Why China's Invasion of Taiwan Will FAIL

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In this video, we explore the possible outcomes of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. A closer look at the power structure between these two nations reveals that anything could happen. China has an undeniable manpower and resources advantage when it comes to military capabilities, but Taiwan puts up a strong defense led by their capable army. A Chinese offensive would come with heavy financial and personnal casualties, costing Beijing considerably in terms of resources for a prolonged period of time. Whilst a campaign of this nature may come with substantial national security improvements from a Chinese perspective, history shows that it is not something that tends to work out well for those leading the coast battle—in this instance, Beijing.

The videos are made by the same team that brings you The Infographics Show.

All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.
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Wow, I wasn't expecting a new channel from the Infographics show team.


I am not so sure China (or any other military) could take Taiwan is 3 weeks. IN WW2 the US Marines bypassed Taiwan on their Island hopping expeditions. They concluded that there simply to few places to land troops, all landing zones would be in range of artillery from the mountains, and the Marines would be at a huge disadvantage trying to make into the Island's interior due to the elevation changes. They concluded it was essentially an Island fortress. This was the conclusion of the most experienced amphibious fighting force the world has ever seen. China has no real world experience making amphibious assaults. Taiwan has been preparing for decades. The small landing zones essentially neutralize China's numerical advantage. Plus recent wars have taught the us that the invasion is the less difficult part. Holding onto something long term in the face of an insurgency is the harder part. I just don't see a scenario where China is successful. I think the saber rattling is more for the domestic audience.


This was a much better assessment than a typical infographics hypothetical.
I hope the channel stays rooted this way.


I watch all of your channels, I don’t know anything about geo politics, but I’m still going to watch cus somehow you still find a way to make it entertaining


*Japan just tripled their weapons production budget for the next 5 years. Things are getting real HOT For-Real!*


There's no way that China would only lose 100, 000 troops trying to take Taiwan. They have to sail 100 miles across the Taiwan Strait in relatively slow-moving ships. They'd be sitting ducks for hours from shore-based missles and artillery on Taiwan and from U.S. ship-based missles, submarines, and air power.


I watch every channel from you guys, happy to see another channel on a topic I’m interested in


I am from India and I support Taiwan 100%.
These guys are highly intelligent and make awesome Electronic gadgets. Asus, HTC, MSI these are my favorite brands.


You also forgot the involvement of India. They are already employing the "necklace of diamonds" to curtail China's influence in Asia. There's very little chance they sit out of the war if it means China has more direct influence in the Indian Ocean. And India is also massively building up their military power.


Good analysis as usual and I only disagreed with one part. While China would gain a strategic advantage by acquiring Taiwan, they would never get the semi-conductor manufacturing capability. That’s because Taiwan’s “self-destruct” mode would kick in. Maybe they would simply blow up all their own equipment before China could get it’s hands on the foundries.


Congrats on the new channel! Love the content, keep it coming 👊🏼


Also, Australia and been our brothers standing shoulder to shoulder in every war we have engaged in. We owe our brothers from down under to keep Taiwan free and democratic.


Excellent. Was just wondering if a GeoPolitics-specific channel would work. Great idea.


Japan is also building a FOB (Forward Operating Base!) near Taiwan, so they can re-supply ships (and troops) easier and have an "unsinkable aircraft carrier" near Taiwan! Funny thing about that is that Taiwan was once conquered by Japan and now wants this base!
Hell, India is doing the same, they are also building bases on islands closer to China (so that they can lock the Chinese Navy (PLAN) in - so they are strengthening that island-chain thing!)


I already knew they would fail because my 1 year old wheelbarrow has failed ball bearings already, which were made in china.


Fun fact about Taiwan:
1) Her constitution is based in large part by the Gettysburg address (government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.) since her founder was an admirer of Abraham Lincoln
2) The government that rule Taiwan is one of America’s most steadfast ally during the 20th century. She sided with US during WWI, She taught alongside Americans and British against Japan during WW2, alongside Americans in Korean, provided military support during Vietnam war.
3. She is a thriving democracy


If they move troops from Indo - China Border then it's our time to take revenge 😏


The phrase from Armageddon movie "American components, Russian Components, All Made in Taiwan" sounded super relevant now


China would not be able to operate the fabs that make the chips as they lack the technical expertise. The experts that used to be in China were all Americans. China hasn't been able to compete / make their own high end chips in the past 25 years! Also, the design for the high end chips that are made in Taiwan are designed in the US.

The reason to prevent China from taking Taiwain is for containment. NO ONE in their right mind wants China to expand into the pacific, to expand their influence around the world. China believes they are the center of the world and everyone should bow to them.
