Foster Care Bathroom Inspection Example

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Here is an example of a bathroom inspection for a foster care home. Note, every county and agency will have different requirements. Always ask your agency if they have a checklist for you to follow.

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Completely unrelated to foster care but as a pharmacist id like to say please don’t ever leave medication in a bathroom its too high humidity and so the medication degrades faster


I was in and out of the foster care system for most of my childhood. I remember one home where I wasn't allowed to bathe unless one of the families "real" children bathed first then I could use the dirty water. Not sure how an inspector counting towels would have caught that but it doesn't matter I never saw one anyway. I'm glad to know that there are people who actually care about being a good foster parent.


Those magnetic locks are great, thank you for showing them! I find external child locks so tacky and ugly but these are invisible yet effective 👌


I heard that some foster children can get triggered by white towels because it reminds them of hotel rooms so I’m glad you have towels of all different colors for them to use if they want.


I'm likely never going to foster. I'd love to but I'm not mentally able to nor anywhere near stable enough myself, even though I was fostered as a kid. I just love watching this content. Not only do I learn a lot, I actually put some of what I see into practice for houseproofing my space for my husky... I figure, she's as smart as a toddler... so anything toddlerproof, I do at home.


So, this is hard to admit but I am actually a foster child. I have been in foster care for 2 years now, I'm going to be adopted very soon. My foster mom ALWAYS makes sure EVERYTHING is safe. She follows these bathroom expectations very well and she has those locks on every cabinet containing anything that could be harmful. She also keeps medications locked up in separate cabinets (since me and my brother both take medication at night, and I sometimes take Pepto or Tylenol, we have to keep them in a place that won't be *too* difficult to get to).


I love that these videos exist so we can see the disparity between what should be and what is. In truth, most kids in foster care are lucky if they’re not getting beaten or SAed, so locked drawers kind of come second.


As a mama to a toddler i might need to look into those magnet lock openers 😂

The other child lock you get at Wal-Mart are flimsy and breakable🤦‍♀️
Never realized my toddler was that strong 😂


As the mom of a 32 yo son with Down Syndrome, whose also visually and hearing impaired, your tips are valuable for the safety and interaction for many children. May I also suggest you recommend to your followers using simple sentences, rather than compound sentences. You seem to in your videos, but I think it would valuable to point that out.... I often have to translate compound sentences to unfamiliar providers, and even sometimes his regular providers and they always thank me because they forget his comprehension and he sometimes just mimics what he's heard his parents say 💕 Loving your content

PS .. forgot to mention I use the magnetic locks too 👍 I also have to pass annual home inspections for my son to live in my home, as well as tri-annual background checks .. I wouldn't have it any other way 💕


Our goal is to be ready to foster for 2024 and these videos are so incredibly helpful ♡ thank you.


We don't have any foster children yet but my girlfriend and I are planning to foster teenagers (hoping that our home would also be the first pick for LGBT+ teens since we both know how living in bigoted households makes the already-there trauma worse) once we're stable ourselves, and I've already commented on several videos just because I love your work on here so much lol Now I'm on this one too to comment that I really like your magnet locks! They're not at all the blatant, punishment-feeling locks I've seen elsewhere so we'll definitely be getting those! Everything you said made sense for safety but I didn't even think about shampoos being on the floor as an issue or to check water temperature. Thank you for all of these!


I felt like i was in foster care because i was always pushed around in my family's household (I never stayed more than 2-3 years) because I was too much of a burden to the point where I nearly got kicked out to the streets. The relatives weren't the nicest people either, but they changed once they pushed me to live with my dad, now they act like they are angels. I was told I got CPS called on my parents at least 13 times. I'm glad what you do for others, makes me happy.


Honestly this is great if you have young kids not just foster care thank you for posting this


I love the magnetic locks! I have grandchildren who visit and they have all figured out most of the external “childproof” ones. Also, I love that you have a chandelier in your bathroom! Your videos are wonderful.🌸


Your video popped up on my homepage. I admire what you are doing for kids in need, and by also sharing helpful content for other future or current foster families. ❤


Do you have any suggestions or advice on foster care working with biological children? I have a toddler and my husband and I are hoping to foster as well. Just wondering how it may work balancing caring for the foster child’s needs, while also making sure my biological child does not feel sidelined.


Where do you put your feminine supplies if you have a child whose in need of them?


its amazing how much you need to do to foster a child because when you give birth to a child there really isnt anyone telling you, you have to make sure your water doesnt exceedd 120 degrees or anything like that


Actually, every parent or family member who takes care of a child on their house (even if just for some days) should do those things

Very useful channel 💕


Are home inspections something that’s new? I know a woman who was in foster that was made to sleep on the back porch 😳The fact you take the time to make sure you home is compliant, says a lot. There’s a lot of horrible foster care monsters out there taking advantage of the system and further destroying the lives of children.
