Afraid Ex Won’t Reach Out During No Contact

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If you are afraid your ex won’t reach out to you while you are using the No Contact Rule or wondering if they will, Coach Lee provides 5 tips on how you can alleviate your concern about your ex not contacting you. If you can stabilize your thinking, you will make things easier on yourself during this time.

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No contact is a win-win situation if you get out of your feelings and choose to see it that way. Either the person who dumped you (if it wasn’t a toxic relationship) will get their act together and come back, or you will meet someone better by the time you have healed and gone through NC. You must AFFIRM that goodness is on the way. BELIEVE that your ex was touched by your love, your kindness and your presence. That they WILL miss it once they’ve had some time to think and the buzz of breaking up wears off. If you believe this, they will feel it. We are all atomically connected. People can feel your energy just by thinking about you and if you’re living a full and healthy life during NC your ex will know about it just by thinking about you. Remember that.


“You don’t have to get your ex back TODAY to get them back” 👏🏾 👏🏾


Unless the break up was due to cheating or physical abuse, it’s almost certain your ex will eventually reach out but there’s no time frame so get that out of your head now. Every break up and situation is different, but if you were the one that was broken up with, go no contact, be patient and with time they’ll reach out. Coach Lee is correct.


I’ve lost the battle of no contact at day 23! Got anxious af, had no friends to vent felt like im about to burst so i called her up, got disrespected and she was super mean to me. I’ve decided to move on guys. Dont break no contact whatsoever. Peace. If you’ll need someone to vent or talk to I’m here .


It took 10 days. I was worried that he would not reach out, but I stayed committed to no contact. He reached out on day 10. We met up on the 20th and the 21st. We made it official again three days ago, and I am over the moon! We talked things through, and we determined what issues caused our breakup. We are back and stronger than ever. Thank you Coach Lee! You truly know your stuff, and your videos kept me strong and committed to no contact!


It’s been over two months with no reach out. I’m in no contact and with time passing I care less and less while getting stronger and working on myself. If it happens good but if not I’m still good. Thanks you coach Lee


Yes, exes do reach out after time. But be Very wary of their motivations. Usually, life didn't turn out as fabulous as they thought it would be without you, and so they reach out in a place of weakness and fear. Obviously, there are exceptions to this. Just keep on guard until you can figure out what the true motivation is


I believe that many of us here suffer from the Law of Familiarity. We need to learn how to be whole again. We once were on our own before our exes came into our lives. Our egos are to be blamed as to why we want to cling onto what we once knew. Having self awareness and being content with our own presence is something that is priceless and should not be overlooked. Right now focus on yourself, be a better you, for YOU.

“If you love something set it free, if it comes back it was meant to be. If it continues to fly, let it soar. God has something better in store”


The strongest negotiation stance is walking away and meaning it.


Please listen and hear this man! He knows what he is talking about. He gets you to a point where you don’t care if they come back! That is a powerful place to be. They (the ex) will come running, running over grandma in the process to get back to you. Just stop caring so damn much.


The hurt you feel in no contact is directly tied to the strength it demonstrates and the attraction it spikes in the other person. You didn't think you could do it? They probably didn't think you could either, which is why they find themselves re-examining you and reconsidering what they walked away from.


If you are reading this, please know that you are not alone and everything will workout just fine for you. Use this energy and go to the gym and focus on yourself. Remember you are in borrow time, do not waste it on someone who doesn ot appreciates u. My gf dumped me 3 days ago for no reason, and anytime her name comes to my mind I do 10 push ups.


This has been the longest and hardest month. So many times I’ve wanted to reach out but just barely winning the battle in my head not to. I’ve learned a lot about myself and have been doing the self improvement. I’m in the best shape i’ve ever been in and my social skills are getting back to where it used to be. Still it’s a struggle and it feels like a war in my head everyday. Gonna continue being strong.


Been 2 years, he never reached out, life goes on


No contact works. I followed everything in the Emergency Breakup Kit and my ex reached out after 6 weeks. He texted saying he missed me and was afraid that I had blocked him. Needless to say we’re meeting up at HIS request tomorrow.


Potential success story in progress: we broke up in August, she reached out 2-3 times since then but I never really let it go further from there because I didn’t think enough time passed. From September till about 2 days ago, she broke contact again. She agreed to see me. This was a 6 year relationship, our only relationship. Keep your head up folks


Walk away and never look back guys. She walked away and the likelihood she'll find happiness long term is slim. Now get YOUR shit together and move forward in your life. You don't need a woman to make you happy. That is a recipe for disaster. You must find happiness within. A good life has many ingredients but a woman is not one. You must pursue your passions and purpose and the right woman will come as a result. Be a man and realize what you have is freedom. Get your shit together and you'll find someone with theirs. Never ever go looking for a woman to fill you up. You must find that yourself because the minute you start leaning on her for support she will leave. You must be strong. Move on. It'll be awesome. You will feel better. Break the attachment by understanding it was an unhealthy attachment if you're feeling heartbreak.


I realized that I had wasted time waiting for someone to come back who was not able to give me what I needed, precious time that I could have used differently. So my advice is to give yourself a moment to accept this pain, it's hard, but you shouldn't waste time on someone who has done wrong.
Focus on you and what you love!


I think by now i am one of your oldest watchers. Who else has been doing nc and watching his videos for 21 months? By that time many people don't care about their ex anymore.


Brilliant! If you’re better yourself during no contact, losing weight, eating healthy, finding yourself, whether or not they contact you - it’s a win - win - win situation.
