is why I’m scared of love because I’m to scared of getting turned down and my heart can’t take anymore of those 🥺


You can't get friendzoned if all your crushes are fictional


General rule I go by: Always assume you are just a friend until explicitly told otherwise


Can’t be friend zoned if you don’t talk to people in first place.

Modern problems require modern solutions.


Don’t give up y’all. Turns out I friend zoned my future wife for 12 years lol met each other in middle school, friends through high school and started dating in college, and now getting married next September ❤️


Friendzone? Nah, not with us. We will always be on your side.


I've been friendzoned by this guy up to a point of him calling me "a friend". And what do you know, a few weeks ago we kissed and are happy together. He explained that he just fancied me too much and was too shy to show it in any romantic way, because he was afraid of rejection. To be fair, according to this video I was treating him the friendzon style too.. So don't be afraid to show your affection due to the fear of rejection. There are people with mutual romantic interest, who end up as friends just because both are afraid of rejection to the point of acting strictly friendly with each other.


0:50 "don't worry *MY FRIEND*"
man, friend zoned again


Me in my head: omg she loves me aaah

Shrek: _closes book_ *”like thats ever going to happen!”*


Take this video with a grain of salt. Was really close friends with a girl that we've been very platonic with. We were friends for a year and did tik every checkmark on this list that says we're just friends. After she get out of a multiple year relationship she would always tell me about the guys she was talking to. One of our friends made a joke how me and her should date and she said "That would be incest, he is like a brother to me". But I had developed feelings for her, didn't ask her out basically just let her know I fancy her. Things escalated and now we're dating. Turns out she had a thing for me as well, I asked her why she didn't show any signs at all and she said she was sacred since she believed I didn't look at her that way and was afraid not to weird me out and ruin things.


As I have gotten older I realized all my crushes I've had never really existed. They were people I have made up in my mind. I would day dream and visualize the person would be then realize sometimes years later of knowing them the thing I thought was so special about them was a facade.


When you only try to be kind but others think you're flirting


A common misconception is that the Friendzone is the worst outcome, but being in the Friendzone can keep you open for opportunities to meet the one you're looking for. And maybe you'll find that your crush just isn't dating material.


I have a friend-well, used to be a friend- who I thought was closer than they actually were. I was going through some stuff and they stuck by me, even though our classmates judged them for staying friends. They became the reason I didn't kill myself and kept fighting. I noticed things about them and trusted them more than anyone else. Little did I know, they were just being kind and didn't think of me that way. It's been a year since they actually really talked to me, but I still tell stories about them because they are such a big part of who I am. I miss them, even though they're still in the same general area. It feels like there's miles between us even though he's only two feet away.


I once visited a psychologist specialised in men, mostly in their thirties, who can't get sex or relationships. One of her main tenets was: forget the verb "to friendzone". You don't get friendzoned. You're doing that yourself. Certainly one of the main remedies, make your intention clear from the very beginning, is hinted at here already.




“what do you mean wtf”

*“Welcome to friendzone”*


8 Signs You’re in the Friendzone:
1) Only you show off your attractive qualities 0:57
2) They mention other people whom they find attractive 1:33
3) They don’t flirt back 1:57
4) You didn’t hint your attraction from the beginning 2:58
5) They don’t initiate touch 3:43
6) You’re always the one doing them favors 4:29
7) They always have a third wheel 5:06
8) Their attitude and language are strictly friendly 5:31

Don’t forget to watch the video for more information and subscribe to Psych2Go!


I think the thing a lot of people seem to forget is that relationships weren’t always “you wanna date? Yeah? Okay, see u Friday I’ll pick you up” our hustle culture has conditioned us to think that if it hasn’t lifted off by X amount of time it’s a wrap. There’s no such thing anymore as building trust over a long period of time before reassessing and deciding that a relationship is actually a good future for mutual friends.


love is so complicated... you can't go and say, " hey I like you. wanna go out." to a complete stranger... and if you befriend them, you fall deeper into friendzone...


Just another mind game I REFUSE to play
